New Grower New Grower (3rd cycle) - 4x DP Daiquiri Lime

2 or 3 5gal buckets (3 for outdoor always, 2 for indoor if it looks clean enough).

1st Bucket
1/2 - 3/4c fresh lemon juice
1/2 - 3/4c baking soda

2nd & 3rd - water only. If Im doing 3 buckets and outdoor I might bump up to 1cup each.
Ok gotcha. So you just clip the whole plant at the base and what dunk it a few times in the first then repeat the dunks in the 2nd and 3rd buckets?
Ok gotcha. So you just clip the whole plant at the base and what dunk it a few times in the first then repeat the dunks in the 2nd and 3rd buckets?

Yes sir, I like to leave the pieces as large as I can, but as not to brush the sides of the bucket, sometimes I have to cut them into individial branches / kolas. I find that swirling under the water removes more leaves then dunking repeatedly. Like a figure 8, not just twisting, although that seems to help as well, and still sometimes better than dunking, I use those 3 techniques and wash it, whatever is left usually comes off easily enough.
Been a busy few weeks. Ended up pulling 2ozs of each of the girls, 6ozs total. Its all jarred up and curing. Pics and smoke report to come. Getting things ready for the next grow.
Been a busy few weeks. Ended up pulling 2ozs of each of the girls, 6ozs total. Its all jarred up and curing. Pics and smoke report to come. Getting things ready for the next grow.

Congratulations! Herb in the jars, is what we want.