Mephisto Genetics Sour crack dwc - Harvest Day 50 56g dry

Day 34 shes doing very well

Got her flowering stretch going on now... well as much of a stretch you can get with sour crack in dwc



I have her a hair cut since shes turning to flower. She did get the claw a bit again after I changed the res even with less nutes than I did before so I dialed it back more and it should be fine. Shes growing a lot. I had a bit too much air flow but the humidity is high and I don't want any chance of issues. So that's why the one leaf flipped

Heres some pics


Day 39 shes looking great. Sorry I didnt post updates on here. My imgur has pic updates from the past few days.

I kept getting the claw so I keep putting less and less nutrients as well as azos and mykosin it. I've moved over to quarter strength maxibloom instead of 1/2 strength with an additional 2.5ml liquid kool bloom added to the res once every 2 days and 1/2 tsp azos and 1/2tsp mykos per gallon and shes not showing any issues from nutrient deficiency or nute burn, the claw came and now working it's way out as I stated from the nitrogen needs being less and less. Maxibloom needs to be run very low in flower for sc as @slowandeasy was definitely correct in telling me!

Heres some pics and a video


Day 41
It's like every time I put any nitrogen whatsoever into the res it causes the claw. but inmworried no nitrogen will cause a problem so I'm putting a bit in and letting the claw resolve itself a day later after a res change and then let it do its thing and it is happy with 1/8 teaspoon/gal maxibloom and 2 ml kool bloom per 5 gal res. I tried a bit more and the tips got dark and I knew they were gonna burn so I dumped the res an hour after doing the one change and got the sweet spot with the above mixture.






Day 45
today I began the switch to koolbloom granular at 1/2 tsp per 2 gallons of water. I'm continuing calmag and will keep a small amount of maxibloom (1 teaspoon in a 5 gallon reservoir) for micronutrients.


Looking good! Be mindful of the Kool Bloom strength. You have 2-3 weeks left. If it yellows too fast add more Maxi and less KB. Way to go, keep it going for a few weeks longer. Peace, slow
Day 49. She has some white pistils left and while she can grow a little longer I'm debating if she needs it because I'm at 100%cloudy and it's got lots of brown hairs and so I did a defoliation and it looks done. I do take mine down early because for my hubby plants taken down earlier work better and same for me too. The cannabinoids and terpine profile from early harvest better than too late plants Probably going to harvest it today or tomorrow. She didnt get as big as I wanted but she got done hell of a lot faster. People will argue I take too early and I'm sacrificing yield. But what is the worth of a big harvest if it dosent work for you? I learned from a previous plant that a big harvest of shitty plants done plants wont get me anything


Day 49. She has some white pistils left and while she can grow a little longer I'm debating if she needs it because I'm at 100%cloudy and it's got lots of brown hairs and so I did a defoliation and it looks done. I do take mine down early because for my hubby plants taken down earlier work better and same for me too. The cannabinoids and terpine profile from early harvest better than too late plants Probably going to harvest it today or tomorrow. She didnt get as big as I wanted but she got done hell of a lot faster. People will argue I take too early and I'm sacrificing yield. But what is the worth of a big harvest if it dosent work for you? I learned from a previous plant that a big harvest of shitty plants done plants wont get me anything


Looking good ..... Might consider a partial harvest, take top 12” or so and let inner and bottom grow some ......

Looking good ..... Might consider a partial harvest, take top 12” or so and let inner and bottom grow some ......

Was kinda my thought progressive harvest the top bits let the other parts get a bit more bud to them. I might do that gotta decide though if I wanna do that or spread my plants out kore as I have some others shoved in there that in sure if they get more light would make up for that weight loss