
Boris the Bulldog and Mr Chops the Boxer. [emoji6]

Hi All, This was my little pooch called Zara.
She loved to go Camping & Fishing and was Great at protecting my bed from intruders although my Bacon used to go missing on a regular basis and she never saw a thing?
Sadly she passed away last August so RIP my little Angel xx
I have 5 papillons. Here is my boys, Isak and Anton.
Anton and I run dog agility and compete in dog dancing - HTM. They like my my wife and love only me. Anton preferes to stay in my lap all day long. Isak hates people. He bites to kill if anyone else than me and Her Ladyship try to touch him. I got him for free from the breeder, coz he has these issues with people... if I leave the appartment. He cries and is depressed until I am back. Later I'll show you the girls.

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PHOTO 1: Chance and Snickers

Chance; male lab, 120 lbs, 4 years old, rescue dog. 120 lbs and almost no fat. Chance is a thoroughbred athlete, MUSCLES, AGILE, CAN JUMP HIGH AND FAST. Chance was one year old when we adopted him. He has papers as full blood Lab. Previous owners cropped his tail, and SOMEHOW made a lab aggressive. We are working with him and he is much better; however if a stranger comes near our home, he still has some issues, he is guard dog status; let the chips fall. You can recognize his (uneasy) disposition in the photo, he is unsure of the camera.

Snickers; female Beagle, 2 years old, from breeder. I love Snickers, but I did not read-up on Beagles before I bought her for my daughter. DO NOT BUY A BEAGLE UNLESS YOU HAVE A LOT OF LAND. (I do)

PHOTO 2: Annie
Annie; female lab, 55 lbs, 9 years old, from breeder. Annie is one of the most docile loving creatures you will come accross. She could easily be the lab in the old microsoft desktop background "Old Friend." Most of the times when I see this image I am convinced it is Annie.

Photos are unusual. It is typically Annie and Snickers laying together at window.



Our Dog Cysco that is no longer with us. Passed at age 12, two years ago.
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Hi friends
I open this thread for all who loves their dogs. Please share some picture.
Tell some storys you got with your dog.
what you train your dog
and all the other thing from your best friend.

Have fun and cu tobe


I doubt there are many of us that do not own/love dogs. The two hobbies/loves seem to go hand-in-hand.
Here be Mojo. Lil' freak o' nature he is. Pug + Rat Terrier = Tug
Mojo doin' his "I am DOG" shtick

George the cat believes Mojo to be his own personal pillow.

Henry the cat can't get enough of smellin' the dogs butt.

Mojo loveslovesloves him a good bit o' stuffed panda.
Here be Mojo. Lil' freak o' nature he is. Pug + Rat Terrier = Tug
Mojo doin' his "I am DOG" shtick

Mojo loveslovesloves him a good bit o' stuffed panda.

All over our house and yard!!!! Poor Chance really likes his toys, he just likes them too much and they wind up looking just like panda. On a rare occasion he will find one he REALLY likes and resist ripping it apart for almost a week.

After destruction, he realizes what he did and gets a sad and confused look. He will then try and play fetch with one tiny piece like there is nothing wrong and said toy is "in tact."