So looks like 72 for a thermostat temp on my house is a little to hot for the basement rn.
Bumped it down to 70 because my tent has been sitting at 80. Now that the walls and floor of the basement have absorbed that heat it seems like its kinda sweltering in there now. Ive opened up another passive vent. To help slow down the air exchange a bit but left the fan set at 50%. Should be moving about 3x the tents volume in air per min.
Even though the temps have been high and I've been moving enough air thru the tent these rain science bags are holding on the the moisture for sure. My ac bag almost needs water again but all 3 rs bags are still good.
Thinking about letting the pots dry out quite a bit seems like I have gnats again in at least 1 pot. Ive only seen 1 to 2 adult gnats flying around. But I have a feeling with the rs bags holding onto moisture so well theres definitely larvae somewhere. So I may need to get some diatomacious earth soon.
RH has definitely took a hit, been moving my probe around the tent since Ive opened up that register in the basement and my rh has tanked to the high 30s low 40s, but shoots way way up at night to the mid 70s. So Ive added a humidifier and dampended off that register so its only open enough to keep the room a stable temp. Since adding the humidifier before taking a nap it seems to have climbed to the mid 40s and flattened out a bit, gonna leave it run during lights on and turn it off before work every night.
Plants are looking well. The stem above the 5th node on the watermelon and granite has stretched enough to top each easily, so I did. Was gonna let the granite runtz be but I figured what the hell Im not even a month in and Ive got at least 1 plus a little more to go so it cant hurt, also with the internodal growth coming in so heavy on the watermelon it seems wise to turn those into tops and see how much I can get out of that one. Peyotes nodes are stacked a little to tight right now, gonna wait a few more days to top them.
Bumped it down to 70 because my tent has been sitting at 80. Now that the walls and floor of the basement have absorbed that heat it seems like its kinda sweltering in there now. Ive opened up another passive vent. To help slow down the air exchange a bit but left the fan set at 50%. Should be moving about 3x the tents volume in air per min.
Even though the temps have been high and I've been moving enough air thru the tent these rain science bags are holding on the the moisture for sure. My ac bag almost needs water again but all 3 rs bags are still good.
Thinking about letting the pots dry out quite a bit seems like I have gnats again in at least 1 pot. Ive only seen 1 to 2 adult gnats flying around. But I have a feeling with the rs bags holding onto moisture so well theres definitely larvae somewhere. So I may need to get some diatomacious earth soon.
RH has definitely took a hit, been moving my probe around the tent since Ive opened up that register in the basement and my rh has tanked to the high 30s low 40s, but shoots way way up at night to the mid 70s. So Ive added a humidifier and dampended off that register so its only open enough to keep the room a stable temp. Since adding the humidifier before taking a nap it seems to have climbed to the mid 40s and flattened out a bit, gonna leave it run during lights on and turn it off before work every night.
Plants are looking well. The stem above the 5th node on the watermelon and granite has stretched enough to top each easily, so I did. Was gonna let the granite runtz be but I figured what the hell Im not even a month in and Ive got at least 1 plus a little more to go so it cant hurt, also with the internodal growth coming in so heavy on the watermelon it seems wise to turn those into tops and see how much I can get out of that one. Peyotes nodes are stacked a little to tight right now, gonna wait a few more days to top them.