New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Your babes are really taking over now, I bet they are beginning to smell nice. My temps also dropped around 8c in the tent last night. I've got the same rad, but it's a little big for my tent, so might need to buy a tubular heater

I can recommend the box idea, so far so good, the temps no lower than 21c and the highs at 26-27c. I've yet to crank the rad up to full only had it on a 3rd power, running my fan at half speed.
Still she needs real testing on crisp cold night. Tomorrow I shall be fixing my intake to come off the house and passing through the box to help keep those temps up.
@Cat I have bit off man flu but I can most definitely smell them up close. The far left smells very citrus lemony with a touch of glue and the one in the front more of a chocolate lemon


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day 41 or is it 42... not sure
Watered both the larger plants 1ml grow, 2ml bloom. 1ml cal-mag
The biggest is now super thirsty, she was really light to pick up. and not much run off from 4 ltrs
Both the large plants are starting to stink, very lemony when opening the tent.
Plant no.3 Runty is starting to stretch, about a 10 day behind the others.

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Here's some close up bud action... never thought I would I would get plants looking like this on my first grow






Looks like i won't need that microscope
