New Grower Seedsman - Speed Bud Auto Fem

Day 42 update.

In theory, this is supposed to be ready to chop in two weeks. Somehow I don't see that happening. Hoping not another 100 day grow, but there's no way this is done in the advertised 8 weeks. Yeah, I know those times are off anyway, but a man can dream...

Nutrients: now at 1/2 strength for Big Bud, B52, and the Grow/Micro/Bloom.

pH has been running a little high (6.2 - 6.4), but I am working to pull it down.





End of week 7. Lots of bud-sites, and way more trichs then I had at this point with the Low Ryder 2 grow.

Did a little trimming. Not much. Won't do any more unless I have to in order to get buds out of the shade. Might be ready in a few more weeks. Hope so!

Nutes currently used: No additional Cal/Mag - Tried to add that a few feeds ago and PPM went out of control. I'll wait until its a bit farther along before trying again.

Big Bud and B52 as 1.25 ml/L and Grow/Bloom/Micro at 1.75 ml/L

Replacing lights with 40 watt COBs on Thursday. Way too much heat in the tent with both of the ViparSpectra 600s on.








good thick stems on her,could get fat :thumbsup:
Hoping so... If i can pull at least 3 ounces from this I will be in a very good place. The Gorilla Glue 4 is still a wee lass, so probably 10-12 weeks on that. At that point we'll be nearing the really hot/humid weather, and it's gonna probably be a futile effort to keep the tent environment under control. Will be a perfect time to take a break from growing and re-do the whole setup. First step is to get a larger tent. The 2x4x5 one I have now only gives me about 3.5 feet of vertical space before the plants are kissing the lights. And growing two plants in that tent is like being lost in the jungle :doh:

Likely going to get a 4x4x8. Should be enough horizontal space for two plants, and way more than enough vertical space. Also can finally get something larger than a 1 gallon res. Gone will be the days of constant monitoring of the solution, and worrying about the ladies bumping their heads on the light fixtures.
could start a plants off in the smaller tent,wont need much in the way of extraction for first 3 weeks before moving to the big tent.maybe enough elbow room in the 4x4.
keep er lit
could start a plants off in the smaller tent,wont need much in the way of extraction for first 3 weeks before moving to the big tent.maybe enough elbow room in the 4x4.
keep er lit
There's always the old saying, "If you can grow one plant, why not grow two? And if you can grow two, why not four?" Yeah, I can see where this is going.. :crying: