Outdoor Semi-auto \ extremely sensitive strains for northern growers

Yeah, at 50N and further south it can be harsh, but also very doable to grow outdoor.

When you cross 55N it all changes though, in my parts the temperature isn't the problem, but it is the moisture.

All of September are basically rainy days, and I am talking proper rainy days 20+ days in a row with 30-50mm downpour and no sun.

No autos get through that, and even the Danish and Finnish strains are pheno dependent when it comes to going to October without moulding away. This is why they are often very airy and got whispy looking buds much like the wild tropical sativas. A dense bud structure would be death around these parts.

That is my point my friend. If you start them and time them right, you can miss the rainy september entirely. An indoor start on may the 1st for 30 days will ensure that all are harvested by mid august at the latest.
That is my point my friend. If you start them and time them right, you can miss the rainy september entirely. An indoor start on may the 1st for 30 days will ensure that all are harvested by mid august at the latest.

I'd do like 24/7 then throw them outside.
I'm planning on doing some breeding with autos, then breeding the f1 back to an auto. After that there should be like a 50/50 selection of autos and photos. I plan on throwin the photos outside early in the season for an early harvest.
Shamelessly quoting my own post that I wrote in another thread that will fit right in here. Lots of pictures of 55-58N strains.

What you need in your life is some Leb27 Sativa line or Indica line (inbred in Denmark from Lebanese seeds dating back to the 70's).

Purple trees and lovely smoke.



Or since I love purple strains, and they are often more mold resistant we can't forgot Royal Ulduz by Bald Man Lala, which is a highland Afghan bred with Danish Passion for generations and stabilized:


Here is a Canadian inbred Sativa line with exotic background mixed with Royal Ulduz. Firms the buds up a bit and is said to be terrific smoke.


Royal Dane IBL crossed with Ulduz, everything with RD in it grows into 2-3 metre trees.


Danish Passion has breen inbred from original Dutch Passion for years now, and they also like to spread out a bit:


And there is of course the Danish IBL Pibeurt (which literally means pipe smoke), this one isn't shy when it comes to taking it's space at all.


Here is Erdpurt which is based on Erdbeer from Switzerland and stabilized as a medical purple pheno in Denmark by Esbe from HfH. So good that ACE decided to continue breeding the line.


Please consider these are all grown at 54-58N, but still they are fairly respectable bushes when you compare them to some of the stuff grown further south.
Sounds like I need to get into the greenhouse business in Scandinavia.

How the commercial growers aren't flooding in to Scandinavia I don't understand.

Cheap electricity
Very spread population, can be miles between houses outside of the cities
Low availability
Acceptance for medium quality
Extremely high prices, even in bulk
Low penalties and seriously laid back prisons

If I didn't have a serious job I know what I would have been doing
I have Hybrids from Hell strains LEB 27 and Monk going now. I'll be root restricting the LEB. I'm at 56N on the northwest coast usa so September can be pretty damp...and October is useless. I like to grow photos but have not grown anything that likes my late-season conditions. I'll try these in the greenhouse and fully outdoor.:toke::pass:
I may not live as far north as some but I do live in the Pacific northwest an some years we get a ton of rain in September an the only way to deal with this is by running a greenhouse an learning how to control your environment to your advantage not an easy task an in my case requires fans lights tarps an a schedule an time but at the end of season I have plants I could never have in my current environment with its rain mold an humidity at 90% right now I got some plants out how would they be doin without a greenhouse after 10 days of rain an flooding conditions an cold not good but in the greenhouse they look great .