Ha there you guys are..In all my life I don't remember not having a dog in the house.All the ones now belong to the wife and kids,but like they say ,mans best friend,the dogs flock to me when I get home cause I am their provider( I guess)...the first three pics are Magic one when she was a baby
right here was when I was between grows and she didn't have any leaves to eat....lol....
this is Tito,one on my daughters yorkies ,they are believed to be mill dogs,this little guy has a leg handicap and can only see from one eye
this is Rocco,the brother,they are inseparable ,both before their haircuts..now they are slick for summer(if it ever gets here)......Peace
Anton did a good job at the agility range last night.
Long time since he saw the slalom sticks, but at 3. attempt, he took 12 sticks as he never did anything else than exercising his slalom.
Tomorrow we go dog dancing. We are exercising a new routine for a competiton where the theme is work. We have a successfull routine where I'm dressed as the Bishop of Rome and Anton is my altar server. But I want to do something new so chose to make a new routine to Monty Pytons the Lumberjack Song.
Got any 'slick pics' ??
Hi @Chester here's a couple before I left to work this morning,they get sad cause everybody leaves to either school or work..ill post more this evening
this is Tito ,he likes to sleep on his back and snore
this is Rocco,he's on a mission
one more of Tito holding his little leg up,he had his first confirmed kill of a moth last night...Peace guys
This was the morning they went for the grooming ...and when they came home they look at each other like WTF....peace guys...Rocco is a little destroyer of plants...Tito is the one who does not enjoy his roughage...