New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

After plants reach a certain maturity the nodes will stack instead of being directly in line with eachother. I have a photo from my last run. Ill dig it up and post it when I have time
Day 35
Not much to say.

Im thinking maybe my humidity is way higher than my ac probe is picking up, at least in the thick of the leaves. Didnt take a pic but there was actual dew or just some kind of condensed water droplets on some of my leaves closest to the door. Probe was reading 48% when I opened the door, but it did climb to 52% while I was poking around and taking pics. 4% really isnt a big difference. Now that Im not using a net I have nothing to run probe through to get an accurate reading in the canopy itself.

I did buy a 2 pack of the little stand alone temp and humidity gauges off amazon this morning. Wanna compare the 2 and see if its reading accurately.

Other than that nothing else is new plants seem like the didnt grow taller much over night just all around bigger.

Not much to say.

Im thinking maybe my humidity is way higher than my ac probe is picking up, at least in the thick of the leaves. Didnt take a pic but there was actual dew or just some kind of condensed water droplets on some of my leaves closest to the door. Probe was reading 48% when I opened the door, but it did climb to 52% while I was poking around and taking pics. 4% really isnt a big difference. Now that Im not using a net I have nothing to run probe through to get an accurate reading in the canopy itself.

I did buy a 2 pack of the little stand alone temp and humidity gauges off amazon this morning. Wanna compare the 2 and see if its reading accurately.

Other than that nothing else is new plants seem like the didnt grow taller much over night just all around bigger.

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I did think of one thing I forgot to add about a week back.

The peyote that I butchered the top on has grown 1 main top again the branch shoot that I didnt clip took over and I will have 1 main center cola again when I flower out.

However, the cutting of the top did help push node growth a bit. Stacked tight as hell but it didnt make her bush out slightly. Now that the main top has fully formed I think it is going more toward main stalk vertical growth now which is fine with me. Hopefully it starts to stretch out a bit. Im really worried when I flower her its going to be one giant clusterfuck of buds in kind of a bunched mass.
Day 36
So much to tell today.

Watered last night, all 4 pots were DRY.

Didnt do a sledgehammer on the 3 photos just plain water till runoff.

Measured the amout of water it took to get about 10% runoff on the watermelon, its about 1⅓ gallon. Decided to not do the flush because I prewatered and they all took the water well. Sank straight in.

The peyote runt took about 1.25 gal and the taller one actually took less at about a gallon. They all had pretty similar amounts of run off and Im positive this soaking saturated 100% of the medium because all 3 photo pots were heavy AF!

Did do the sledgehammer flush on the granite runtz auto. Theres a little less medium in that pot. It was the last of what I mixed up so I flushed her with about 1.75 gallons and 3.5 tsp on sledgehammer. I also added 1.5tsp of ff boomerang to add the essential nutes back in. Run off on this one was substantially more for obvious reasons. Close to 30% actually but she took it like a champ, and Im glad because she was the driest out of all 4. Also flushing seems to have fast tracked bud production. As all tops have started forming their first budsites.


Thats the best pic I could get. It was hard to focus on them.

The overall tent is looking crowded as hell since 2 days ago. This heavy watering seems to have triggered a big boost in growth speed. Probably just the right balace of temp and humidity for maxium transpiration.

As full as my tent looks. I took a hight measurement of all 4. The granite is the tallest at 17" tall. Watermelon is just over 15" tall. The runt peyote is only 10" tall and the taller one is about 14".

Im gonna let them go 1 more week. Maybe 2 and go to 12/12. Thinking maybe only a week and a half. Enough to get one more veg feed and a couple plain waterings to help rinse what they didnt use and switch to flower nutes. I know they are a tad immature but its about a 65-70 day flower on all these photos and the granite will be done long before any photos. So theyll have plenty of time to stretch and bulk up.

Will be doing a minor lollipopping on the photos before switching the light and the granite runtz might be getting one in the next couple days...tho the structure is nice and light is reaching all the way to the soil. All the way around the pot.
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Was trying to train a couple of the upper branches of my taller peyote. Ended up tearing the branch at the main stem slightly. Sure it'll be fine. Basically right at the knuckle (or whatever its called), basically pulled a sliver away from the main stalk. My fault completely guess I made my wire hook just too short. As soon as I bent the other end around a gussets I felt it give slightly.

Too hard to get a pic but it doesnt go past the flesh of the plant, all the internal veins are untouched. Took the wire off and let it stand naturally. Keeps the tear closed. Sure it will develop a knob there now and that branch might stunt a is what it is.
Was trying to train a couple of the upper branches of my taller peyote. Ended up tearing the branch at the main stem slightly. Sure it'll be fine. Basically right at the knuckle (or whatever its called), basically pulled a sliver away from the main stalk. My fault completely guess I made my wire hook just too short. As soon as I bent the other end around a gussets I felt it give slightly.

Too hard to get a pic but it doesnt go past the flesh of the plant, all the internal veins are untouched. Took the wire off and let it stand naturally. Keeps the tear closed. Sure it will develop a knob there now and that branch might stunt a is what it is.
This may sound very cliche but every mistake I’ve made gave me even more confidence in the next grow. And not so much in that I know how to fix the mistake but the fact that the plant always continued to thrive through my mistakes. Lately the more I experience the hardiness of this plant the more confident I am in my experiments with defol etc. Your plants are looking great man :cheers:
This may sound very cliche but every mistake I’ve made gave me even more confidence in the next grow. And not so much in that I know how to fix the mistake but the fact that the plant always continued to thrive through my mistakes. Lately the more I experience the hardiness of this plant the more confident I am in my experiments with defol etc. Your plants are looking great man :cheers:
I like that too. This whole grow is a big confidence booster. My last one was basically a disaster from start to premature hermied finish. Wasnt my first time growing weed, did that when I was younger and super half-assed. Never really harvested anything either. But never had issues like that plant gave me.

Think it was a mix between bad genetics and me overdoing everything. Took a step back this grow, feeding the same amounts but less often, more plain waterings and less intense light and this whole run is a 180° turn from my last so far.

That plant really turned around in flower though, till I left my basement lights on all night....thinking about getting a intake fan so I dont rely on passive airflow for that though. Less giant holes for light to get in lmao.
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