New Grower Slaters first grow... Fixin' to be a lot better, man...3xBig Easy, Freedom Seeds

Oooooo...Ooooo..I got this one! The dog hair was blown there by a fan. You're welcome.

Seriously, some strains have purply stems. With no other signs of deficiency, I would say you are in the clear buddy. Keep a close eye out for Mag def. in lower leaves, and cal def. in upper leaves.
But...always have my advice & opinions confirmed by the veterans.

Lol @Yeatster is right and those dog hairs do get everywhere :smoking:. I worried about purple stems on first grow. If there's no other sign of magnesium deficiency then it's likely down to genetics. Everything's looking good in your grow mate
Thank you @Yeatster , @2Stoned2Care and @Cat . I did do some reading up and researching and thought that was the case, those dog hairs can be be carried a long way... especially by the African swallow not the European swallow though, It's a simple question of weight ratios!
Ace later

Looks like you might have to raise your light up just to touch that yellowing in between the veins on that one leaves is more than likely photo inhibition.

If you see that on the top of your plant it's likely early Calcium deficiency caused by the lights. If if you see it down at the bottom it's usually early magnesium deficiency.
Ace later

Looks like you might have to raise your light up just to touch that yellowing in between the veins on that one leaves is more than likely photo inhibition.

If you see that on the top of your plant it's likely early Calcium deficiency caused by the lights. If if you see it down at the bottom it's usually early magnesium deficiency.

Nice one @jingo :slap:

She is the one who's is growing the fastest, I seem to be moving that light up every 12hrs. Gonna pull it up another couple of inches... cal-mag on the next feed then.
Day 37
Moved the lights up 2", growing fast. Plant No.1 "Runty" finally looks like its starting to stretch

WP_20160929_20_46_47_Rich (2).jpg
After counting on the calendar we are on day 33

The 2 bigger plants have most definitely started to reach for the sky's, must have grown nearly 1" today. Both needed a water, gave them 4ltr each, 1ml grow , 1ml bloom per ltr (will up the bloom on wk6). Decided to remove the training wire on these 2 as they where fighting against it, even pulled some of out of its holes, couple of hard nuts these girls, give a Geordie lass a run for her money on a Friday night.

Plant no.2
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Plant no.3, nick named the misses
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Plant no.1 still behind, showing its sex but not going for it yet. At least a couple of inches smaller. One thing

Those are looking great
Going to build a screen, I'm right into my DIY, that all part of the fun for me. The set up I've got is just temporary. I had to use the space to see what's to be done to make it as stealthy as possible. I rent my house and we get inspected every 3 months but luckily they haven't been in the loft since the first inspection a couple of years ago but I can't let my guard down. Every thing will be stripped down in the new year and re built, got some mad idea's that i will share with every one when I get on it.
Here's a pic of my super silent box for my fan, 18mm mdf lined with 3 layers of carpet and then dense foam taken from my sofa round the out side (we where replacing the foam, so not in trouble with the misses). Its in so tight the lid had to be screwed down.

I might be water them girls when I get home, I did stick my finger in this morning before I left the house and they felt moist. I will give them a weight test to see how light they are. Still had plenty of weight when i had them out last night but they are drinking fast and I'm amazed how every thing can change in just 10-12hrs.View attachment 633579
I don't under stand all the noise folks are talking about I have a 400 cfm hydro farm 6 in fan only noise from her was movement of air out exhaust hose once I exhausted it I have to check to see if it's running you can't hear it it's screwed to the metal bars at top of my tent I will buy some one when this one kicks it I don't want the noise problems and from what most of you say your fans are loud.
Lol your wife's very understanding... could just see you walking under a bag with plants... the neighbours probably thought, "oh look, he's moving his weed plants."
The large out side garbage cans are great way to move plants no one gives you a second look carrying a trash can they fit nice.