LMFAO!! brother ,ya wanna hear something that sounds like Im full of it and shit and everything under the sun? when I was ,ohhh in sixth grade.maybe Seventh I cant recall.but I was tested a cpl years prior cuz I had a learning disability of all things
I still have the paper LOL it said(cant recall the score to be honest,would have to look) something to the effect I was on the verge of being a literal Genius. I was said to be gifted with a fat bonus of something LMFAO!! sensing ,something,I cant recall,tired and baked LMFAO trippy though right? swear it it's true LMFAO! but I sound full of shit though right?!lmfao
I have Zero Education other than ,Military,middle school,a cpl trade schools and various small classes in the Military too. but thats all.I think LOL! so thats why I say Im not. many will tell you this n that with numbers n that and thats doesnt make a smarty coolguyness everytime "D ok Im stoned.LOL