New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Up date on grow 1.2

Day 14 / 13 feeling a lot more confident with these girls. Definitely feel I've had a better start with 2 of them, a lot bigger than my first 3 at this stage.

Fimmed Tracy (Big Easy)... lets see what happens

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I have given Nikita (AK49) a pony tail... @2Stoned2Care your 2nd journal has inspired me to give this a go.... that was some plant dude. Question - how long did you leave it on dude ? and did you do it ever day ?

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And I've left stumpy (Big Easy) to it, she's behind and I don't want to up set her

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Don't want to leave the main tent out...dam she is stinky

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Ponytail for about 6 hours lights on, should only take a couple times for the secondarys to stretch out to the light. You :pass:are rockin the tent!

Slapping that baby... :slap:... now now no crying.

Cheer dude shall take it it off before I hit the sack.
Just gave them a little water each about 750ml each (1ml root stim, 1/2 ml silcon and 4ml seaweed) and all ready I can see the pony tail working :woohoo1:
I ponytailed mine for 4 hours for about 3-4 days i think

Cheers for getting back dude, I thought that was what you did in your journal. I have to say it again that plant was epic dude. I would give you a slap but I need to be slapping some more peeps...I just slapped a baby to get stared :biggrin: