Mephisto Genetics Sour Crack and a bubble bucket....go for hydro!

Day 27 and she is going strong! She drank a half gallon in the last 12 hours. She seems to be happy with nutes at 900ppm. I am using only General Hydro nutes, Cal/Mag, Grow, Mirco and Armor Si. I am getting very excited over her. If all goes well I am hoping she will be my best yielding auto yet. Only time will tell. Her older sister(older by 6 days) that I have going in soil is fairly heavy into flowering already so I am assuming this one will too within a week. I will keep up with vegetative nutes till she gets farther into bloom.

Hello HB stunning looking grow you got going on here!

Thank you. I will say to this point it has gone easier than soil.

Hey mr buns ! Looks like prime time to do some leaf tucking to me ;)

I know right. I did a little last night. Had to snip off a couple that I could not rearrange.
And so it marks Day 32. She has gone from drinking 2 liters of solution every 24hrs to drinking nearly a gallon in 12hrs!!!! Main stem growth has slowed a little but the lower inner branches are working their way to the top. I did a rez change last night and started to transition to bloom nutes. With my current grow cabinet I don't need her getting to much taller. It's getting hard to get her in and out of the cabinet due to the low opening size.

I do have a small Deep Blue C and another Sour Crack in soil in the cabinet. The DBC is getting it's final flush before harvest and the other SC is at around Day 38 and between the 2 of them it smells like a darn skunk lives in my house. You open the front door and it's like a skunk to the face! I figured that wasn't good so I had to figure out something. It then dawned on me that my carbon filter is nearly a year old. A local mom and pops hydro shop carries CAN brand carbon filters and I picked up a CAN 2600 filter. Within a couple of hours the whole house is skunk FREE!

Lastly I spend a couple hours last night piecing together the little peltier rez chiller. It's using just the small 60w peltier chip. I just cobbed together the wiring to make sure I had the wiring correct and that the system ran. I rigged up a spare bucket and let it run overnight to make sure of no problems. It seems to be perfect for my little 3.5 gallon rez. I'll wire up a proper wiring harness later this week.

OMG....this thing is becoming a little monster. She is 15" tall and nearly 30" wide! I am at 900/925ppm. Over the last couple of days her ph has been a little unstable. It is a 3.5 gallon bucket and she is drinking 1 gallon of solution a day so I am hoping it is just an issue of the solution getting out of balance. I will do a rez change tomorrow. Unless something bad happens I feel she will be my best plant ever. I really feel Mephisto Genetics and switching to hydro has really upped my growing game and I thank them for that.

I have been waiting on my after Thanksgiving/Black Friday sale order and sadly today I received my package with a letter from US Department of Ag that my seeds were seized. It's all good though at least I got a kickass t-shirt.

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Hey HB so you like the bubble bucket better then soil?

Without question this bubble bucket has been much less stressful on me growing verses soil. Soil is slow to respond to issues ph related, nutes etc. Don't have to worry about over watering or if the plant is to dry. I really don't understand why people say hydro is so hard to do. I will never go back to soil.

My only problem with this DWC is the plant is growing to well and getting to BIG!!! Good problem to have.