iLI, anytime you see crinkled leaves like that, it's probably related to pH issues, which also causes stunting. (You have been told this before)
To avoid future pH issues:
Start with a pH buffered mix. You do not yet possess the skills or experience to build your own mix, unless you get up to speed megafast. I would not do it myself unless I had absolutely no alternative.
Get a pH meter if you do not already have one. Get pH UP and pH DOWN that is designed for agricultural use.
You can continue to take shortcuts, ignore advice you don't like, and post for help several time a day whenever anything comes up... or, you can start taking advantage of the resources available on the site and have a healthy, successful grow. You can't have both.
If you look at other people's grow threads, you will see that there are always lots of people willing to help when they get in a jam. The reason you do not, and have not, gotten a similar response, is because of your own conduct.
I'd really like to see you do well but, you can't keep doing things the way you've been doing them and expect your grows to start going differently.