New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

Flower day 15
Happy new year.

Tent is still looking good. Had some dead leaves to pull on the granite. Lowest leaves, only about one or 2. They were ready to come off, as soon as I touched them they fell.


Granite is getting more and more incredible day by day. All the tops exposed to light and even some shaded ones are rock solid, and sticky as hell and the smell is skunky and gassy and sweet all at the same time.

The rest of the tent is looking good too. Honestly I thought Id open the tent up to some massive growth on the 3 photos but from the looks of the tops they are starting to really spit pistils out like they are focusing more on bud production than stretching right now which is awesome. They grew but only about an inch which is 1/3-1/2 the height it was putting on daily over the past week or so.

Happy new year.

Tent is still looking good. Had some dead leaves to pull on the granite. Lowest leaves, only about one or 2. They were ready to come off, as soon as I touched them they fell.

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Granite is getting more and more incredible day by day. All the tops exposed to light and even some shaded ones are rock solid, and sticky as hell and the smell is skunky and gassy and sweet all at the same time.

The rest of the tent is looking good too. Honestly I thought Id open the tent up to some massive growth on the 3 photos but from the looks of the tops they are starting to really spit pistils out like they are focusing more on bud production than stretching right now which is awesome. They grew but only about an inch which is 1/3-1/2 the height it was putting on daily over the past week or so.

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Update. I took a PAR reading with both the ppfd app and photone app after realizing I never did after moving tge light up. At 80% power my average was 380-400ppfd. Guessing thats why everything on the photos slowed down. Bumped power up to max and now its about 550ppfd across the board.

Helped with temps a bit too, moving the light so far away dropped the average during lights on to 68-70f. Now after it being on for a few hours the temp has risen to 72-73 and hasnt really moved from there.

Bumped up the extraction fan to 70% too. Light is almost completely blocked by the canopy on the passive vents so I figured airflow would be too.

Bumped up the 6" fan to 40% and have it point flat over the canopy. Figured this would help pull heat down from the light and fresh air in through the vents and push it to the further corners of the tent.

Here is a readout of tent conditions over the past few days. As well as current conditions
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Im not sure why the peaks are so sharp but if you look at it in 15 minute intervals theres never more than a 2-3° flux in temp and and most 10% rh but never gets above 58 and 35% was the lowest but that was when I let my pots completely dry out and it took over 1.25 gals per pot to saturate. Though now that the tent is filled out even more and everything seems to have slowed down a bit temps and humiditys have gotten much closer to the desired ranges with the light where it is at full power.
Got my digital microscope today and played around with it.

Lemme tell you, do not think these things are just point focus and shoot because it takes forever to line up a decent shot. Also requires a stand or base with a flexable arm thats pretty sturdy. This is the best shot I could get today, took about an hour to get, and was hair pullingly frustrating to get.

Everything else looked like this
Flowering day 17
Had to water today.

The shorter peyote isnt really drinking the water up much anymore but otherwise shes completely fine. Put her and the granite runtz on some risers so they werent so shaded. Took to it well so far.

Gave each besides the smaller peyote a gallon of plain water today. Smaller one got 2/3s. Till they were all about equal weight. Little runoff with each but was mostly wicked up by the time is was done.

Watermelon zkittles is now about 1/4 of the way up the bottom of my tool pouch in my tent. The top of it is about 3/4 of the height of my tent.

This pic is the only one I took of the whole tent today. As you can see they are packed tighter than sardines.

The watermelon is the one outside. She had a bunch of pistils at the growth chute on all the tops and they are giving off a faint artifical watermelon scent to them. You really gotta get up close though.

Peyotes are visually as far along as the watermelon. No real scent to anything yet. They are both really reaching for the light but now it looks like maybe they will start showing their first real buds soon, along with the watermelon.

Heres some pics of the granites colas and the tops of all the others
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Photo flower day 18
Day 58 on the grainte runtz. This is gonna be a fairly large post.

Hoping theres not much more than 20-40 days left on this auto, but holy hell is she liking being closer to the light. Ive been so afraid of causing light stress that Ive been trying to stay on the low end of the intensity at 670ppfd max. Dead center on the plant at the highest part is 655, but I havent really been taking dli into account.

Thinking about putting the ratchet hangers back in and leaving them topped out. I know the watermelon will keep growing but for the sake of the auto I might just raise the ppfd to 800. That would give her about 40dli. Which is still on the low end of the dli for an auto so I think I will be safe. Will be doing this right after the post to see how she takes it over my 4 days off. Hoping she likes it.

Gave her a gallon of plain water today as well, she has transpired her pot completely over the last day and a half. Thinking watering the photos yesterday put everything in the right range for optimum vpd. Humidity was at 51% when I checked in this morning and temps were hanging around 71-72. She had been putting on some bud weight daily for sure though. Pics will be at the end of the post as there will be a lot.

Photos are all doing phenomenally well. The watermelon has slowed down the stretch substantially, where as the 2 peyotes are still creeping up. The tall one is just about neck amd neck with 70% of the watermelons canopy so and the shorter is at the bottom of the watermelon canopy, well the main cola that reformed after the horrible topping job I did. The rest of the plant is definitely still way below everything else.

Thinking about getting a 10" step stool to bring her up a bit and get light to all the tops. Some of the lowest branches are becoming pale and even yellowing a bit. Thinking the plant isnt getting enough light so its pulling nutrients and sugars from the lower branches and sending it to the main top that reformed, because it is just on beast mode. So much taller than the rest of the plant.

Granite Runtz Auto

Didnt do any real lollipopping or shwazzing to this plant as I wanted to see what it was like letting one grow pretty much natural except for the top and some defoliation to open up access to the pot to water. Will not be doing this again, lots of larf underneath all of this which is fine for this run. Will add some total yield but some of it is pretty yellow and its probably not gonna have much potency.

Watermelon Zkittles

These are various tops. They are all spitting out pistils and I can even see small calyx formations in between sugar leaves. So she will definitely start putting on buds soon.

Broke a branch on her the other day, chose not to upload the pic as I just found out I can only have 15 attachments per post.

the last photo is the top on the tallest branch. Seems like this one is getting all the go juice from the stretch period.

Peyote Critical 1+2 (taller first)

This girl was my fave of the 2 in the beginning and as veg went on the shorter was turning into my favorite. Now its this one again. I can already tell these 2 main tops are going to be 2 gigantic colas. Fingers crossed the potency comes with it.

It was more about total yield with this whole grow rather than potency. Yes, of course I want to get high, but right now I don't mind having to smoke a bunch to get to the level I need, as long as I have enough to last me through my next grow, but this girl, if she produces as much as I think, and is as strong as she possibly could be I will be elated.


This is the shorter girl. Shes chugging a long but developmentally a little further behind than her taller sister, but thats expected, shes too far away from the light. But putting her 6" closer seem to help a lot just in one day.

Not much to say about her. The main top is looking phenomenal. Super thick sturdy stalks and stems on both of these 2 girls. Pretty much mirror images of eachother as far as structure. Both have thrown mutated leaves, where one of the longest fingers of a leaf will be a fraction of the size its suppose to be. Its an oddity and I feel like its definitely something anyone will see growing this strain, but with that said the watermelon zkittles threw a leaf that was exactly the same, but only one. There are dozens on between the 2 peyotes.

couldnt add a photo of the whole tent. Maxed attachments lol. Thanks for stopping by.
Flower day 21, 61 of entire grow
Not much to say.

Yesterday I fed the watermelon. Checked the other 2 photos and they still had some water weight to the pots.

Today they were pretty light though so I fed both of them as well. Full feeds

Was scrolling through fox farms website and realized my feed schedule is out of date. Not much difference but reduced tiger bloom for flowering from week 5-7 1tsp/gal instead of 2 and adds calmag thru most of the grow attaching both. Used the newer but didnt add cal mag, no issue in that department right now.

Older schedule
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Newer schedule

Anyway photos are starting to bud out so thats cool.

Added a 5" riser to the taller peyote, put the granite runtz on a 6" riser and left the shorter peyote on the same 6" riser. The granite is really liking being closer to the light but moving her up created more shade around her so I lifted everything but the watermelon, canopy is really even now

Took some lights off shots of the granite

Thats all for today.
Pic update
Bored today so I took some close up shots of the plants today

Starting with the granite then the last couple are the peyotes. Didnt realize my resolution was set too high when I was taking pics of the watermelon.


First couple pics may look hazy but I found out I had a smudge on my lens cover
Bored today so I took some close up shots of the plants today

Starting with the granite then the last couple are the peyotes. Didnt realize my resolution was set too high when I was taking pics of the watermelon. View attachment 1553576View attachment 1553577View attachment 1553578
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First couple pics may look hazy but I found out I had a smudge on my lens cover
I just realized I never included my new light intesities after putting my ratcheting rope hangers back in

Light is set at max power and height, watermelon zkittles is getting about 750-800ppfd, the shorter granite runtz is getting about 550-600ppfd, the taller is getting about the same as the watermelon and the granite is getting about 850-900 at 12 hours a day thats still under 40 dli. Its been 2 days since putting the ratchet ropes back in and all 4 plants responded really well so far. Helping some of the larf on the granite get a little more dense as well, only the stuff that was still exposed to direct light just now getting it much more intense. I would say adding the riser and putting the ropes back in doubled my par, and my dli and she still seems like she wants more.
Day 23 photo flower
The photos are going off with a bang at 3 weeks in

Both peyotes are just stacking up and the trichomes are just pouring out on these 2. The watermelon is stacking up nice as well but its moving a little slower than the other 2. Strange as its got the shortest flowering time according to the breeder.



Had to water the watermelon today. Surprisingly I think on the next watering Im going to add some sledgehammer to get some yucca in there. Pot started running off at about 3/4 of a gallon so I think I have some hydrophoc pockets developing. Gave her a whole gallon and letting the wicks take the runoff back up. Hopefully as it percolates down and soaks in it will wet those areas a bit.
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Day 24 of photo flower, day 64 of auto
So it looks like the trichs on the granite runtz are starting to mature, sugar leaves have pretty much all cloudy and about 5-10% amber and still some straggly clear ones. But the buds are still about 90% clear.

Not great pics, bottom is a sugar leaf and the top 2 are different buds. Its REALLY hard to take a clear shot by hand, but I think the granite runtz will be coming down within the next 10-14 days. Which means I need a bypass shears relatively soon or Im gonna be sawing it down.

Good thing too will open up the tent for the 3 photos and I can really get to work reorganizing and slowly prying open all 3 photos.

Super excited to hang my first harvest for drying though, been almost 1 year on afn and Im finally getting to my first harvest and I dont like tooting my own horn but goddamn I dont think I could have done any better on this one. She will definitely be getting final defoliation photo shoot because in my opinion shes gorgeous.

Also has some purple coming in on some of the main colas. Not much though. Hopefully as the last week or 2 roll on, it will turn more, be nice to see some purple on the buds, but in no way am I complaining.