Thanks bud, it was a surprise to me too! Thankfully the dogs didn't seem to notice them and I called them away from the den as quickly as I could, finished the walk, went home, ditched dogs, grabbed bud and camera and went back to try for a shot:shooty:[/QUOTE]

My land buts up to a HUGE National forest. I am surrounded by coyotes. I have never even got a nice visual on them like that. A daytime shot like that is RARE. The majority of the time if they are out during the day, they are separated from the pack or rabid.
Hey dogs
We got a new familie member, a small cat, my great dog is cool with the cat he dont want to catch her, but my small yorkshire wants to catch her.
I got much to do to help them to be friends.
The cat got his own room and for 1 hour a day they came together.
I let you all now how it works and post my experience and how i do it to integrate the cat in the pack.
cu tobe
I just found these pics on my cell phone.

This past Christmas our older lab was barking like she does when she wants to come in. I checked every door and I could not find her. Eventually I ventured into the garage and out to the driveway. While calling for her, I was able to zone in on her bark.

I came around the corner of the garage towards the front of the house and this is what I saw:

He does,he's a spoiled little dog,they are brothers from other mothers ,but they take care of each other Rosco is protective of Tito cause he is blind in one eye and has a leg that didn't develop right,he don't let it stop him from being a menace tho !!!View attachment 573595He just got thru killing a toyView attachment 573596View attachment 573597 he likes to sleep on his backView attachment 573598they both have their haircuts for summer,it was cold this day so he had a "onesie" on

You know what's interesting @budelee? I have seen pictures of Buds you have grown bigger than your dog..........:crying:

JUST RIPPING you dude.......She is cute as hell.........
beautiful dogs here theres a nice story to why we as a family (me the wife and oldest lad) got her we were trying for another baby must have been 6 years+ went through all the test the wife had some problems but nothing to stop her getting pregnant in my many internet searches on the subject I came across an article about how a new pet in the house can reduce tension and stop you being fixated on babys and so we got this one


that's cara at 10 weeks old and she became this beauty
2009-05-12 001 2009-04-25 003.JPG

and 18 months later we had a little girl and believe me this was the little terror to take your mind of children shes not with us now lost her 2 years ago to an enlarged heart but just before easter we were looking to get another dog but was looking at rescue dogs but with a small child under the age of 10 adopting a dog would be very difficult until one day at work I got an excited phone call from the wife saying she may have found a dog or 2 they were reserved for someone else who didn't turn up so we just kept going back to the shelter till the gave in ha ha and now 11 weeks later hooch and poppy are settling in well (eating everything not nailed down) and reading before about cropped tails that's just nasty we learned the hard way with with hooch he has a tail like wood and whips twice as hard still would never think of getting him cropped I would rather put up with sore legs any way here they are

poppy has seasonal alopecia and was on a diet but has now lost 4 kg and is back on normal dog food and hooch hes just nuts but love them to death already :pass:
You know what's interesting @budelee? I have seen pictures of Buds you have grown bigger than your dog..........:crying:

JUST RIPPING you dude.......She is cute as hell.........
Haha,that's funny and overly generous !!! The little dogs are a riot when they start bum fighting,they remind me of the two mischievous ferrets you see on movies...