Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack and a bubble bucket....go for hydro!

I fish trophy Rainbows in the fall with a 6wt switch rod on the kenai river. Big river with big bows hence the switch rod :cools:
I popped the top off my grow cabinet and added another 12" section to it yesterday/last night. It really give me some more breathing room that I have needed for my last couple of grows. Just had to get off my ass and do the work to fix the problem! Now from the bottom of the lights to the top of the plant I have 19". The extra height really spreads out the light spectrum a lot better. Hoping she will respond this late in the game and add some more length to the colas. While moving her around I notice that there are trichromes forming on some of the smaller FAN leaves.......gotta love Mephisto Genetics!

On the bad side of things I decided to calibrate my Hanna Ph. meter this morning since I had not done so in a few months only to find out it was .55 high! This may account for some of the stress on the upper leaves as well.
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Nice looking girl...!..she is really gonna produce. I had a runt, only got 16g from her
But, its good smoke.
Nice looking girl...!..she is really gonna produce. I had a runt, only got 16g from her
But, its good smoke.

Thanks Wingnut...I am looking forward to trying out my Sour Crack girls. I just chopped her older sister today. She was grown in soil, 1.5 gallon pot. She was 13 inches tall and yield was 195 wet.
Day 53 .......not much to report. She's doing her thing. I am keeping her right around 900ppm. Some stress at the top leaves I think from the LED's being to close. I trimmed out some leaves this afternoon so light can get down to some of the lower bud sites better. I think she is going to go a bit longer than I thought but I am in no rush.
Damn, dude! That might be the biggest Sour Crack that I've ever seen! Gorgeous!

Thanks GBD......but I think the picture makes her look bigger than she really is. She is only 18" tall and 30" wide. Though she is my biggest auto yet. Going to have to order some more Deep Blue's and Sour Cracks to replace my order that was snagged by customs from the Black Friday sale.
Thanks GBD......but I think the picture makes her look bigger than she really is. She is only 18" tall and 30" wide. Though she is my biggest auto yet. Going to have to order some more Deep Blue's and Sour Cracks to replace my order that was snagged by customs from the Black Friday sale.

She is huge!! Great job so far! I think my SC's will be about 6inches lol :bow:
Thanks GBD......but I think the picture makes her look bigger than she really is. She is only 18" tall and 30" wide. Though she is my biggest auto yet. Going to have to order some more Deep Blue's and Sour Cracks to replace my order that was snagged by customs from the Black Friday sale.

If you haven't already, shoot @mephisto an email. They may be able to do something for you. Her dimensions are pretty spot on to what I had imagined. I've grown a fair few Sour Crack, but never so large! You're on point for the record and making me want to break out the bubble buckets again. Well grown!

She is somewhere around Day 58. Over the last week I have been giving her TechnaFlora's Awesome Blossom bloom booster on top of the General Hydro Bloom. She really seems to like it. I have been trimming a few leaves a day off of her to open up the canopy more and the colas/buds are starting to get pretty tight. Looking at scope most of the trichromes are cloudy and a few are starting to amber so today yesterday was the last of getting any more nutes added to the bucket. I will let her suck up what is in there today and do a rez change to plain water tomorrow. My goal for her is 3oz dry......time will tell.