Grow Room Smorf's Micro #4: Mephisto northern cheese haze

Day 33
Somethings wrong but im not sure what it is. I almost gave her some calmag but i wanted to ask here first.
Was only able to give 18oz water with 0.2ml mammoth p this time, so shes drinking less and the leaves look bad.
I hope its just that i need to feed now but i would think she would be thirsty if she was hungry too.:pass: Heres a link to the infirmary thread i just made

Just read this thread and decided to give 1ml general organics calmag+ and i will probably have to start feeding biothrive bloom soon too i think.
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Does look a bit like calmag def from the pics. Think you're taking the right steps to sort. Is biothrive like recharge? I'd deffo get some beny bacteria into the medium.
Does look a bit like calmag def from the pics. Think you're taking the right steps to sort. Is biothrive like recharge? I'd deffo get some beny bacteria into the medium.
Biothrive is the general organics nute line. Biothrive Grow for veg and bloom for flower.
Should be plenty of beneficial bacteria in the soil already from the recharge and mammoth p.
Looks like i had a little N toxicity by the looks of the curling leaves and then now calmag deficency.
Biothrive is the general organics nute line. Biothrive Grow for veg and bloom for flower.
Should be plenty of beneficial bacteria in the soil already from the recharge and mammoth p.
Looks like i had a little N toxicity by the looks of the curling leaves and then now calmag deficency.

Yep, mine did same thing, though don't think N tox is a huge issue, not just when it's slight clawing. Maybe another round of recharge? Quite a few folk on here apply it regularly throughout, can't harm it. Think u need bloom if anything, no grow.
Yep, mine did same thing, though don't think N tox is a huge issue, not just when it's slight clawing. Maybe another round of recharge? Quite a few folk on here apply it regularly throughout, can't harm it. Think u need bloom if anything, no grow.
Yeah i agree with all that but im going to stick with recharge every 5-7 days.
Just gave that first feed of 1ml calmag so i will start doing 1ml biothrive bloom and 0.5ml calmag for every watering like i did with my last grow during flower and see how she reacts and adjust as needed
Day 35
I was going to water tonight a few hours after lights on but it seems like shes still not drinking as much.
Soil ph is 6.8. water is 7.0
I will just spray overgrow tonight and water tomorrow with recharge, 0.2ml mammoth p, 0.5ml calmag and maybe 0.5ml biothrive bloom.

Let me know what you guys think.
I took these pics a few hours after lights off.
I think the slightly burnt tips showed up after that first feed of 1ml calmag.

Im pretty confused as to why shes not drinking like she should be and why shes having defciencies if im spraying overgrow every three days. My overgrow is over a year old, getting a new bottle after this grow. Maybe i shouldnt use it anymore on this grow?

Maybe she just needs to dry out good which is why im waiting another 24hr to water.
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Seems to be budding up just fine, you sometimes get girls that lose the lower fans early into bloom, are the really yellow ones on the lowest nodes? Difficult one to call now you in bloom.

When looking at just the cola pic, looks picture of health. Up the calmag slightly if anything?
Seems to be budding up just fine, you sometimes get girls that lose the lower fans early into bloom, are the really yellow ones on the lowest nodes? Difficult one to call now you in bloom.

When looking at just the cola pic, looks picture of health. Up the calmag slightly if anything?
Yeah thats what i was thinking, up calmag abit and start biothrive bloom in a week or so.
waira has also given me some advice in my infirmary thread so heres my plan based on that.

I just sprayed overgrow and in 24hr i will water 20oz with 0.2ml mammoth p, pinch of recharge, 1ml calmag and 0.5ml biothrive bloom(will up to 1ml biobloom but i want to see how she reacts to 0.5ml first).

Waira also said i should get my feeds/waterings to 6.5ph because my soil ph is 6.8. I dont have anything to adjust ph but i guess i will order some earth juice crystals.
Thought i would get away without ph adjusting being organic and all.

Thanks again @Sensi Jay she does seem to be moving along decently despite the issues.
yeah i would stop with the overgrow, best thing to do when running into issues is go back to basics and then slowly add things back as you go, now not that im saying its overgrow but when i used some on my bucket plant i ran into over fertilized issues not long after, but there also would of been some build up in the coco from my normal feed so i cant say if it caused it completely "probably not", or just tipped it over the edge which is more likely
Day 36
Gave 20oz water with recharge, 0.2ml mammoth p, 2ml GO camg+ and 0.5ml biothrive bloom. Will start adding more biothrivebloom soon
This was watered in at 7ph so i guess i need to get some earth juice crystals to ph feeds at 6.5ph.
Hopefully that wasnt too much camag..
Lights on in 30mins. Running 18/6 because it allows for lights off and lower heat during peak daytime temps(lights off from 1230-1830)

earth juice ph down crystals should be here in time for next feed
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