New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

Day 8 of photo flower day 48 of grow
Not really saying anything more of a pic update

Granite Runtz

starting to get its first coat of trichomes finally. Plant doing extremely well. If you got these seeds its well worth the grow. Very hearty and low maintenance.

Peyote Criticals

the peyotes have started stretching, and both have multiple pistils coming out of calyxs that are visible now and most nodes have at least 1 large visible pistil

Watermelon Zkittles

This one is also REALLY stretching it is almost the tallest plant now. 28 inches tall at the beginning. Shes gonna be big. The granite is 30" exactly. Shes probably not gonna get much taller either.
Photo flower day 10, day 50 of grow
So 50 days in on the auto. Not sure how much is left. Im guessing 20-30 days. Buds are really starting to pack on and space between nodes is really starting to vanish. So I can say with certainty the stretch is over and its full on bulking time now. Coat of trichomes really coming in now. Also bracts lower on the plant are completely covered.


As for the other 3 girls the stretch has definitely set in. Watermelon zkittles is the same height as the granite runtz. Tall peyote is really stretching. And the short one, though obviously the smallest, is qt least 2 times the size it was 2 weeks ago

Getting too crowded

Current conditions of tent. I know the vpd says its high but dont even bother with that. Never took the actual leaf temp. Probe is in the top 3rd of the granite.
Screenshot_20221227_074350_AC Infinity.jpg

Trying to get an accurate humidity reading in there so I am aware of any bud rot or mildew but with the air so dry I dont think I have anything to worry about
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Flower day 11, 51 of auto
Watered on early monday morning, pretty much right after the lights came on.

About a gallon to each.

Had to water the granite runtz, expectedly, but the tall peyote REALLY needed it and of course the watermelon zkittles needed it as well. She was BONE dry. Gave both a gallon of plain water again today, and the smaller one I topped off with 1/4 gallon, pot was still kinda heafty, just wanted to use the remainder of the open gallon I had.

Next watering will be a full dose feed for all of them as well. Ive noticed some of the newer leaves on the lower branches on all 3 photos are pretty yellow/green and the fully formed leaves around them arent getting any darker, may be because of lack of light at the bottom of the canopy but Id rather be safe than sorry. Also I think the granite could handle a full feed now.

One thing I questioned today is if the tent is gonna big enough for for the watermelon. Right now, 11 days into flower and she has already started creeping up. She is 31 inches tall at her tallest branch. She was about 26 inches at the start of flower. So 5 inches in 11 days....she has at most 25 inches till shes in the danger zone for light intensity and 30 inches from physically touching the light.

My light is at the very top of the photo. Its approximately 2 inches from the highest it can be. Exhaust filter is the only thing keeping it from being maxed.

Even though the granite is a sativa dom auto. If it gives me any clue to how much a basically 50/50 hybrid will be. The watermelon will eat up 75% of that space easy. Shes been leaning more towards the sativa side on traits. Good amount of spacing between nodes, thinner leaves than the 2 other indica dom strains Ive grown so far.

Im hoping to god the granite is done long before the 3 photos start packing on weight. i have 0 strain info, so if anyone reads this and knows where to find mutant genetics granite runtz run time that would be awsome.

I may get a tent and exhaust kit for drying purposes then later on buy a light and convert it into my photo tent. Im really liking my experience with autos so far but I love photos. I also wanna get into breeding and making my own strains so getting a bigger tent within the next month seems like the way to go
Photo flower day 12
So I measured the distance between the watermelon and light again today and Im not joking when I say Im down to 23-24 inches left. So another 2 inches of growth in 24 hours. Took a little risk hanging the tape measure but it worked.

Also I noticed the granite is still getting bigger as well. Her and the watermelon are neck and neck.

Forgot to take pics but pistils are popping up all over the watermelon zkittles as well now. So shes finally getting in the full swing.


Some pics of the granite to finish this entry up
So I measured the distance between the watermelon and light again today and Im not joking when I say Im down to 23-24 inches left. So another 2 inches of growth in 24 hours. Took a little risk hanging the tape measure but it worked.View attachment 1550885View attachment 1550886

Also I noticed the granite is still getting bigger as well. Her and the watermelon are neck and neck.

Forgot to take pics but pistils are popping up all over the watermelon zkittles as well now. So shes finally getting in the full swing.

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Some pics of the granite to finish this entry up
I totally forgot to add the fix. Took ratchet hangers out and hanging light with hangers on crossbar
Photo flower day 14.
Today is the 2 week mark on the photo girls, and day 54 of the auto.

Watered the photo girls today. Did the auto yesterday. The photos got the week 7 or the 2nd week flowering feed and I cant really figure out where the auto is exactly so I just put her a week ahead. Also a full feed.

Decided to defoliate a litte this week and will do the rest next week but it was starting to get crowded. Also got rid of the lowest 2 branches on the watermelon. They were also the 1st 2 and oldest but they never kept up with the canopy so I said bye bye. Also the growth at the top was yellow and droopy.

Didnt take many pics. But overall I think things are looking good. Measured the watermelons distance from the light and in the last 2 days she hasnt growm much. About 2 inches. The feed might change that but I still have about 2.5 ft in space before she hits the light. Plan on super cropping the tallest branches when they are within 15 inches.
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Plants are looking great bud :cooldance: I'd say 4 weeks at least left on that auto. You might have to come up with a plan to lift it so it doesn't get shaded out by the others... I think you'll have enough height, but you don't need to supercrop until they're pretty much touching the light. LEDs won't burn em unless they're right up on it. You can also put your filter on top of the outside of the tent if you've got room. Also maybe move it to the front since it's gonna be done 1st and it'll give you better access to inspect it. Vpd is off because your humidity is low, but better safe then sorry when you're into flower
Plants are looking great bud :cooldance: I'd say 4 weeks at least left on that auto. You might have to come up with a plan to lift it so it doesn't get shaded out by the others... I think you'll have enough height, but you don't need to supercrop until they're pretty much touching the light. LEDs won't burn em unless they're right up on it. You can also put your filter on top of the outside of the tent if you've got room. Also maybe move it to the front since it's gonna be done 1st and it'll give you better access to inspect it. Vpd is off because your humidity is low, but better safe then sorry when you're into flower
I was thinking about putting my filter outside my tent but my light is as high as it can get unless I found a way to get rid of the hangers which would only give 2.5 more inches max. Thanks for the confidence boost. This grow and my last are a complete 180 from eachother. I was thinking about putting a small stand in there for the shorter peyote critical, but you are right, the stretch has slowed way down on that plant and just started on the other 3. Im gonna have to pay closer attention next go around and flip my photos a little earlier until I get better at lst. Started a little late with these and most the the branches were too stiff to really train by the time I got my lst wire.
I was thinking about putting my filter outside my tent but my light is as high as it can get unless I found a way to get rid of the hangers which would only give 2.5 more inches max. Thanks for the confidence boost. This grow and my last are a complete 180 from eachother. I was thinking about putting a small stand in there for the shorter peyote critical, but you are right, the stretch has slowed way down on that plant and just started on the other 3. Im gonna have to pay closer attention next go around and flip my photos a little earlier until I get better at lst. Started a little late with these and most the the branches were too stiff to really train by the time I got my lst wire.
I've dropped a trellis net over the top to push everything down. Pretty stress free but makes it a pain in the ass to pull plants out when they're done. Anyway, keep doin what you're doin :vibe:
I've dropped a trellis net over the top to push everything down. Pretty stress free but makes it a pain in the ass to pull plants out when they're done. Anyway, keep doin what you're doin :vibe:
I was thinking about it for this one but I wanted to be able to move everything around. And I didnt wanna have to unzip my whole tent to defoliate stuff in the back. I think next time Im gonna limit my 3x3 to 2 photos if Im gonna veg them for longer than a month.