New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

Day 37
Ok so a lot to say again. Pots were light as fuck again when I went in the tent. Is been 30ish freaking hours since I watered them.

With that said I stuck to my plan.

Fed the granite runtz a reduced flower feed. I gave 3/4 the recommended dosage per gal and gave her 1.25 gallons. Just started running off at that point. Also lightly spread the branches open with some lst wire and defoliated a bit more. Not quite schwazzing but close enough. That will be it till the end of the grow for that one.

Gave the other 3 a regular veg feed. Just a gallon each split between the 3. If they keep wicking up water like this I may have to get a RO system to make water cuz my tap is gross. Pretty heavy runoff on the tall peyote and barely any on the other 2.

Heavily defoliated the 3 photos to prepare them for flower. Almost schwazzed these guys but left a decent amount on each.

Also rearranged the tent how I said and the granite runtz and runted peyote are now on the same side, and the tall peyote and watermelon zkittles are on the left side now. After the defoliation it seemed like a better layout to give the granite as much unshaded light as possible.

Took some canopy and upskirt shots of each to show the structure of each and what Ive defoliated. Some of it is older and was hard to get at without knicking everything so thats why some are chopped longer.

Heres the total defoliated mass of leaves.

Watermelon zkittles


Tall peyote


Runt peyote


Granite runtz

Forgot to get a after defoliation pic of thos one but needless to say shes happy.

Whole tent

Since I havent updated conditions in a while


Day- 73-75f
Night- 67-69f


Day- 50%-58%
Night- 55%-62%

Lights are at max height and set to 80% power. No ppfd taken but it should be right around 400-450 18/6 by the end of next week or start of the week after I will be flipping to 12/12 and increasing the light to 100% power.
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Day 38
Was poking around in my tent and noticed my photos telling me stuff today.....they're saying we are ready to flower.

All 3 photos have pre-flower hairs. So I will be giving it 1 more week from yesterday in veg light conditions but will be making the flip next Wednesday to flower. Then the countdown for this grow really begins.


These are both peyotes. The watermelon zkittles are just starting to come in. Also the nodes that formed in the 2 days have begun alternating again so I think they are all screaming we're ready!

Already got plans for my next run. Thinking about doing 1 photo and 4 autos. Though Im not sure which yet. Thinking the photo is gonna be barneys farm tangerine dream. Suppose to get pretty big but its also suppose to be a heavy yeilder. Then I was thinking maybe my other 2 granite runtz and those fast buds lemon pie. Thinking about doing the autos in 3 gallon pots though and maybe even getting a 7 gallon, or 1 of those 6.6 gallon honor bags though so I can really max my veg time on the photo, and let the autos get close to finishing before I switch the photo over...thats all up in the air rn tho, still a long way to go yet.


I was able to find some good spots to get some preflower pics on the watermelon zkittles. Also I know its probably been done before but since there are already preflowers all over the place over the next week I will be gradually dropping my light schedule down to 12/12.

Gonna do 2 days starting today at 16/8 then 2 days at 14/10 and then finish it off by the end of next week at 12/12. I wanted to try this in 1 week intervals to see if it kept the stretch to a minimum helped in any other ways. But im sure theres not gonna be much of a difference.

Anyway heres the pics of the preflowers I got

Took a pic of the tent too, the granite is definitely still stretching....that little girl is pushing to be taller than the runt peyote critical when it finishes.


Since the watermelon is the tallest photo at 20", I tried to get a level canopy shot to show just how much taller the granite has gotten over the last 2 weeks. According to the tape measure shes a whopping 27 inches tall rn and I think shes still going....thats almost 10 inches in 9 days....I wasnt expecting this, but its welcome if the buds fill in the gaps.
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Day 39
So Im gonna ask for a little input here because the yellowing on the granite runtz is concerning. Not really yellowing but the new leaves that have come in are taking forever to turn green.

The only conditions I can give

Watering with distilled ph'd water. Ph'd to 6.2-6.3

Fed her 2 days ago with a slightly reduced flower feed. Normal fox farm week 5 soil based flower feed at 3/4 strength. Which should be plenty of everything.

1.75tsp of big bloom
1.25 tsp each of grow big and tiger bloom
No flower kiss as its really not necessary.
.75 tsp of boomerang, microbe, and kelp.

Its a pretty balanced blend thats just heavier on P & K.
So it should have enough food and water, and I did a photone scan around the plant and on average its getting about 435-460ppfd. Temps in the low 70s lights on and 68-70 at night humidity is 47%-58% day and night. Been rock solid since the canopy filled the tent.

Here she is if its normal just say so Im just unfamiliar with auto growth. Its budding and stretching and its all unfamiliar lol.

Lights off and on.

The 3 photos are doing great. A bunch of new nodes since I lollipopped which is what I wanted. Needed more budsites on the runted peyote critical. Otherwise I feel like its gonna not produce a good yield. Maybe potent but I feel like it wouldnt have a lot of weight.

These are lights out on each with just camera flash.


Gave each photo about .75 gals of ph'd water today top couple inches was dry and the pots lost more than half their weight. No runoff. I want them to eat up as much of that last veg feed as possible.

Gave the granite about 1.25 gals ph'd water. She was light as hell again. There was about 20% runoff though but I left it down in the saucer as it seems to be transpiring pretty rapidly.

Cannot wait fow 12/12. This next week better go by fast.
Day 40
Not much to say here, plants are doing good, the 16/4 cycle seems to have spurred some overall growth as I seem to have lost the floor of my tent under these plants. Tomorrow I start the 14/10.


Nodes are just popping off on the watermelon zkittles though. Since a week ago today it has 5 new nodes on each branch all alternating all with preflowers showing.

Temps 74°F
Rh 53%
Day 41, start of flower on photos.
Decided to make the switch today to flower. These girls are just getting too big.

Tent was looking good when I got home but once again these girls are sucking up their water at incredible rates. Also temp plummeted outside so air is just dry as a bone.

Gave the granite 1.5 gallons with about 10% run off. Gave her another 3/4 dose feed. She is really starting to bud out now and Im hoping the stretch is just about done. Its almost her 3rd week in flower so I lollipopped and took off all fan leaves below any bud sites that have any kind of flower whatsoever. Also took out a bunch of fan leaves from the middle so most bud sites are getting direct light.

The 3 photos were also in need of defoliation. They all seemed to explode in the last few days. Even the runt peyote grew 3 more nodes since the last defoliation. Gave them each a full flower feed and trimmed up to about the 4th node on the peyotes and the 5th or 6th node on the watermelon zkittles

Not quite a schwazz. But close enough. Let the fun begin

Heres the canopy after the defoliation....not a noticeable difference
Day 2 photo flower, day 42 of grow.
Plants enjoyed the watering from yesterday. Standing tall today.

Was worried I overwatered the granite runtz, drooped pretty heavily a few hours after the watering but over night sucked up all excess and is fine today. Took some pics of the budsites as the pistils are really starting to pop up now, so it seems like bud production is more underway now

The 3 photos were probably thirstier than this girl though. Their pots actually feel like they lost some weight overnight, and with the water retention on rs bags I doubt it was mostly because of evaporation.

The watermelon being the biggest was the most droopy when I watered but shes definitely not droopy anymore, all 3 seemed to respond well to the flower feed so far. Was worried Id have the beginnings of toxicity showing as the last veg feed was only 4 days ago and I only watered once. They were probably hungry though as they are healthy but I have noticed that they really really grow and perk up right after a feeding and since Im only feeding once a week its a noticeable change.



Also that orange hue is coming back on the peyotes, the runt much more than the tall one. It does not come thru on pictures at all but in person oldest leaves have an orange sheen to them. Almost like a iridescence. Did some hunting around and noticed it looks like there are some definite pheno varieties. One of them would be a joy to see as it had blood red leaves and beautiful greenish purple buds. Im pinning a pic from seedfinder to show, cuz words dont do this justice

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Day 3 of flower (day43)
A little bored at the laundromat so I thought Id make a post.

Was a little worried I overwatered the granite runtz as it was very droopy yesterday but I checked in about 2 hours after lights off because I slept in today, and now its fine

3 photos are doing good as well. Some of the preflowers have multiple pistils but other than that not much change

I have a feeling once the watermelon zkittles really gets into the 12/12 its gonna really stretch out. All the pics on the breeder site and seedfinder show a lot of internodal distance but also has buds that fill the gap, surprisingly its also the shortest average flower time at 63 specifically said 63 days on the breeder site...most of the others look rounded like 65,70,75,80, or 90 days except this one. So I have a feeling it flowers and finishes pretty quickly.

The peyotes have a 70-75 day flowering time so hopefully everything goes well. Would be nice if the all finished within a day or 2 of eachother.
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Day 4, 44 of grow
Not much to say. Bottom of the tent was pretty dirty today. Now that the girls are so big, I usually take them out 2 at a time and water them outside the tent and put them back in.

This time however I noticed the bottom of my tent was pretty gross. Bunch of water was trapped under the saucers from splashing and what not and way more dirt than I would have guessed.

Girls really needed water. Soil was so dry it had become slightly hydrophic. Took a few seconds for the first watering to sink down. Which reminds me. Ive been watering a lot differently than my first run.

All I have been doing is checking the weight of the pots daily by lifting them. If they are super light I water to saturation. Feeding once per week during veg, but I think as flowering progresses Im going to be doing 2 feeds per week, as they will most likely need a good watering almost every day. The granite runtz is almost there already

Didnt take any pics of the dirty vs clean tent. No one needs to see that but I did take some pics of the plants unrestricted outside the tent and some under canopy shots
Photo flower day 5 (45 of entire grow)
So came home from work to more explosive growth. Had to defoliate to relieve some of the lower branches from stress.

All the leaves around the outside of the bottom of the canopy were completely flat up against the edges of the tent. Some were completely twisted and folded up so I got rifld of what it could and kinda bonzai'd my plants in a way that made them so they werent so smashed into the sides and door.


This is after a bit on the watermelon had to step back and see of it made a difference and no. So I kept going

The only plant I didnt touch was the auto. Now that its really starting to slow down on the stretch and starting to pack on buds Im trying to stress that one out the least.


This is the watermelon zkittles. Not the best job in the world but 70% of the defoliation was this plant if that says anything. Its still rubbing up agains the door and left side wall a bit but the other plants have more room and access to light now.


This is my taller peyote critical. Looks a little barron from underneath but its got a decent canopy. I decided to chop on this one a bit because some leaves had windburn from the passive vent over there.
Lung room and tent are actually way different. Basement is about 7 or 8 degrees hotter and around 62% humidity max. The tent us staying in the low 70s and the rh in the low to high 40s. But the leaves by that passive vent were tacoing downwards a bit and clawing down so I took some off to allow the air to flow thru that plant easier.


This is my little squat peyote, which I should say is now my more favorable one. Its a little beast and its only about 2-3 inches shorter than its sister now ao its catching up. I trimmed a couple leaves on the inside and around the outside so it wasn't pressing into the granite runtz as much.

Now they all fit a little better and hopefully the will start stretching up and stop growing outward lol.
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Day 7 of photo flower 47 of grow
So did a lot in the tent today, or what felt like a lot.

Plants needed watering again, and have now reached a stage where they are consuming different levels of water. Also for some reason even though both passive vents are open the left side pots are drying out more, but they are bigger. The granite is guzzling water. Pretty much daily watering that one now.

All 4 got a full flower feed, the granite has had 2 full plain watering since her last feed and the others have had one but I decided to see what 2 feeds in a week will do to them. Almost out of water too.

Cold snap here has dried the air to a bitter crisp. Rh in the dead center of my auto was a staggering 25% average around the tent was 27%. Turned the thermostat for the house down to 69 so it runs less often. Also turned my humidifier back on and have it pumping directly into the tent. The watering has help raise the humidity a bit too. Right now its up to 37% but I doubt it will get much higher.

Also was able to train the branches down a bit more. Kind of a catch 22. As the tent is packed and the plants are already tight on horizontal space. But training some down move things in a way that the now overlap almost like a puzzle. Still brushed up against eachother but it seems better.

I also rotated the granite 180 to put the side thats trained flat like the wall it was againt, is now giving my bigger peyote a little more room.

Also pistils at the nodes on the peyotes are really coming in but the watermelon is a slow starter I guess. Still looks pretty much like preflowers. Very small white hairs on pretty much every node. But the peyotes definitely look like they are moving along faster.