Outdoor Semi-auto \ extremely sensitive strains for northern growers

Yep for sure the greenhouse is a game-changer in this climate. it will be interesting to see the difference between greenhouse and outdoor with these strains. I'd like to find something my neighbors w/out greenhouses can have some fun with...it is quite a struggle:pass:
Yep for sure the greenhouse is a game-changer in this climate. it will be interesting to see the difference between greenhouse and outdoor with these strains. I'd like to find something my neighbors w/out greenhouses can have some fun with...it is quite a struggle:pass:
In the old days before it was legal in my state there used to be some extremely fast finishing strains they were the only strains that would finish quality flowers quite a few would get close but the quality wasn't there as a kid they just were called indica but after growin an studying genetics I realize they were afghani dom cultivars selected most likely from landrace genetics for fast finishing .I wish I had access to those genes ironically the med movement an new strains from breeders killed some of those ol school plants people wanted the new an forgot about that trust worthy afghanica .
I have Hybrids from Hell strains LEB 27 and Monk going now. I'll be root restricting the LEB. I'm at 56N on the northwest coast usa so September can be pretty damp...and October is useless. I like to grow photos but have not grown anything that likes my late-season conditions. I'll try these in the greenhouse and fully outdoor.:toke::pass:

HFH strains and Danish IBL strains (which both of your lines are) probably got amongst the best mold resistance in the world. You do sacrifice bud density though, since especially Monk can get notoriously leafy.

Select the earliest of the two (with monk it is more about structure and smell since they all even finish 60 degrees North in Western Norway without significant mold problems). It is a like a colder rainforest.

Personally I have hope for some IBL danes x Auto F1 crosses. Might decrease their size a bit (can be big, leafy monsters) and also add to bud density. Has to be the most mold resistant auto types though.

Leb27 IBL Sativa \ Indica variety is a true breeding purple IBL variety from Denmark good for up to 56-60deg North depending on summer and pheno. Would be nice to do a F1 with one of those truebreeding purple autos :thumbsup:
@puffy and others... Which soil do you use, how do you prepare it?

Due to job etc. I can't grow anymore, had hoped for a small tent but that will be post-summer. Got all the high-end parts just sitting in my shed annoying me.

When I grew outdoors I used lime on native soil, coco coir in those 5kg bricks that expand to 70liters when you add 18 liters of water, some hydroton clay balls, then slow release fertilizer and some top dressing. And yes, I know that mix won't hold water very well, but water is the least of our issue here. Especially considering I root restrict in submerged pots.

Yeah I know, lazy mix. But with the terrain I had to face anything else was unrealistic.
@KonopCh I use my own container mix I've been tinkering with for a few years. I started with advice from @Eyes on Fire but it's pretty much it's own thing now.
Yeah man, you take what you have and make the soil as close to a solid batch as you can. it does tkae some time typically. look at Jraven,Hecno and so on. I remember when they started and saw the soil batches get better and better each grow. so its a process,especially when you are mixing your own anf the materials are limited.thats when its best to use your area(s)/Land as your building block. which per region will take more time to learn and figure out and compost said items and collecting IMO's n things.Lots of work...hard work but to have a killer harvest like that is VERY VERY satisfying indeed. :)