Indoor ☆☆Star does Black Stone from the portal gift shop☆☆

Well Thanks man ,I do appreciate it. I doubt few recognize it probably.

OH if you ever brew any teas @Starbreaker you can try coconut water with the tea. a 1:1 or a 1:2-water to tea ratio.then kick in some rice wash water.BOOM!! recharge and,or [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] inoculate (Soil Life) and a sip of Molasses.Voila,instant badassery :D
Star'-- :clapper::baby::baby::clapper: aaaw, they so cute! :rofl:

>> Yeats'- :biggrin: LOL! not me either, education aside (got nuthin' to do with "smarts".. some PhD's I know are dumber than f'ing bricks outside of their specialty or savant genius! :rofl:)... I'm but a worm compared to the decades-experienced and well versed true Masters! Thank you kindly just the same, mate! :toke: ...guys like my man EoF here are very well self-educated, and quite intelligent, making the most of what they read and learn-- application is everything! I turn to him often for organic advise, he's miles ahead of me-- :hothot: ioouueee, dat man ahn fi-yoh! :crying: :d5:
LMFAO!! brother ,ya wanna hear something that sounds like Im full of it and shit and everything under the sun? when I was ,ohhh in sixth grade.maybe Seventh I cant recall.but I was tested a cpl years prior cuz I had a learning disability of all things :) I still have the paper LOL it said(cant recall the score to be honest,would have to look) something to the effect I was on the verge of being a literal Genius. I was said to be gifted with a fat bonus of something LMFAO!! sensing ,something,I cant recall,tired and baked LMFAO trippy though right? swear it it's true LMFAO! but I sound full of shit though right?!lmfao

I have Zero Education other than ,Military,middle school,a cpl trade schools and various small classes in the Military too. but thats all.I think LOL! so thats why I say Im not. many will tell you this n that with numbers n that and thats doesnt make a smarty coolguyness everytime "D ok Im stoned.LOL
you do amazing grows EoF. I'd be happy to take your advice. Theres always something to learn here. Thanks for following my grow! Most geniuses are self taught sir :d5:
My pleasure :D Good point btw. but yet, they also tend to die Broke,alone and broken typically LOL!so I have that to look forward too LMFAO kidding :) always love watching an SD or BS grow. Im still not sure which I like more. the Stone Dragon or the black Stone more. ever so slight nuances ,yet totally viable and noticeable changes in the terp profile and the taste. not as spicey until its starts the cure. so thats always been an oddball one for me as to why it does that.another Step in the F system of breeding,and that was either chosen and/or overlooked? dunno,still killer smoke just SD is a little better. especially the early reg F3's n such :D woooooo small weeling of a plant but MAn she'll kick ya in the face and ya wont even see it coming :)
Pretty little girls!
thank you! I got all the ladies in their pots tonight. 2 black stones, one skywalker, one gorilla glue, and one SODK x Alien.
Hell yea!! Preciate yah Elvis!

thats quite an all star line up you got runnin! im excited to see the black stones and the SODK cross that SODK is a beast!
Thanks! I couldn't resist the sodk when I saw the pics of it. I'm excited to see how they turn out. One black stone is showing some color already. Kinda purple ish.