Mephisto Genetics Sour crack dwc - Harvest Day 50 56g dry

For now I'm sticking with dwc. I have the res temps honed in, I have it consistently at 65-70f and seems fine. The biofungicide has done its job thus far. The airstone gets gunked up a bit here and there with the xtreme gardening azos and mykos which over the course of a few days can decrease the airflow so I'm daily taking the airstone out of the bucket and cleaning it by running it under warm water and scrubbing it with a child's soft bristle tooth brush and it cleans it up well (during this I hook it in the pump to get the gunk out from in between the pores of the airstone).

Ph has been maintained between 5.75 to 5.85 throughout the last 7 days. She has drank a total of 1 gallon of solution at this point and will be transitioned to full strength grow nutrients over the next 4 days.
Day 13

Roots are healthy and fine
Looking good! If you can keep the Rez temps good and good airflow, you are all set. A possible option would be to have an extra stone and just flip flop them out as needed. Keep up the good work and I will be following. Peace, slow
I run a lot of root stuff, teas and microbes and such, and although my air stones get a bit slimy, it’s never enough that the air flow is much impacted. I wonder if it might be a good idea to run the root stuff at just half strength?

Here is also what I use: elemental O2 from amazon, about $40, it runs many many buckets with the water churning. B8C788A9-0F6A-4132-BAC5-9675C8A9CE16.jpeg The biggest problem I have with it is the main tube dislocates from where it connects to the manifold. It happens every 3 or 4 days. The pump is loud anyway, but when it disconnects I can hear it 2 floors away. It’s like a built in alarm. :rofl:
DWC is the most tricky grow medium to master, but when you do, you will love it. I am still learning after about a year, give or take. I have also come close to shutting down my DWC many times, but the results I get from it keep me going. I say embrace the challenge and keep going, you can change your mind anytime but you will learn a lot, and yes it will be frustrating at times. But it sounds like you are already doing a lot right, so great job!!

You have had lots of great advice so I am repeating myself here, but will throw in what I found helped me the most.

I had pythium, could not get rid of it until I started brewing Heisenberg tea; also I have several reservoirs I CANNOT control my temps and I can't afford multiple chillers. The tea lets me run the res warmer, but I have to add it every 3 days or so or I get issues. Brewing the tea is very cost effective so I'm not pouring money away. I keep my environment sterile and monitor roots and shoots daily, but the reservoir I can't have sterile, hence the beneficial organisms to be my grow buddies :smoking: I also am starting up a regimen of beneficial predatory insects as well for prevention, as it is coming up summer and shit happens eh.

Airstones, I went to 4" round or the dome ones but I need pretty hefty pumps to run them. Sounds like you are good on the cleaning of them in between. They can be dropped in boiling water, and then I soak them in H2O2 then an enzyme bath. If they are getting older, you can scuff them up with sandpaper to open the pores. You may not need such big stones, I got pissed off with the pythium and got the big ones. I still have some of the smaller cylindrical ones that are about 4" long and 2" wide.

I'm sure I'll think of more. You are doing great, just persevere and tag me anytime, or any of the other other growers or PM us. We want to see you succeed and enjoy your experience growing!
I run a lot of root stuff, teas and microbes and such, and although my air stones get a bit slimy, it’s never enough that the air flow is much impacted. I wonder if it might be a good idea to run the root stuff at just half strength?

Here is also what I use: elemental O2 from amazon, about $40, it runs many many buckets with the water churning. View attachment 1051565 The biggest problem I have with it is the main tube dislocates from where it connects to the manifold. It happens every 3 or 4 days. The pump is loud anyway, but when it disconnects I can hear it 2 floors away. It’s like a built in alarm. :rofl:

I used duct tape on my similar pump to get it to stop removing itself, but I will be replacing it. It is way too loud and it only runs well on three outlets anyway. Been a workhorse for awhile. Btw tip, you need to remove the end where the air is sucked in, there is a filter in there, mine was clogged and not pushing much air out and WAY louder. I washed it, let it dry and put it back together. But it is still struggling as it's old.
maybe a lil cable tie to snug up the tube on the connector :shrug:
Yes! Thanks Archie! That’s my next move, and after that I should be problem free for the foreseeable future. My other move is slinking on right in there and making sure I can see bubbles every pH check.