New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Time for an update...couldn't wait to get home from work, feel like school kid again waiting to get home and play with my new toys. Kids must feel they are coming second to what ever daddy is doing on loft :pimp:
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Plants seem all good and i think they are starting to stretch, stuck my finger in the soil and they felt a little dry, gave them the weight test and they felt light so I though i better give them a water. 4ltr each with half strength bio bizz grow, again had about a 20% run off. I also did little bit more training on the 2 bigger plants.
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Didn't do any training on runty, she is just not going as fast as the others but is very leafy. I did find that she seem to have a few burnt looking tips. The other 2 plants have shown no sign of this.
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Sorry pic didn't come out that good, over all she is looking healthy

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I feel she is about week behind the others. So all back in the tent watered, stroked and loved just in time for bed time story's with the kids.

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Good news for round 2 (2 more Big Easy auto's and 1 x AK49 auto) The AK49 is just about to show its face

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The plan for these 3 is to bring them up in my propagation tent turned on its side to fit them in (120cmx60cmx100cm with a Mars 96 reflector). The reason for the second grow practically side by side with the other 3 (4 weeks between them) is that I want to break the kit down after Christmas for a re-build to make it more stealthy, box the tents in like a cool box to keep the heat in for winter and out in the summer. Also I want it that when you look into the loft you won't see any thing for all the boxes. So I though I better stock pile... I gave up the evil weed of tobacco 7 months ago (cold turky, no vaps, I have stamped that 29yr addiction out for good) and I like a joint or 2 over bongs all the time. So I found that I am going though a lot more... super stoned...Its so much better with out tobacco.

I will be giving these 3 plant different nutes from the first 3, I thought of going with the old timer range to compare them with the Bio Bizz nutes, also they are in 30% coco and soil mix, nice and light and airy.
Do I need a pH pen for this grow ?

Mega up date done...

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I can't remember what it felt like at Xmas time when I was a kid I watch my grandchildren get so excited about it I now remember what it's like Everytime I go to my tent.
I don't under stand all the noise folks are talking about I have a 400 cfm hydro farm 6 in fan only noise from her was movement of air out exhaust hose once I exhausted it I have to check to see if it's running you can't hear it it's screwed to the metal bars at top of my tent I will buy some one when this one kicks it I don't want the noise problems and from what most of you say your fans are loud.

The RVK fan in its self is silent (great bit of kit), its the sms controller that was my problem. Its sends a pulse not like a varic that reduces the electric flow. That pulse was building up and causing a resonance that was traveling through my ceiling, so I built the box and hung it to stop any form of vibration or resonance from building up. Its done the job amazingly, dead of night you can hear it but very minimal and mostly wind flow, in the day it getS lost in all the back ground white noise...important as need to be as stealthy as etc. visting and baby sitting...can't be having "Whats that buzzing noise coming from the attic"
I had the same problem with my desk fans building up a resonance over a couple of days to a loud buzz. Solved it by hanging them (not touching any bars in the tent), removing the plastic fronts and having carpet under each corner of the tent...instant silence...the misses was so happy as its all above our bedroom
Here is the prototype of one of the ways on how I'm going to try and keep my tents warm this coming winter.
The plan is to make an mdf box lined with reflective insulation, I've run out of funds so the cardboard the prototype will have to do for now.
Plan is not use a timer and rely on the thermostat.
Did a quick test, box is nice and air tight, there seemed to be a good air flow. Rad heated up then switched it self off after 10mins and kept its heat for some time. Pipes leading into the tent started to feel warm. Measured the temp in one tent just inside the intake, 25c, the ambient temp in the tent went up to 27.5c. Switch rad off tent slowly drop to 24c.
I think I need to make a easy access hatch so I can adjust the thermostat.
To be honest this is something that's going take way more testing but I think the idea is sound...Typical of the UK weather...going to be around 11c for the next few nights so It might be some time before I get to give a good run.


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And here the are the plants, Day 38

Up date on tent temps with box.
Had the rad running all night in the box just over a 1/4 its power, attic felt cold when I went up. Both tents temps at 23c - 25c all night. Most nights so far I've had a drop of 5c - 7c in the tents. So far so good.

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Well after making the prototype, heat box 1.0 I was quick to get started on heat box 1.2...the next day to be precise.

This one is still a cardboard box but I have lines it with radiator reflector foil, braced it with some baton on the corners and the top to stop it from sucking in the inna lid flaps...
Giggle I said "flaps"... :rolleyes1:
I also have now placed in an access hatch that is kept in place by the negative pressure.

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Access hatch


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So glad I upgraded the next day as we have just had our first night of cold where I am in the UK, but all thing have worked out, with the rad on 1/3 power the tents never dropped below 21c.
Now this is with me drawing air from the eves so that getting the full blast of cold temps from out side...not bad, could have been a lot lot worse with out the rad.
Now the super great news is that I have an airing cupboard my bathroom up stairs and low and behold I find a hole at the back into the loft... Light bulb... intake vent :woohoo1:

Here are the plants Day 40 and getting big...
Watered yesterday 4ltr each. 2 large - 1ml grow, 2ml bloom, 1ml cal-mag. The smaller "Runty" - 1ml Grow, 1/2ml bloom.

Going to buy some more baton today to make some ribs for the tent to stop the sides from sucking in to much, I feel the girls are feeling a little squashed and the one in the back left corner seems to be frowning all the time, she's had a water yesterday, could be that the fabric of the tent is a little cold an she don't like it.

I wonder who was growing in that airing cupboard before you lived there?

Dude you read my mind... me and the misses are pretty sure the previous tenants where up to something...boarded out loft in all the right places, hooks in the beams just in the right place for lights and stuff. I've run my own power up there through our bedroom but I reckon that where they where running the power through that cupboard, it has sockets in it.
Your babes are really taking over now, I bet they are beginning to smell nice. My temps also dropped around 8c in the tent last night. I've got the same rad, but it's a little big for my tent, so might need to buy a tubular heater