New Grower Seedsman - Speed Bud Auto Fem

Harvest Day!

Decided to go ahead and take her down tonight, so she should be ready to go into jars in a couple days (when my kit is due to arrive).

Here are some stats:

Days from germination to harvest: 67
Weight Wet (not at all accurate. Main scale is broken. Can't weigh anything over 20 grams, and three branches were definitely over): 133.7 grams

Feed Schedule:

Day 00: Distilled Water Only
Day 10: .5ml VooDoo/B52 + .25 Base
Day 22: .75ml VooDoo/B52 .375ml Base
Day 25: 1ml VooDoo/B52 .75ml Base
Day 28: 0.5ml B52/BB, 1ml Base
Day 33: 1ml B52/BB/Base
Day 35: 1ml B52/BB 1.5ml Base
Day 39: 1ml CM/B52/BB 1.5ml Base
Day 40: 1ml B52/BB 1.5ml Base
Day 41: 1ml BB/B52 2ml Base
Day 42: 1ml BB/B52 1.5ml Base
Day 44: 1ml BB/B52 2ml Base
Day 46: .5ml cm 1.25ml BB/B52 1.75ml B
Day 48: 1.25ml BB/B52 1.75ml B
Day 51: .25ml cm 1.25ml BB/B52 1.75ml B
Day 53: 1.25ml BB/B52 1.75ml B
Day 55: 1.5ml BB/B52 1.75ml B
Day 57: 1ml BB/B52 2ml B
Day 61: .25ml CM 1ml OD/B52 1.5ml B

Notes: Amounts are per liter. Still have a long way to go with confidence in the nutes not to wreck my plant, like it almost did the first go around. No doubt could have used more CalMag, but paranoia made me hesitant to add it, and the fans clearly suffered as a result later on in flower. Started Overdrive much too late, and should have used Big Bud, B52, and Overdrive at 1/2 strength from day 10. Will do all that with the GG4 grow.

Tank Stats:




And now the goods...

First, what's left.. The growth there only appeared about two weeks ago when I started culling branches (needed meds... what can I say). This will wind up going in with the sugar leaves, but I think it's still pretty cool that it happened..


Second picture of interest is the main cola, where I did the supercrop..


And here's the rest of the pics!











Thanks to everyone who followed this grow! There will be three more, and hopefully I can squeeze some more grams out of the next one.

Quick update...

I dug out the USB microscope and took a few pics of some of the more mature flowers.

Lots of cloudy trichs on the older growth, with the expected smattering of clear ones on the newer growth. Haven't spotted any amber yet, but given that this Sunday is the end of week 10 it may just be ready to chop then.

Here are a few shots. Many more (and better) ones coming this weekend.

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Would be awesome to start putting this in jars next week
Mmm frosty...I’m in!
Super looking bud friend!! Hey have you checked out tangs advanced nutrient schedule? I used it, and some variations before, and it works quite well for solid bud formation.
Super looking bud friend!! Hey have you checked out tangs advanced nutrient schedule? I used it, and some variations before, and it works quite well for solid bud formation.
I have. I have to forget the nonsense parts of how I interpreted the results of my first grow. Hard to get over personal experiences even when you know you're probably wrong. Going to do pretty much that exact schedule for the GG4 seedling starting tomorrow.
I have. I have to forget the nonsense parts of how I interpreted the results of my first grow. Hard to get over personal experiences even when you know you're probably wrong. Going to do pretty much that exact schedule for the GG4 seedling starting tomorrow.

Every grow you do there will be some improvement somewhere. Sometimes you will mess something up(unless you are me, then every grown you will mess up somewhere...LOL)

Its the ability to correctly diagnose the problems and take the correct steps at a rapid pace that makes one a great grower.

If you guys could see my first couple of seasons of plants, you would laugh you asses off!
I think that's pretty much the same for everyone not producing for a dispensary.

Shit man...ive looked at many of the plants from so called professionals, and i see alot of plants severely lacking in flower production!!(and health too for that matter!)

Every strain and plant is different...they all have different need for feed. Show me a grower that doesn't make mistakes, and I'll show you a bullshitter! Besides...i have a saying...."if you don't make mistakes growing, all that means is you don't smoke enough kind weed."
While still a tad higher than 62% humidity, I've gone ahead and chopped this grow into 4 pint jars...

Final yield was ~45 grams. I suspect that might come down a bit as it dries more, but thats more than I was expecting.

Yet another update...

Still way to wet to jar, so I've spread them out in a glass dish and have them sitting out. With all the rain we're having (and will be having for about a week) the ambient RH is right about 50%. So they shouldn't get dried too quickly.


Probably jar em back up by Wednesday latest
Yet another update...

Still way to wet to jar, so I've spread them out in a glass dish and have them sitting out. With all the rain we're having (and will be having for about a week) the ambient RH is right about 50%. So they shouldn't get dried too quickly.

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Probably jar em back up by Wednesday latest

Hello ,

I am also growing 3 Speed buds with 260W QB 2x4 Tent. But due to 8.1PH soil i had to change everything,. 3 weeks small speed bud are pre flowering and i am worrying about it as least i want 1 ounce per plant. Can you go to my jounrney and share your thoughts...It's 1st grow and really helps your advice as you already grow speed bud.

My link in my sig if you are like. Sorry for my english...

Thank you again .