New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

Looking good man I’m in for the ride. I can dig the excitement of coming home and seeing growth every day once they‘re getting their groove on. The first 7-10 days is brutal haha.
Thanks. Im just hoping I dont screw up the photos like my last run.
Im hoping I did it right, ph'd the soil and it came in on average at 6.2, my probe tester isnt the greatest, if the testing liquid I bought is accurate. It reads .2 low on the acidic end snd about .1 high starting around 9.0. So I filled the bases with water with feed ph'd at around 6.5. I figured as it sits and wicks up slowly through the soil its going to drop slightly so by the time the plant starts sucking it up, which I think it is already because the saucers are almost empty, it should be around the 5.8-6.0 range. Kinda low but if its gonna be constantly wicking I figured it would be better to be a little lower. Plants seemed to like it though.

I just wanted to throw an update about about the reservoirs. Idk if the watermelon zkittles soaked up the water in the 12 hours its been there. I gave each one about 2/3s of a gallon and the peyote in front right next to it was getting close to being dried up. But the 2 in back are only half gone, prolly a little less. The pots do feel a tad heavier but not like when I topwater the same amount. Just to be safe I gave it another 1/4 gallon of plain distilled water. Im thinking its a 50/50 evaporated/wicked up. The plant is a little perkier than it was so Im sure water got to it Im just a little shocked that in 12 hours almost a full gallon of water disappeared.
Week 3
So Im not sure I like how these wicking bases are working. I understand some are going to empty faster than others but the 2 in front have gone through 2 gallons each in 3 days, which leads me to believe that it's more evaporating than anything.

Idk if its their position in the tent, just getting more air, or maybe its warmer by the door by alot, but Ive been moving my probe around and its really not much different from what my ac app is telling me.

The RH is low, like mid 40s, so it could just be evaporating, but that doesnt explain why the other 2 in back 2 days to soak up what I gave them. The front ones I have "topped off" 3 times, each time giving it 1/3 of a gallon and each time it was gone in 3-4 hours.

I let them sit dry most of the day today, until the back 2 dried out fully before I gave them all 1/3 of a gallon more.

If I keep doing this I may just go with the ac bases at least then the res is more inclosed, and it can fit more water in it. With these I can only fit about 1.25 gal in it before the bottom of the pot is sitting in water. I did some volume calculations of the saucers I was looking at and these grated style risers are only 1.5-2" tall so its hard to find a container that works well. These 16"×1.75" saucers were the best I could find and and I can only fill them 3/4 which is a touch more than 1.25 gallons.

Im also not sure if I should be letting these run dry or not, Im assuming no which is why Ive been topping with distilled water so I will definitely be looking at a way to make the reservoirs deeper. Im thinking about looking at some kind of round tupperware I can set risers on. Its the only thing I can think of that isnt limited by the risers 1.5" feet. If it sits IN anything it'll just be an auto pot I have to fill lol. So instead of the headache searching for the perfect container I may just go with the ac bases, they hold 3 or 5 gallons each ands 60 for 4. I only spent 40 bucks on the stuff I have now so its not bad.

Anyway with that said
Can you raise or dim your light? That should give you a little more stretch to your plants. But they should start growing rapidly the next 2 weeks or so. They look good and healthy :thumbsup:
Thanks. I did that a while back mustve forgotten to add it to one of my updates. My light is about 30" away now, according to my ppfd app they are only getting about 325-350. But im guessing thats probably reading low since its my phone, I cant imagine they are super accurate. I wanna get an apogee meter but yeah not now.
Where is your air intake? I use a bottom vent hole and the pot closest dries out much faster than the rest.
Ive got both the left and right side passive intakes open and my exhaust is pulling from the middle of the back up top. Fan is out of the tent on top, filter is inside. My first post on this journal should show it
Ive got both the left and right side passive intakes open and my exhaust is pulling from the middle of the back up top. Fan is out of the tent on top, filter is inside. My first post on this journal should show it
I should have probably said they are only half open each as well.
Day 23
So plants are looking a little worse for wear today. All of em except the younger peyote crit were pretty droopy.

Wondering if the wicking bases are the best method of water and nutrient delivery, or at least as is. Ever since I started besides the very first day the plants have gotten droopier so I think Im going back to top watering for the time being, the wicks can just take up run off.

With that said, I top watered with feed, each pot got a watering till there was runoff starting. Watermelon zkittles probably got the least amount out of all. I think the wicking base was working the best on that because I basically didnt need to water that one. The other 3 took about 2 gallons between the 3 to get any sort of run off at all. I only water to runoff because I wanted to know how saturated the soil in each pot was. Lets just say out of 4 only one was moist the rest took about the same amount with the younger peyote taking what felt like the most.

Full feed, probably wasnt technically necessary since I also did a full feed with the first bottom feeding last week but I dont think most of that feed made it in the pots, theres a powery residue left over when the saucers dry out and it is most definitely nutrients that didnt make it up the wick but I dont think FF is a great choice for wicking. So as long as Im feeding I will be top watering. Might do straight water through the bases

Anyway heres some pics of each and the whole tent. Definitely looking sad. Oh, space heater is working nice. Keeping the basement at a solid 75 during the day and 68 at night so great there and the humidity hasnt taken a hit from the heater yet! Only been using it 2 days though so we'll see what the future holds.