New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
Thank you Mr Ash-A-Ton for putting this all together, it's really helping me as a new grower.
I am about 2-3 weeks behind you on my grow, and this thread has been such a life saver.
Cheers buddy, have one of these for your efforts :slap:
Absolutely my man. Im beyond thrilled to be of help to anyone here. I had a ton of help from the fine folks here and I love paying the knowledge back to the community as often as I can.
Cheers grow bro. Tag me in your grow if ya don't mind. I'd love to come check you out
And we are back

To start. I did forget to mention last session. I cut the
Light cycle back from 24
To 18/6

You can absolutely grow full cycle on just about any light cycle you choose.

I typically run 24 on until they start to flower. Then I drop them back to 18
I have read that all plants sleep at least 3 hours a day. Photos or autos. So running 20/4 in the veg state is probably going to be best results while saving a few bucks on power costs.
The dropping them back to 18/6 is just a personal preference. I do know the plants do the recovery thing during lights out. And the girl is putting a ton of energy into making buds and trichs. So I like to think a little extra rest does them great.
I have read that they frost production is better in the dark. Something along the lines of the trichs also act as a sun screen and will produce that better when not in protection mode. I'm not signing off on that as a fact. But very logical theory. And frost is great.

Speaking of frost. This gal is really starting to get glittery.
Frost fairy seems to visit every night.

The plant is starting to stack tight nodes on the main branches which is great. This is our colas starting to form on all these main branches we trained out.

Defoliating will most likely be needed every few days. A few leafs here and there over the next week or 2. Just to keep her able to breathe and allow the buds to soak up some light

At this point the plant will start to drink much more and dry the pot out quite a bit faster.
Now is where the plant reading and soil checks are the golden tickets to happy plants.
I try to give her a half gallon to a gallon every 2-3 days now. Slowly upping the feed to compensate for growth rate.
Currently at 4.5 grams mega crop
1ml mammoth p
And 5ml Cal mag per gallon
The mega crop will be gradually upped until I get to 6 grams (flowering feed full strength)
Or until I see the top burn and she tells me that's enough for her.

Also. It's a bit tough to add more LST at this stage. Can be done carefully.
But do note. Be very tender with all of it. Especially if you have backed off. The branches will stiffen up quite a bit during flower to support bud weight. Can break branches and pop branches off the main joint on stalks rather easily.
I was going to re tie a few and decided not to on this girl for these reasons.
Also you don't want to go rummaging in your buds and breaking all your new trichs and bruising your fruits. Bruised fruits tend to rot. That's never good.

See you stoners soon.
And we are back
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To start. I did forget to mention last session. I cut the
Light cycle back from 24
To 18/6

You can absolutely grow full cycle on just about any light cycle you choose.

I typically run 24 on until they start to flower. Then I drop them back to 18
I have read that all plants sleep at least 3 hours a day. Photos or autos. So running 20/4 in the veg state is probably going to be best results while saving a few bucks on power costs.
The dropping them back to 18/6 is just a personal preference. I do know the plants do the recovery thing during lights out. And the girl is putting a ton of energy into making buds and trichs. So I like to think a little extra rest does them great.
I have read that they frost production is better in the dark. Something along the lines of the trichs also act as a sun screen and will produce that better when not in protection mode. I'm not signing off on that as a fact. But very logical theory. And frost is great.

Speaking of frost. This gal is really starting to get glittery.
Frost fairy seems to visit every night.
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The plant is starting to stack tight nodes on the main branches which is great. This is our colas starting to form on all these main branches we trained out.
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Defoliating will most likely be needed every few days. A few leafs here and there over the next week or 2. Just to keep her able to breathe and allow the buds to soak up some light

At this point the plant will start to drink much more and dry the pot out quite a bit faster.
Now is where the plant reading and soil checks are the golden tickets to happy plants.
I try to give her a half gallon to a gallon every 2-3 days now. Slowly upping the feed to compensate for growth rate.
Currently at 4.5 grams mega crop
1ml mammoth p
And 5ml Cal mag per gallon
The mega crop will be gradually upped until I get to 6 grams (flowering feed full strength)
Or until I see the top burn and she tells me that's enough for her.

Also. It's a bit tough to add more LST at this stage. Can be done carefully.
But do note. Be very tender with all of it. Especially if you have backed off. The branches will stiffen up quite a bit during flower to support bud weight. Can break branches and pop branches off the main joint on stalks rather easily.
I was going to re tie a few and decided not to on this girl for these reasons.
Also you don't want to go rummaging in your buds and breaking all your new trichs and bruising your fruits. Bruised fruits tend to rot. That's never good.

See you stoners soon.
:slap::slap: Killer looking Girl!!!
Just quick question, as to defoliation tactics I do it on autos and photos, and have great success, doing it in stages for both types is best but I have learned that when taking leaves try to see if that leaf is in direct connection with the bud closest to or if it's just a leaf in bfe hanging out, I'm curious is @Ash-a-Ton if u have an answer to this, as the leaf that's connected closer to the bud will push it's soaked up energy to that bud versus a leaf in bfe is just pushing energy in to the whole plant in general?
Just quick question, as to defoliation tactics I do it on autos and photos, and have great success, doing it in stages for both types is best but I have learned that when taking leaves try to see if that leaf is in direct connection with the bud closest to or if it's just a leaf in bfe hanging out, I'm curious is @Ash-a-Ton if u have an answer to this, as the leaf that's connected closer to the bud will push it's soaked up energy to that bud versus a leaf in bfe is just pushing energy in to the whole plant in general?
I think I get what you're asking.
And to be very honest I'm not sure. But I will find out and post the answers we seek.
To clarify .
Are you asking if bud fans are a direct solar panel for bud sites? And the long hanging fans are solar panels for the whole plant?
With out being positive I do think that is accurate.
I personally try to remove the long stem fans and not the bud site fans. I will pluck an occasional bud fan.
Let's say that site has 4 fans as an example.
As mentioned before. The one fan at that site that faces the middle of the plant, I'll remove that one if I feel it needs some air or light penetration at that spot
But I don't go crazy defoliating bud fans.
Again let me know if that's what you were getting at and I'll definitely get a solid answer asap.
Cheers @midIN always appreciate questions and comments
I think I get what you're asking.
And to be very honest I'm not sure. But I will find out and post the answers we seek.
To clarify .
Are you asking if bud fans are a direct solar panel for bud sites? And the long hanging fans are solar panels for the whole plant?
With out being positive I do think that is accurate.
I personally try to remove the long stem fans and not the bud site fans. I will pluck an occasional bud fan.
Let's say that site has 4 fans as an example.
As mentioned before. The one fan at that site that faces the middle of the plant, I'll remove that one if I feel it needs some air or light penetration at that spot
But I don't go crazy defoliating bud fans.
Again let me know if that's what you were getting at and I'll definitely get a solid answer asap.
Cheers @midIN always appreciate questions and comments
Yep that's right on point of my question. I always take leaves that are pointing in (big fan leaf) and if need to I take occasional bud fan if it's blocking light from the middle or top to that bud site. But I was researching while back about this and it stated that the leaf closest to the bud site will put its energy to the bud but the one above it blocking the bud and bud fan leaf is putting it's energy in to the plant. So it can be cut if needed along with the bud fan leaf. I've tried cutting the bud fan leaf on one to see and honestly that bud never did much after that no the others where only big fan leaves were cut they all swelled and did what they should have done, but the one didn't.