New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

I use Photone also and I have an otter box so I’ve always assumed it’s not perfect but it’s not gonna be way off either. I’m clueless to the science of lighting which is why I asked, I go by the plants but refer to the app for an official number for notes for future grows. I always like to see and ask what other guys are doing.
Oh I use the ppfd meter app. It was much more stable before I got my new screen protector, ever since then if its not perfectly level the readings fluctuate ALOT so I just use it to get a general idea.
Day 25
So just to try something out I dialed back my lights figuring my ppfd app was reading low and I definitely think it was. I had the light set at 50% and set about 28-30" above the plant. Yeah I think they were getting way more light than they could process. Its only been one day set at 30% and they have ALL perked up substantially.

This is why I need a real quantum light sensor lol. I was probably getting way more than the 500ppfd on my photos and more 625 on my granite runtz.

Hopefully after tomorrow they will be praying again.

Also to make things easier Im probably only going to defoliate the granite runtz and do a little lst to keep the buds breathing well.

Was thinking about doing the same with the watermelon zkittles, or doing 1 top and letting it go from there. Im sure it will need some pruning down the way but from what I can tell theres not much phenotype variation on it and it already has the same structure as the photos on barneys website.

The peyotes are going to both get topped though, those 2 are suppose to be the plants that produce smaller buds so Im gonna want as many bud sites as possible. But Im waiting till the 5th node is a little more developed, I feel like if I try right now it will be a fimming instead of a top.
Day 26
So looks like 72 for a thermostat temp on my house is a little to hot for the basement rn.

Bumped it down to 70 because my tent has been sitting at 80. Now that the walls and floor of the basement have absorbed that heat it seems like its kinda sweltering in there now. Ive opened up another passive vent. To help slow down the air exchange a bit but left the fan set at 50%. Should be moving about 3x the tents volume in air per min.

Even though the temps have been high and I've been moving enough air thru the tent these rain science bags are holding on the the moisture for sure. My ac bag almost needs water again but all 3 rs bags are still good.

Thinking about letting the pots dry out quite a bit seems like I have gnats again in at least 1 pot. Ive only seen 1 to 2 adult gnats flying around. But I have a feeling with the rs bags holding onto moisture so well theres definitely larvae somewhere. So I may need to get some diatomacious earth soon.

RH has definitely took a hit, been moving my probe around the tent since Ive opened up that register in the basement and my rh has tanked to the high 30s low 40s, but shoots way way up at night to the mid 70s. So Ive added a humidifier and dampended off that register so its only open enough to keep the room a stable temp. Since adding the humidifier before taking a nap it seems to have climbed to the mid 40s and flattened out a bit, gonna leave it run during lights on and turn it off before work every night.

Plants are looking well. The stem above the 5th node on the watermelon and granite has stretched enough to top each easily, so I did. Was gonna let the granite runtz be but I figured what the hell Im not even a month in and Ive got at least 1 plus a little more to go so it cant hurt, also with the internodal growth coming in so heavy on the watermelon it seems wise to turn those into tops and see how much I can get out of that one. Peyotes nodes are stacked a little to tight right now, gonna wait a few more days to top them.
Day 27
Damn close to one month in and Im very happy with the way this run is going. I dont feel like I learned anything from my last run but I definitely did. Its exciting to say the least. Still absorbing more info from this run too.

The only thing thats bugging me is the peyotes now. They are growing great, the thing thats bothering me is the .3 inch spacing between the nodes. These 2 are stacking up tighter than my caramel cream did. The leaves are getting gigantic too. Watermelon has bigger leaves but the peyotes are broad, much broader than what they show on barneys farms website, but that could be because of me. Its an indica dom strain. Pretty sure its a 90/10 but if these leaves get any fatter and thicker Im gonna have to start cutting them away so light can reach the bottom of the plants.


Watermelon Zkittles

Granite Runtz

All 4
Damn close to one month in and Im very happy with the way this run is going. I dont feel like I learned anything from my last run but I definitely did. Its exciting to say the least. Still absorbing more info from this run too.

The only thing thats bugging me is the peyotes now. They are growing great, the thing thats bothering me is the .3 inch spacing between the nodes. These 2 are stacking up tighter than my caramel cream did. The leaves are getting gigantic too. Watermelon has bigger leaves but the peyotes are broad, much broader than what they show on barneys farms website, but that could be because of me. Its an indica dom strain. Pretty sure its a 90/10 but if these leaves get any fatter and thicker Im gonna have to start cutting them away so light can reach the bottom of the plants.

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Watermelon Zkittles
View attachment 1542839

Granite Runtz
View attachment 1542840

All 4
View attachment 1542841

:drool: ... Day 27 and rocking it - they look much happier now!

So Im not sure I like how these wicking bases are working.

I think they were a bit young at that point and maybe not put down enough roots or root density! I turn my bottom feeding on at about day 20 when the leaves reach the edges of the pot (but your pots look a bit bigger than mine!)

Rocking it!! :d5:
:drool: ... Day 27 and rocking it - they look much happier now!

I think they were a bit young at that point and maybe not put down enough roots or root density! I turn my bottom feeding on at about day 20 when the leaves reach the edges of the pot (but your pots look a bit bigger than mine!)

Rocking it!! :d5:
Thanks, I appreciate it.

They are all 5 gals, the square one in back is suppose to be 5 but if I fill it all the way it takes almost 7, thats why it looks so empty compared to the others.

Someone else also told me to wait till the leaves reach the edges of the pot as well thought they were close enough. Tbh though I think Im just gonna stick to top watering till I get a little better at seeing what my plants do and dont need. Keeps things less complicated.
Thanks, I appreciate it.

They are all 5 gals, the square one in back is suppose to be 5 but if I fill it all the way it takes almost 7, thats why it looks so empty compared to the others.

Someone else also told me to wait till the leaves reach the edges of the pot as well thought they were close enough. Tbh though I think Im just gonna stick to top watering till I get a little better at seeing what my plants do and dont need. Keeps things less complicated.
They look great - i'd stick with what you're doing!! :d5:
Update day 27
So I didnt take a pic but I decided to go ahead and top my peyotes today. First one went great, second one, didnt realize how far into my sheers I was cutting but I took the top off....and the start of the branch at that node.....and the fan leaf right under it. Well I took that fan leaf off cuz I cut halfway through its stem. Ugh I hate myself right now.
So I didnt take a pic but I decided to go ahead and top my peyotes today. First one went great, second one, didnt realize how far into my sheers I was cutting but I took the top off....and the start of the branch at that node.....and the fan leaf right under it. Well I took that fan leaf off cuz I cut halfway through its stem. Ugh I hate myself right now.
That's called a FIM. Some people do it intentionally. Don't sweat it :thumbsup:
So I didnt take a pic but I decided to go ahead and top my peyotes today. First one went great, second one, didnt realize how far into my sheers I was cutting but I took the top off....and the start of the branch at that node.....and the fan leaf right under it. Well I took that fan leaf off cuz I cut halfway through its stem. Ugh I hate myself right now.
It's still young! It'll probably turn out fine - and who knows - you may have discovered the latest High Stress Training methods for hefty autos! :D