Indoor Twenty20 Mendo Speakeasy Double Whiskey Sour

I'm going to let this one dry out one more time. Water thoroughly and then harvest before she dries out again. The rest of tent which isn't much room lol is empty. I have 4 solo cups started with new auto run and even in one gallon pots they are fine off to side with their seedlings if needed. So no need to rush.

I am so good at guessing my 1 gallon grows but have no clue at all with this one. My normal drying method isn't going to work with this one. I use 3 ft brown lawn bags in dry closet and whole plant hang. No way this thing is gonna fit in one of those bags I'll have to possibly break down some more and hang.
Today is day 103. The buds continue to swell and mature. I checked trichomes a couple days ago and she was about 15% amber. I am going to continue to water only and don't think she will see next weekend but her time will come when its time. More to come!
This girl got chopped on day 105. Today is day 11 of dry. I had to chop plant into about 6-8 pieces and hung upside down inside 4ft lawn bag in dry closet. RH was lower than desired but bags mitigate that. I pulled out today and bucked buds from stems and put into two piles. One pile with smaller buds I will run through a bowl trimmer and one pile with larger buds that I will hand trim. I them put them spread out across 3 brown bags to dry a little more before trim. This is partially to have a tad drier before trim and partially I planned to do it tomorrow the whole time and just wanted to get a head start.

Before I put away I had to weigh just to get idea. Because I had none. Now I know weight will change but not too much due to loss of moisture because they aren't damp. But I do understand the trim will take away. I took off stems and large fan leaves today but I still will lose some of course but the total dry weight of the unmanicured bud today was 10.5 ounces. If I get trimmed up tomorrow and its 8 or over I would be pretty siked! They aren't that leafy so 2.5 ounces of trim would be shocking but we will see. A half pound from 3 gallon pot of soil? YES!! I usually grow smaller plants in smaller pots. In a 3 gallon pot, I would have to look it up but my best yield the few times I ran this size would be 4-5 ounces. My personal best is 5.8 ounces or so from my first ever grow in 5 gallon pots. No matter how manicured I get with this tomorrow it crushes my personal best!

Update tomorrow with final dry weight and some pictures
Well I had something pop up and I didn't get a chance to trim till today. With it being a weekend and being done after work it was less than ideal for this size plant. I ended up taking all the colas, hand trimming and putting in a 1 lb grove bag. I took all the popcorn bud and put it in bowl with trim and am going to make infused coconut oil with it.

Just the prime hand trim colas weighed in ar 188.5 grams (6.73 oz). This is what I consider my yield and it's my personal best. The popcorn buds and sugar leaf weighed in 67.5 grams and will make for a strong batch of oil.

She will sit in the Grove bag for about 25-50 days still I dip in but I can see an ounce of this getting stolen to press for rosin and cold cure if needed. I will try to get some good bud pictures and initial smoke report as soon as I'm able.