Grow Room Smorf's Micro #4: Mephisto northern cheese haze

These are the strains im going to choose from for my next grow:
Dutch passion auto duck- supposed to be low ordor but can take around 90 days, might be worth the wait for the potential yeild.
Th seeds auto northern hog- possibly low odor and good yeilds
Ministry of cannabis auto cheese x auto NL aka auto cream- possibly low odor
Delicious seeds auto northern light blue- seems similair to blue mystic being low odor.
Mephisto fantasmo express- supposed to be low odor but sounds like it might need to be topped, maybe just heavy lst.

Hard to choose only one. Im thinking northern light blue in hopes of a nice blueberry fix. The best bud i ever had was some street bought blueberry back in 2010, had a wonderfull blueberry muffins taste and smell.:baked:

Let me know what you think and if you have experience with any of these strains.
Day 38
Gave 20oz water with 0.2ml mammoth p, 1ml biothrive bloom and 1.5ml GO camg+
Ph down crystals not here yet so feed was 7.0ph
The fun part is starting:smoking:
I can already see a littlefrost on the leaves
She is looking good!
Thanks man. Great genetics pulling on through these issues im having it seems:smoking:
All the new growth seems to look good but

Day 40
Gave 20oz water with 0.2ml mp, 1ml biobloom and 1ml camg at roughly 6.7ph 1 hr before lights on
Soil ph was 7 after i watered this in
So i think i need to feed 6.5ph next time?

Earth crystals were giving me a hard time at first but i got around 4 gallons of water now bubbling that started at 7.0 down to 6.6 ph.
Im using my accurate 8 soil probe to check the ph of the water which is probably a bad idea?
seems like im having a hard time getting the ph of the water adjusted with the crystals or im getting inconsistent readings from the probe when i put it in water?:pass:
What are good feed ph ranges for soil and what should the soil ph range be?

2-3weeks left, apart from the issues you'll make it, for ph for soil anything in the 6.3-6.8 range will be good, on your next watering just give them a quick flush with straight tap water then follow up with your standard feed 30mins after that flush with it on the lower side of that ph spectrum it should help it level out, then just feed at a lower ph level on the next watering as well, but with what you said and the curved leaves with the ph reading sounds like you were getting some minor ph lockout, but do the above at it will straighten itself out.

Improvement/changes for next round, id say avoid that Dolomite lime for the next round which i initially recommended for ph stabilization purposes, but it isn't working for yourself or is acting a little too quick being a first run, so id just remix the old soil with at least half new stuff after you give the old stuff a through flush, or just start with new soil, but that depends if you want to start reusing you stuff.

Some times our grows don't go as planed but that's where we have an the opportunity for us to learn ;)

edit: Oh btw was just re-reading your last post, if your actually bubbling some water you should note that your pH will read higher due to the dissolved oxygen in the water, when you have the time do a separate controlled test and pH readings i bet you'll see a difference.
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Thanks @Mr. Sparkle
So too much or fast acting dolomite lime can make soil ph too high?
Do you think it would be ok to mix new soil without dolomite lime into my premixed soils i already have that i used some for this grow (listed below)or just start new?
I would mix 1gallon of gbd/roots organic soil with this premixed soil so it would cut the amount of ewc and dolomite lime in half.
Bottom/super soil:
1 gallon gbd soil-
2tbs gbd mix
16 cups roots organic soil
3 cup ewc = about 20%
2tbs dolomite lime

I would mix 1gallon of straight roots organic soil without the gbd mix in this soil also cutting ewc and lime in half
Top soil:
1 gallon of the same without gbd mix-
16 cups roots
3 cups ewc
2 tbs dolomite lime

What ph meter does everyone use or does everyone recommend for the best value?
Ive been using my accurate 8 soil probe to measure liquids which i just found out is a major no no.
So i need to get a ph meter for liquids and now i might be buying another probe.:pass:
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Yes Dolomite lime can make the soil ph too high, it's what happened to me with the last run i did in Bogan "my smaller pc case" when i used up my older coarse slower realising stuff and picked up some new stuff the unknown to me dissolved a lot quicker, so i had to re-pot to fresh coco minus the DL, but yeah just reuse the pre mixed and add in more ewc to bring it back up to concentration just don't add in the DL you should be fine you're really only getting minor stuff later in flower so by cutting it in half should be fine.

As for ph meter, honestly the cheap and easiest way to go is to use fish aquarium drops, i have both the wide range and regular which the later is really all you need they are about $7-10 a kit, my first kit lasted me years and i mean many i only recently replaced it to get a new fresh one, but with ph meters you always have to make sure they are clean and have to calibrate them regularly, and the cheap ones don't last so your looking at spending at least $50-100+ for a good one which you will still need calibration solutions for, i use to use professional lab one's daily in one industry i was in past, and you had to clean and calibrate them every use for accurate results.

Thus is why i like the cheap easy solutions, only down side to it is if measuring colored runoff, that will effect what color shows up but it not that hard at all to get a pretty good approximation in that case.
most everybody will recomend acurite8/bluelab.i went the cheap route with a lil yellow ph pen from ebay £6.a month later another £30 on various fluids for pen.
good luck.
Thanks @Mr. Sparkle @archie gemmill
After i cut(to cut the amount of dolomite lime in half) my existing premixed soil i had on standby for my next grow it will be this:

2gal gbd/roots supersoil for bottom of the pot-
5cups ewc
32cups roots organic
4tbs gbd mix
1tbs dolomite lime

2gal roots organic soil for top of the pot-
5cups ewc
32cups roots organic
1tbs dolomite lime

Got a 150 test API ph test kit on the way too, measures 6.0-7.6ph. Was $4:thumbsup:

Just checked my soil ph with my accurate 8 probe and it reads 6.5 so i guess i will continue feeding 6.4-6.6ph but i will measure liquids with the api test kit not my probe.
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