Indoor ☆☆Star does Black Stone from the portal gift shop☆☆

... :shrug:I did... why?

>> :biggrin: EoF-- :yoinks: all these years I've been rinsing my rice, and just tossing away the rinse water- :doh: :rofl: -- Mmmm Basmati, makes me hungry for Thai style spicy fried rice! .... I think in older times, it was talc that was put in there? :eek1: ... I recently got bag of Calrose rice that claimed a new milling process, and no rinsing was needed any more..? LOL! I don't believe them, it still produced cloudy water when rinsed! Thanks for the tip chum,.. I hope my Dad's older sister Ne-san (from Japan) doesn't beat with a cane in the afterlife for all the waste- :crying:
We were on the topic of P and K and it has it and helps during flower..
The ladies
LOL thats hilarious I posted pretty much when you did LOL! and BTW @Yeatster Thank you kindly my friend. @Waira ?, maybe ,he's educated ,me ,eh LOL not so much.Im really baked though i'll tell ya that :) Be good brutha man
Don't sell yourself short buddy. It's no secret. You are referred to on many many posts. And I only refer to the best as guinesses. The simple smart people are merely geniuses.
LMFAO!! brother ,ya wanna hear something that sounds like Im full of it and shit and everything under the sun? when I was ,ohhh in sixth grade.maybe Seventh I cant recall.but I was tested a cpl years prior cuz I had a learning disability of all things :) I still have the paper LOL it said(cant recall the score to be honest,would have to look) something to the effect I was on the verge of being a literal Genius. I was said to be gifted with a fat bonus of something LMFAO!! sensing ,something,I cant recall,tired and baked LMFAO trippy though right? swear it it's true LMFAO! but I sound full of shit though right?!lmfao

I have Zero Education other than ,Military,middle school,a cpl trade schools and various small classes in the Military too. but thats all.I think LOL! so thats why I say Im not. many will tell you this n that with numbers n that and thats doesnt make a smarty coolguyness everytime "D ok Im stoned.LOL
LMFAO!! brother ,ya wanna hear something that sounds like Im full of it and shit and everything under the sun? when I was ,ohhh in sixth grade.maybe Seventh I cant recall.but I was tested a cpl years prior cuz I had a learning disability of all things :) I still have the paper LOL it said(cant recall the score to be honest,would have to look) something to the effect I was on the verge of being a literal Genius. I was said to be gifted with a fat bonus of something LMFAO!! sensing ,something,I cant recall,tired and baked LMFAO trippy though right? swear it it's true LMFAO! but I sound full of shit though right?!lmfao

I have Zero Education other than ,Military,middle school,a cpl trade schools and various small classes in the Military too. but thats all.I think LOL! so thats why I say Im not. many will tell you this n that with numbers n that and thats doesnt make a smarty coolguyness everytime "D ok Im stoned.LOL
I'm not the least bit surprised. I wasn't joking. You might spell like a third grader but you are wicked smaht dude. Trust me, I know a guiness when's I sees em