New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

Day 26
  • So looks like 72 for a thermostat temp on my house is a little to hot for the basement rn.

    Bumped it down to 70 because my tent has been sitting at 80. Now that the walls and floor of the basement have absorbed that heat it seems like its kinda sweltering in there now. Ive opened up another passive vent. To help slow down the air exchange a bit but left the fan set at 50%. Should be moving about 3x the tents volume in air per min.

    Even though the temps have been high and I've been moving enough air thru the tent these rain science bags are holding on the the moisture for sure. My ac bag almost needs water again but all 3 rs bags are still good.

    Thinking about letting the pots dry out quite a bit seems like I have gnats again in at least 1 pot. Ive only seen 1 to 2 adult gnats flying around. But I have a feeling with the rs bags holding onto moisture so well theres definitely larvae somewhere. So I may need to get some diatomacious earth soon.

    RH has definitely took a hit, been moving my probe around the tent since Ive opened up that register in the basement and my rh has tanked to the high 30s low 40s, but shoots way way up at night to the mid 70s. So Ive added a humidifier and dampended off that register so its only open enough to keep the room a stable temp. Since adding the humidifier before taking a nap it seems to have climbed to the mid 40s and flattened out a bit, gonna leave it run during lights on and turn it off before work every night.

    Plants are looking well. The stem above the 5th node on the watermelon and granite has stretched enough to top each easily, so I did. Was gonna let the granite runtz be but I figured what the hell Im not even a month in and Ive got at least 1 plus a little more to go so it cant hurt, also with the internodal growth coming in so heavy on the watermelon it seems wise to turn those into tops and see how much I can get out of that one. Peyotes nodes are stacked a little to tight right now, gonna wait a few more days to top them.
    Day 27
  • Damn close to one month in and Im very happy with the way this run is going. I dont feel like I learned anything from my last run but I definitely did. Its exciting to say the least. Still absorbing more info from this run too.

    The only thing thats bugging me is the peyotes now. They are growing great, the thing thats bothering me is the .3 inch spacing between the nodes. These 2 are stacking up tighter than my caramel cream did. The leaves are getting gigantic too. Watermelon has bigger leaves but the peyotes are broad, much broader than what they show on barneys farms website, but that could be because of me. Its an indica dom strain. Pretty sure its a 90/10 but if these leaves get any fatter and thicker Im gonna have to start cutting them away so light can reach the bottom of the plants.


    Watermelon Zkittles

    Granite Runtz

    All 4
    Update day 27
  • So I didnt take a pic but I decided to go ahead and top my peyotes today. First one went great, second one, didnt realize how far into my sheers I was cutting but I took the top off....and the start of the branch at that node.....and the fan leaf right under it. Well I took that fan leaf off cuz I cut halfway through its stem. Ugh I hate myself right now.
    Day 28
  • So Im saying the one peyote I really chopped on when I topped it didnt even get phased by it. So thats great.

    Did a plain watering today. The granite runtz was really dry but them freaking rain science pots do not let go of water, even the one directly in front of the passive intake was still pretty damp a few inches down the side. Decided to water them anyway because after I watered the runtz they were very light in comparison.

    Gave the granite about 3/4 of a gallon Enough to soak the pot all the way through, it was light as air, surprisingly the granite is a trooper and wasnt droopy at all.

    Gave the watermelon zkittles a hair more than half gallon. Since it was still moist I just wanted to rehydrate the top of the pot and with it being over 3 days since they got any hydration I wanted to make sure she had something.

    The peyote that got the big chop I gave about 2/3s. It was lighter than both the other 2 but not as light as the granite was, and the other peyote I really only remositened the top, I saw roots starting to weave through the top of the soil so I just wanted to make sure they didnt dry out.

    Granite Runtz

    Peyote that got the heavy chop

    Watermelon zkittles

    Other peyote
    Day 29
  • Not much to report today.

    Defoliated a tiny bit the one peyote thats just not seeming to wanna stretch. Took off the mirroring fan leaf to the one I chopped when topping, figured get more light to the branches below. Also raised the light another 6 inches to see if it will help make the branches at the nodes stretch more because even they are stacking tight. The other peyote is behaving more like the watermelon skittles. Tighter stacking but its still no where this one. Oh well we'll see, even if she short and bushy shes still growing well.

    Also tucked some fan leaves on all 4 plants. Seemed to have misplaced my roll of lst wire so I ordered a new one. Hopefully they get here soon said 3 days but all of these photos stems are beefing up quickly so itll be hard to really train them down soon. I already think its a bad idea on the shorter peyote, its node branches are already half as thick as the main stalk! Ill try and get a pic but its hard to get everything out of the way to get a camera in there. I measured her and shes only 5.5 inches where the other plants are almost double that. And using 2 different par apps they both say its only getting 280-300 which I figured would be low enough to get it to start really reaching.

    This is the best shot I could get of the shorty peyotes branches. This thing is just a short beefy little thing.




    And the other peyote

    May have over watered a tad notice the tips are curling down hard today but there was also a heavy drop in humidity again I think the filter on my humidifier needs replacing. Even tho I only put distilled water in there it has started to yellow a bit and its not wicking as well anymore.

    Oh also before I forget nodes growing in on the watermelon are alternating already. That didnt start till nearly 2 months in on the caramel cream. Looks like the taller peyote is starting already too. Of course the granite runtz is showing already so it is also alternating but I figure thats not really unexpected.
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    Day 30 (1 month in!)
  • So today marks a month and I honestly couldnt be happier with the way everything is going.

    Havent had to do much of anything and the only problem I had was starting bottom watering too early which Im just going to skip this run anyway, until I get a better understanding of the most effective way to utilize the system. But I like the control you have over top feeding each plant individually and since Im not going to have more than 4 plants going at a time, at least for a while, it just doesnt seem worth it to me to get into automatic irrigation.

    So all 4 plants are looking good. Lst wire has shipped so hopefully its here by tuesday or Wednesday I definitely need to start training these 3 photos.

    Noticed that both of the oldest branches on the granite runtz seemed to have "topped" themselves. I say that because they both have split into multiple tops by themselves, not concerned at all, and Ive seen it once or twice before on other sites when doing research but never really seen anyone talk about it here but I also havent been looking till now

    So this is one of the branches that seemed to diverge on its own

    The one on the other side. Not a great pic but it looks like one of the chutes is going to split up again. Could be wrong hard to tell.

    Heres the whole granite runtz took pics with the grow light off and on to see how the color looks under more natural light.

    Watermelon zkittles

    Peyote with bad top

    Other peyote

    Not much else to report. Thinking about trimming away some of the oldest fan leaves on all the photos, they are all so big they are really making it hard to get into the pot and water without getting water all over them. Not a prob when just watering but with a feeding those spots fry up pretty quick and one of the leaves on the granite looks like a rusty washboard in the exact outline of the splash I got on it lol. So for the sake of keeping them leaves at peak efficiency imIm probably gonna do a small defoliation when I get my wire and start lst.

    Super excited to see how they flower out. Im almost getting inpatient/anxious. Also Im kinda going into growing this much blind. I have a rough idea about how big all these plants will get but I did some snooping around the forum to see if anyone else had grown granite runtz all the way through and I found one and it was bigger than my caramel cream when I chopped it down and it had to still be quite a ways away from harvest from what I saw, so canopy management is a concern for me. After they all start flowering, I think im gonna have to drop it to 12/12 before the granite gets harvested. And im nervous about putting some netting up because I dont want it to be difficult to move stuff around when the granite is ready to come out.
    Day 31
  • Got my rubberized lst wire today. Gotta say, I hate it. Should have just gone with the cheap twist tie stuff. Thought it would be a little easier to use have a little more rigidity, which it does, too much in fact.

    I traind all the lowest branches down and some above them but for right now i just wanted to open up that one peyote and train some leggy branches on the watermelon down.

    Speaking of the watermelon I just decided to snip that one branch with all droopy leaves. Left the mirroring side on. It appears the side I cut was no longer growing. While the ok side is growing slow its now 3 nodes ahead of the side I chopped so it just wasnt going anywhere.

    Did a little lst on all 3 photos, left the auto alone as the structure on that is beastly and does not need it.

    Once again I forgot to turn my resolution down so all the pics I took wont upload and I just spent 1.5 hours screwing around lst'ing so Im done going in the tent for today.

    Needless to say now that the watermelon is spred open it looks like so much less plant now.

    Seems like growth on the watermelon and my runt peyote has slowed down a bit, but that could just be me being home and checking it too often on my days off and just not noticing it because I am always looking.
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    Day 33
  • Got a little bit to report today

    Looks like some calyxs are showing up on the granite runtz auto. My phone wouldnt focus well enough to get a pic. So I'll just wait till they get bigger.

    Also decided to chop off that other 1st branch on the watermelon zkittles. The leaves were not perking up and all the fan leaves had become droopy yesterday and over the night. Nothing else is wrong with the plant. I think its very possible that I did dry out an area in my pot and the roots that fed those 2 branches are basically dead. The leaves were still a healthy green just no internal water pressure to give the leaves rigidity. When you touch the leaves it felt like silk, almost no texture to the leaves at all. Hopefully with the heavy watering I gave it hydrated 100% of the soil.

    I watered yesterday giving each pot a gallon of plain distilled ph'd water. What concerns me right now is the peyotes and granite all had run off after about 5 minutes after watering, so much on one I felt it was a good idea to dump the run off out so that it didnt wick it back up right away and waterlog the bottom of the pot. But the watermelon zkittles had none, I even poured the remainder from the peyote that had so much runoff I stopped watering it. It was probably less than .25 gallons but still no runoff whatsoever. Its a little concerning to me that my biggest plant, also the only plant Ive had to prune entire branches off hasnt had runoff once. I guess when I do a flush in a couple days I will keep an exact measurement off what I put in till runoff.

    The peyote that had the excess runoff is doing fine. My soil is draining very well. I think I will continue to use FFHF as a medium. Even though it seems to be the same blend as ocean forest. It drains better and is no where near as hot. Thinking it was the remainder of my OF that made it difficult for my seedlings at first. It seems like once they got to a certain size and used up most of the excess nutes from the OF they turned around pretty quickly.

    Took some pics but not of what I did. I realized during my last run if I stood in a certain spot and snapped a pic every day I can almost turn it into a flip book in its own photo album. Its kind of cool and a little dorky.

    Day 34
  • Did some research on afn to find out more about how to care for autos. I really liked the read "The Life Cycle of Autos", but this raised a question that was answered by @Dale's Proper Bud thankfully. Shout out. Would have fed for flower a little late if I waited till week 6 or 7. Shes really starting to skunk up my tent when I open the door. Think shes gonna be a pretty nice strain. Will be flushing with sledgehammer on all 4 in 2 or 3 days to add yucca and help make the switch on the granite. Probably should be feeding her already but I just gave her a plain watering yesterday so I dont wanna over do it.

    The 3 photos are all doing well, the 1 peyote is still a runt with really freaking tight node spacing, so that will be interesting when I make the switch to 12/12 in a couple weeks. Noticed that since I adjusted the light after downloading the photone app none of the plants beside the granite have alternating nodes anymore.

    Dont really know what thats about, but then again I didnt even know the nodes start to alternate till my last grow so obviously theres still more I need to research about cannabis physiology. Gotta thumb through my ed rosenthal bible again. Its been too long and I feel theres a bunch of info I didnt retain. Good thing I just bought if off google play a couple months back so I can read it whenever I have downtime.

    Trimmed some fan leaves off the taller peyote to give some more light to the lower branches. Insane to me how big these fan leaves are getting at only 4 weeks and a couple days of age. So much so I had to measure it. 11.25" seems astonishingly huge compared to the bulk of photos I see on here but that could just be how Im interpreting what I see. Looking smaller than they actually are.


    Top left, runt peyote critical
    Top right, granite runtz
    Bottom left, non runted peyote critical
    Bottom right, watermelon zkittles

    The granite and the watermelon are starting to take over their side of the tent so I think when I do my flush on sunday or monday Im gonna rearrange the tent and slide the taller peyote back, move the watermelon over to the left and bring that runt peyote up to the front where the watermelon is to even out the tent and give a little bit more side to side space for those 2, to widen out a bit more. And so I have more room to continue lst.

    Also will be defoliating most of the big ass fan leaves in the way a week or so before I make the switch to flower. Still on the fence about waiting till I see alternating nodes again or not. Once the stretch starts I dont wanna have my tent be over packed and have to trim whole branches to get them to fit nicely.
    Day 35
  • Not much to say.

    Im thinking maybe my humidity is way higher than my ac probe is picking up, at least in the thick of the leaves. Didnt take a pic but there was actual dew or just some kind of condensed water droplets on some of my leaves closest to the door. Probe was reading 48% when I opened the door, but it did climb to 52% while I was poking around and taking pics. 4% really isnt a big difference. Now that Im not using a net I have nothing to run probe through to get an accurate reading in the canopy itself.

    I did buy a 2 pack of the little stand alone temp and humidity gauges off amazon this morning. Wanna compare the 2 and see if its reading accurately.

    Other than that nothing else is new plants seem like the didnt grow taller much over night just all around bigger.
