New Grower Start up (11/6/22)

Completed the grow. Final weights to come
  • So today marks day 63 of flower and the harvest day for the watermelon zkittles. Probably could have let it go longer. Maybe another week, but I am way too anxious to get started up again. Got plenty of bud to last the 6 month stretch on the next grow.

    This stuff is god awful sticky. It took me 5.5 hours to trim what I got here, and I will never touch my phone again with what Im gonna call trim hands! Had to clean my phone with rubbing alcohol.
  • Idk how it is for everone else, but dry and cure is the worst most boring part of this whole process. I dont really mind the tediousness of trimming, its waiting to see if I did the last part well enough to have that awesome odor and taste to go with

    Either way with this round I went straight into paper bags and into the coldest closet in my house. Forgot to snap a pic of the temp/humidity meters.

    Day 2 in the bag for the peyote critical. Gauge reads 66°F and 79% humidity.

    Full day on the watermelon zkittles. Gotta say it really lost its watermelon candy smell, now it just smells like cut plant but thats probably because I watered the day before harvesting. Gauge is reading 66°F and 83% humidity. Buds are still freaking sticky like glue though. Stirred them up with my hands and buds stuck to me like burs after walking through a field.
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    Curing started on 2nd peyote critical
  • So I checked my peyote and watermelon early in the morning today and they peyote is pretty much ready for jars. Meters said the rh in the paper bag was between 61-65% humidity. I have 2 mini ones in there on each side of the bag. Might be a little early still but they are in jars with a couple boveda 62% packs to help draw out any excess moisture. After jarring though the humidity did start to climb to 70% in the fullest jars. Probably because the stems are still pretty wet bud the buds are definitely dry enough. Hopefully the packs do their job. But for now Im leaving the jars open and stirring them up every few hours till that humidity drops. After it does get down to a decent level and the stems are dry I will put up my dry weight and start a review of this strain so I can get that cc badge.

    Watermelon still holding on to a lot of moisture. Sensors in that bag were at 81% still but that one got watered right before I decided to pull the plug so I was expecting it to retain more moister for longer.

    Also I ordered some new 10 gallon rain science bags for the next grow which will be 2 photos, in case no one saw, barneys farm lemon tree and tangerine dream. Still need to get some soil and Im probably gonna have to pick up some new ferts as Im running low on the big 3 from fox farm (big bloom, grow big, and a couple of the secondary nutes like boomerang and root drench.
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