Outdoor Semi-auto \ extremely sensitive strains for northern growers

Dec 16, 2012
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So, considering I did a bit of outdoors before and was quite active in the community surrounding these plants I would like to recommend a few strains to people that grow from 54n-60n.

Here is a trick to make them flower even faster: when you plant them outside, plant them in containers you dig down in the soil. These plants will get triggered to flower by being rootbound. The Danish strains mostly all have this trait and you can easily shave off 2-3 weeks to avoid the dreaded early-september with the mold.

here at 58-60n I've successfully grown:

Thypoon: (perhaps the earliest, but whispy buds) * Danish strain
Danish Passion: (some phenos make it, some not)
Early-Dane: (most of them made it, bit similar to Danish Passion)
Nepal: Very early like Thypoon, but some airy buds * Danish strain
Royal Nepal: Cross of RD and Nepal made by a Norwegian grower, very good strain
Danish Gold: Cross between Danish Passion and Guerilla Gold which is from Canada. Not early enough for me at 60n, but you'll get a smokeable product.
Leb27: Beautiful and purple, sadly not early enough for my place on the globe. I didn't root restrict this one though, and only missed by about two weeks so it just might be an option.
Henke's Lolland: Didn't finish for me, nice structure though and would have been a nice yielder

Strains that nearly made it for me (mostly Canadian):

Mighty Mite: Some made it, some not. Had a lot of bud rot though, since Northern-Scandinavia is a lot moister than Canada
Manitoba Poison: Good mold resistance, but not quite quick enough for my location. It isn't far off though, so a F1 of this and one of the earlier Danes would give you some seriously good bud. African genetics combined with Sensi Seeds early girl and acclimatized in Canada for a long time.
Guerilla Gold 2\3\5: Not early enough for me. Great smoke though, probably some of the best early smoke you can get, except for that cross Greens did with Guerilla Gold and a Congolese strain..that was wicked 'erb.
Texada Timewarp: No chance to finish it here. I hear amazing things though, but I think you need to be at 54n max for this one
Freezeland and Mighty Freeze: Tried them both, and neither were early enough. One more for the 55n and down crew
Donkey Dick: I haven't tested myself, but I know it has been grown to maturity in Southern parts of Sweden. Wouldn't recommend it that far north though since it is slower than Mighty Mite, but much more productive (and prone to mold)

There is also a multitude of crosses between the above mentioned strains, plus other strains I've long forgotten. You also have the Pehku crosses from Finland which are nice and early.

That's it, ramble over. I hope some of you either have experience growing these strains or will get it. Yield wise they are a lot better than autos, and for mold resistance they are absolutely superior to autos.
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Texada Timewarp: No chance to finish it here. I hear amazing things though, but I think you need to be at 54n max for this one

Even at the 45th N i barely was able to get Texada Timewarp X Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] to finish in time....like barely squeezed in every plant!!
Even at the 45th N i barely was able to get Texada Timewarp X Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] to finish in time....like barely squeezed in every plant!!

Yeah, I remember when Canadian and Danish growers who both had been making IBL's out of their local herb for 20-30 years "discovered" each other and started swapping genetics.

The Canadians took the piss out of the Danish strains for their whispy buds and airy structure, while the Danes and the rest of us Scandinavians laughed at what the Canadians called strains suited for though conditions far north. Used to be quite the discussions over at highbred when that site was active.
Just a tip: Esbe from Hybrids From Hell (HfH) got a strain out named "Monk" which is supposed to be his best against mould and earliest so far. That one came along after I stopped growing outdoors, so no experience with it.

This is the Monk:

Semi auto ? You still plugging them fast finishing photo plants :biggrin:

Yeah for outdoors around my parts there are no hope with autos due to mold. Especially the new generations which takes a while to finish, if it isn't in house by first week of September mold will destroy you.

I know that a lot of 55n - 61n growers struggle with mould when trying their hands on the outdoors, and since the strains I've talked about isn't very known outside of Scandinavia, England, Finland and Canada I thought it would be nice to give people a heads up about the alternatives :biggrin:
Yeah for outdoors around my parts there are no hope with autos due to mold. Especially the new generations which takes a while to finish, if it isn't in house by first week of September mold will destroy you.

I must admit too not knowing anything regarding outdoor growing ofcanna ,skelly your man for that :thumbsup:

I don't think I like the term semi auto :eyebrows: ,,, :coffee:
I think there is big promise in "fast/quick" versions, though not so much in the 55N+ regions. Though mold resistance is hit and miss, the sweet seeds early versions are working out pretty good so far for me at the 45th!(first snow was oct 12th this year, many frosts from late september on) Such long daylight hours are the main challenge for any northern grower in europe or north america, early flower trigger means good bud before the frost and snow fly. Trail animal and others can tell you that 60N in north america is harsh. Same here in canada....getting upwards of 55N is hardcore growing country. Who breeds strains for those climates? Not many!!
I think there is big promise in "fast/quick" versions, though not so much in the 55N+ regions. Though mold resistance is hit and miss, the sweet seeds early versions are working out pretty good so far for me at the 45th!(first snow was oct 12th this year, many frosts from late september on) Such long daylight hours are the main challenge for any northern grower in europe or north america, early flower trigger means good bud before the frost and snow fly. Trail animal and others can tell you that 60N in north america is harsh. Same here in canada....getting upwards of 55N is hardcore growing country. Who breeds strains for those climates? Not many!!

Yeah, Esbe from HfH are the only one I know of doing it full time.

Sent him an email and asked him to come on the forum, but he said that he had retired from forums and only communicated via Hybrids from Hell facebook page these days.

Sad, would be great to have him here. He knows everything about breeding for 54-60n.

Beyond 55n you use the root restriction method I've mentioned above.

They do have some other hobby\semi breeders in Denmark and Finland doing the same though, can be found via various Danish seedbanks and other smaller more specialized seedbanks. You have a lot of them selling IBL lines of the outdoor pot they used to sell in "Pusherstreet" or Christiania 30 years back. Thy-seeds is a novelty danish seedprovider with a lot of the old school Danish IBL's.

Finnish breeders mostly do crosses with Danish strains and other varieties. Which is something HfH also does.

So yes, there are options out there. Just wish I still had a chance to do outdoor. Lost contact with the old guys, moved cities and there has been a lot of development since when I used to do it up until 2012.
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