Yeah i'm thinking of moving over to "Roots" Soil instead of OF i've seen a couple grows around her with that soil and nute line and they love it. so maybe i'll give it a stabe
Srry to hear tht your S60's weren't ladies i was realy intrested in seeing wht was the out come cause i might be able to get my hands on some of these beans and wanted to do as much home work on this strain as possible, but i am glad to knw tht these are crossed with the bog genetics have herd good thngs about the sour bubble strain and by the way you described the smell of the male i bet the smk would be killer and hella tastey!
Yea I'm germing the last of what i have of the s60s. Since I believe I found the SourBubble male im shooting to find the matching female with these 8. Im starting them in parycups then tiering into 1L airpots. yea you heard me 1L airpots. Well i'm more worried about not capturing and reproducing the SB s60 seeds. Or for any sour60 seeds at all i want to have a nice big supply of them. So I am aiming to make some seeds. More the merrier Yea it would be nice to have some BOMB sensi smoke but ill have all the sensi smoke i want when i have a couple hundred seeds to throw around and not care. The risk of buying and shipping seeds outways good smoke the first round. No doubt im gonna remove all the males after the seed run unless i need more seeds but here is a couple pics of my male. It was topped through nute burn and stunted to hell bc of it but it still is giving some color to look at yea some purple on the stem. IDK if its because it getting chilly around these parts or if its the SB genes coming through because when you read the description from Mdanzig the sourbubble pollen used was from a male with purple balls.Any comments feel free and they are aprriciated. Oh yea that burning me and WVR figured its because of The humboldt Honey Es super potent shit Use very minute amounts of this if you have it cuz it burns easy.
Waiting for them to pop their heads up they went into the soil 9/6 Maybe today one will poke and say hello. I let them soak in water for about 8hours then I directly put them in soil. Thats the little clone that i plan on growing out when I get done with these you can see the mother in my outdoor link.
My fingers smell soooooo SOUR im loving it. This guy is so frosty took some pics with the light refecting in the crystals yea i know the leaves look like shit havnt watered it in a week and I was using honey es in my waterings which WVR and me found out that its way to much to early, too little too late you live and you learn plus its a male. What bothers me is that i havnt seen any pollen on the paper i put down was it taken by the wind? All i kno is that my fingers smell like I was rounding third base with a sourpatch kid haha Oh yea did i mention that the BOG sourbubble used had Purple BALLS guess what? His stems are purpling and I found a purp ball YAY never really have been excited about balls turning colors ever..Drop a comment bad or good let me know what you think honestly. TGIF and make sure evryone enjoys the weekend happy toking
iLI, is he a mutant? I can't tell for sure by the images. If he's a mutant, you really don't want to use him for your seed run. That's probably not a trait you want to pass down.
When I first started, I was more concerned with making seeds too. Are your S60's reg seeds?
Umm mutant naturally i dont think so, through human error maybe I nuked em when he was young "topped" through nute burn. I kept the soil too moist in a too big of a container with little ventilation. At first it was stunted then the first set of nodes grew out so much so that it blocked all the light from reaching the actuall main cola then its just never grew until the nodes grew out enough then they started streching and it looks how it looks now. Yea the genes might be more septiable to nute burn or nutes but its super sour if i find another male out of the 8 that are going ill toss the one i have and keep the one i find but until then hes a keeper lol.
---------- Post added 09-09-2011 at 05:19 PM ----------
Oh yea I thought s60 were only sold in reg form didnt know they made fem s60s. As far as i know they are regs.
Can anyone tell me a reason why maybe pollen isnt falling on my male yet a couple of the open ones are dying off and falling off but I havnt seen a spec of pollen yet none.
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