Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack and a bubble bucket....go for hydro!

Well it's all over but the flush! I did a rez change to plain ph'ed water today. This marks Day 59. I had her out of the cabinet of course and am really excited about her final weight. The buds are fairly tight and I think they with tighten up more over these last 10 days. I have really enjoyed this grow. She has been my first hydro grow and I don't see myself doing a soil grow ever again. Frankly I have found it much easier and less stressful on me compared to soil. I have already sprouted a new seed for my next grow and can't wait to get her going.


Nice result mate...chunky harvest..:slap:
I'd be watchful these last few days, if you can open her up and allow good circulation or keep humidity as low as you can :)

She looks fantastic!
it is amazing at how much can change in only 5 days. The upper colas turned rock hard in only a couple of days. She also put on a lot of color in only 5 days as well. Today while looking her over I did find a spot on one of the upper colas with a hint of mold. I really wanted to do a 10 day flush but given the level she was coloring up and after a lot of research online I felt it was time to take her down before mold/bud rot really set in. After I started cutting I decided to only take the upper colas and the colas on the outer edge of the plant. After 4 hours of trimming I ended up with 690 grams wet. I left the lower buds that were not exposed to as much light on the plant and will give them an extra couple of days and then finish her off! I would guess there is another 150 grams wet left on her. I find that I get about 20% dry weight so 840 grams wet would put me darn close to 5.9 oz dry! All off my first DWC grow with a little 18" tall plant.....Mephisto Genetics does it again!

I will NEVER do soil again.
I need to spread the love around before I can give you a Max Slap.....I owe you one.


:slap: I.O.U
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After what seemed to be endless hours of trimming she is final completely down. I will admit I do NOT know how to guess weights at all. I thought there was another 150 grams left on her....I was wrong......I just trimmed up 340 grams more! This will bring her total wet weight to 1,030 grams. This is so much more than the goal I was going for of 3oz as the dry weight should be close to 7oz! Also I will admit I am far for a great grower. Without question I feel with better lights and a better grow tent/cabinet she would have done even more. Maybe I got lucky with her being my first hydro grow but I have said it before and I will say it again ...I will never grow in soil again.

Mephisto Genetics and hydro For The Win!!!