Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack and a bubble bucket....go for hydro!

It's been a little while since I did an update. She is on day 45 and going strong. She has gotten to the size that I can no longer get her out of my grow cabinet! Not something I thought about when I started this. Safe to say I not be returning to soil and I need to look at a different grow cabinet for future grows. I need something with a larger door and something with at least 60" of inside height. As of right now with the LED's as high as I can they are only 7" from the top of the plant. She has really started putting out flowers over the last couple of days. Right now she is running at between 1,150 and 1,200ppm and only showing a few leaves up top with a little clawing so I will pull her back to 1,000ppm. I am starting to see how I think the colas are going to form and she is going to be super sexy over the next couple of weeks. Looking at where she is at I feel she will be at least a 70 day plant.
I felt I really needed to get a look at the top of the plant just to give her a good check up. I drained the bucket and was able to nearly lay her over and got her out of the cabinet. As I figured she is showing some stress from the MarsHydo 300w LED being so close mainly towards the top center of the plant. Today I will make a mod to the cabinet to add another 12" in height.
I popped the top off my grow cabinet and added another 12" section to it yesterday/last night. It really give me some more breathing room that I have needed for my last couple of grows. Just had to get off my ass and do the work to fix the problem! Now from the bottom of the lights to the top of the plant I have 19". The extra height really spreads out the light spectrum a lot better. Hoping she will respond this late in the game and add some more length to the colas. While moving her around I notice that there are trichromes forming on some of the smaller FAN leaves.......gotta love Mephisto Genetics!

On the bad side of things I decided to calibrate my Hanna Ph. meter this morning since I had not done so in a few months only to find out it was .55 high! This may account for some of the stress on the upper leaves as well.
Beautiful lady you have there HB. I think I will be switching to DWC soon. Been seeing the results of DWC over and over in multiple journals. Only makes sense...right. Thanks for taking the time to journal this grow. Subbed for the rest of the ride :cools:
Beautiful lady you have there HB. I think I will be switching to DWC soon. Been seeing the results of DWC over and over in multiple journals. Only makes sense...right. Thanks for taking the time to journal this grow. Subbed for the rest of the ride :cools:

Thanks AKsteel! I don't ever see myself going back to a soil based grow. Now after having this grow I don't know why I thought hydro was so hard. Frankly it is easier than soil I think. Figuring out how much nutes she wants is easy and quick(within 24hrs) not feeding and seeing burn or clawing days later and taking weeks to recover like in soil. Only thing to be aware of it make sure you have the room for a killer bigass plant!
Good advice HB. Probably just run my first DWC in my 2'×2.5'×7' gorillia tent. Just run one plant. Either a 2 Fast 2 vast or a Blue Auto Mazar. Did you have a target range for ppm with your nutes or just monitor your ph while using your normal feed schedule? Right now I use Tangs advanced feed schedule with my promix grows. Was wondering how much tweaking I would need to do to it as I have not really paid attention to ppm.
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Good advice HB. Probably just run my first DWC in my 2'×2.5'×7' gorillia tent. Just run one plant. Either a 2 Fast 2 vast or a Blue Auto Mazar. Did you have a target range for ppm with your nutes or just monitor your ph while using your normal feed schedule? Right now I use Tangs advanced feed schedule with my promix grows. Was wondering how much tweaking I would need to do to it as I have not really paid attention to ppm.

An EC or PPM meter is a must for hydro. I have let the plant dictate the nute level. Add nutes to a given level for example let's say 700ppm. After 12 hrs I check ppm of solution. If the ppm is higher than the starting point I know the base level was a little high and that she is drink more water than nutes and I pull back a little of the ppm level. If the ppm is lower than starting point I know she is drinking more nutes than water and that I can up the nute level. At one point before she started heavy flowering I was up to 1,200ppm. Now in flowering she likes about 900ppm and is drinking a gallon a day. I have seen a number of post with guys screaming not to ever give an auto more than 600ppm! This plant would be starving at 600ppm. Listen to the plant not someone else feeding chart.
Thanks for the info. I will pick up a meter and start checking what my ppm is with my nutrient solution that I am feeding to my plants now. Will give me an idea of what my base line is with the feed schedule I run now. Then will just listen to my plant and adjust from there. I am about 4 weeks from harvest on my Narcotherapy, then I will start my DWC in that space. It will give me time to get my buckets built and prepare.
Question about feeding. If you want to raise your ppm in your nutrient solution after you have everthing mixed in (example: grow a&b, Voodoo juice, calmag, b52.) Do you just increase your base nutrient (grow a&b)?
Question about feeding. If you want to raise your ppm in your nutrient solution after you have everthing mixed in (example: grow a&b, Voodoo juice, calmag, b52.) Do you just increase your base nutrient (grow a&b)?

That is what I have done. There may be a better method but that worked for me. In my case I would up the GH Grow. Now if I am wanting to raise it alot I do the math and increase everything.

So your user name AKsteel....where did that come about. When I think steel I think about a silver rocket at the end of my switch rod and when I think rainbows I think about creeping up a high country stream with my 5 wt.
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