New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
Before the LST.
We went ahead and clipped the leafs that had signs of defs.
These leafs send out 100s of signals to the plant since they are having issues. So remove them and the plant gets 1 signal. Repair the leaf stem because it's gone.
So it's a good thing to remove these
Unless there are an abundance of them then consult the plant doctors before proceeding

Now. On to the fun stuff.

@Rebel I have been saying I'll show you how to LST now I show everyone lol

1st step is to re tie the top.
And as you do that. Give a gentle twist to make the new nodes all face the same general direction. On the left and right side of your main stalk

From there I went to the bottom of the stalk and took my two biggest branches and pulled them to the opposite side of the top

Kept these kind of loose to give them room to grow. This 1st pull is more to get the branch to grow the direction I want it to. So it needs to be loose for the nodes to still grow. When these branches turn back up they will be re adjusted and growing the direction I told them.

As you can see. All the little baby branches are now fully exposed and able to grow straight up and not have to fight higher up leafs for light.
I strongly believe that this causes these branches to think they are the top branch now. With out topping or fimming your plant. So you keep your branches and get more tops. With a very even canopy to absorb light

Not much else was really ready for a strap. Not quite yet tall enough. Just a bit of simple push down and leaf tucking on the rest
So I'll take pics as the week goes and I re adjust for the next update

Since I can't water the plant and I feel it needs a little boost. I will foliar feed it. I have a few different kinds . For this I'll be using optic foliar .
Since it's all tied down and opened up I can give it a really good spray down. Under leafs and on stalks. She will love it. And it will get her by until next watering

I'll probably do a few extra mini updates the next few weeks for feedings and LST continued

See you guys soon


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Veg phase
To catch up over the last week. I did take a few pics to catch us up to live again

So about 2 days after last class this girl decided to try to get tough.
Broke out of her strap. View attachment 909306
It happens no biggie

She had a few very large fans blocking so much light. So we re trained and pruned a few leafs.
The 2 leafs that were stressed from the start and the top 2 fans that were blocking out the whole plant. View attachment 909305 View attachment 909304

From there we just pushed a few branches to loosen them up and get them some space and kept pulling our main stalk to one side.
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Once I got her to start obeying and growing how I wanted her I let her grow for a few days to get me a bit of height . This was just to help keep branches and foliage out of the soil when watering. If your plant is a bit lanky or taller at this phase. Training is easier.
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This particular plant has been the short stack type. A little more patience is required in training these gals but not much different at all

Then fast forward to today
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Whoo! Things are getting insterestin'! :wiz: Thanks for sharing, Teach! :cheers:
Hello again.

Decided to update the LST from the last few days


This is the 23rd before and after.

She is starting to bush out and blow up now. Absolutely loving all the light exposure from the LST

Where I like to start. And during this period on the plants life you can do this just about every day and sometimes even twice in a day.

I like to undo all the straps that are on that can be moved up a node.

Then we are going to move our strap to here

Then we turn our fan leafs out. If our branch is tied down we want the fans and nodes on left and right sides of branch

This let's the new nodes grow straight up and gets them a lot of exposure

Now the plant is getting bigger we are going to strap all the branches we can when we can.
I strongly believe this is where you can really add to the weight on final harvest with out stressing your plant by cutting it.

Some more thumbnail examples.


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Moving on to today/now

Since it's time to water and introduce nutrients I figured best to do a pop up class.

So before we get back to the daily LST let's get some nutrients and a bit of a run down.
Nutrients npk brands organics arrrrggghhhh.
For me this was one of the biggest headaches in the begginer days. Typically by this time every bottle or bag nute will have said to be on week 4 feed for this plant. Which is usually a very full feed
I have not fed this ANY additional nutrients besides what was in the bagged soil.
Just water
The point here is reading your plants will save you money and other headaches from over feeding and all that jive.

I DO encourage heavily to read around in the nutrients sections here and see what folks recommend and do a bit of research. Also highly recommend to experiment. Find more than one brand because these companies often change owners or batch mixes. So things can change.
Good news is tons of companies offer sample kits for shipping costs or very low costs.
I don't really invest too much faith into N-P-K ratings on the bottles. Just a rough guide. To see what the nute is heavy or light in.
I am personally not super well versed in this particular field so I'm not going to advise or teach mis information.
Back to the basics.
For this run I'll be using mega crop. And I have a few bottled nutes in case signs of Cal or mag defs down the line. But most likely will just be mega crop and then also mammoth P during flower.
Megacrop is a dry bag nute. Super simple to use. Not saying it is superior or inferior to anything. Just very simple.
Simple is great.
We are going to start her on 1/4 strength. This brand calls for 4 grams per gallon. So we give her 1 gram per gallon and work the way up gradually.

This is a very common mistake and one I have made many times.
I hate wasting good nutes and good water. And have had to do so. The nutes will change the pH of your water. Some more than others. Always check pH after adding nutes and slowly adjust back to 6.5

Also if you have a TDS/ppm meter. Now is a good time to start jotting your notes since using nutes now.
My ppm for this feed is about 290 ppm
Which is low. No chance that it burns our plant. pH is 6.5

1 gallon should be plenty of water.
And now is where the spray wand comes in handy. Since the plant is much more bushy. To keep from spraying nute water all over the leafs I like the wand to water under the canopy with ease. Also the pump and spray aerates the water. Added o2 is always good too
We try to keep the drip line watering going as best as possible.
Today's short leaf tucking and re tying session was pretty quick. And a few things I'd like to point out.
If you can see the opening that's left. The last little spot to fill up on the rim of the bucket.
I may have to rig up some extra training room or hang a trellis because this gal is a grower.
She is loving her light at about 22 inches.
And loving the training. And all in all just a very healthy plant. Great color. Passing all the daily check ups. Progressing into a heavy stretch. Shooting pistils and new nodes growths all over.
As long as we can keep these areas exposed to good light they will all grow like tops. Shoot off turn into a branch and have a nice chunky top just like all of the neighbors.


Was not much I could do besides re tie.
But the explosive growth on all of the middle stuff is very visible and just really let's you know you're doing it right. Inches a day it's been growing.
The small little new nodes 2 days ago are now established branches with own new nodes. In a day or two will need trained just like all the others.

As you can see in above pic
All the shoots off of the branches just see all that open room and light and can't help but to decide it wants to try to be "top branch"
We want every branch to grow with that kind of vigor. And very soon this above pic will look like mangroves and you won't be able to really tell which is the main branch.
And up top we will have a nice flat canopy soaking up all the light evenly.

The next few weeks of growth are all about getting all of the branches to beef up and get as many solid branches as we get out of her.
As long as you keep an eye on your plant and listen to what it is asking for. Keep the stresses low. The plant will flourish.
I'm more into getting advanced at the basics to get the job done.

Cheers class. See you in a few days.
Keep it simple
And as @archie gemmill says
Keep er lit!


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thats a mighty fine looking cuppa tea i saw there :coffee: the thining out can look a bit brutal at times,but it keeps coming back bushier than before :thumbsup: good colour and looking happy.
played about a few times with a tds meter but didnt quite get the 265 ontop of your water or including it ? my plain water was about 165.
thats a mighty fine looking cuppa tea i saw there :coffee: the thining out can look a bit brutal at times,but it keeps coming back bushier than before :thumbsup: good colour and looking happy.
played about a few times with a tds meter but didnt quite get the 265 ontop of your water or including it ? my plain water was about 165.
Good question. And yes including water ppm
Not sure if suposupp to include. But the way I figured is probably best to include. Those minerals and such have to mean something? Lol cheers arch
i thought water was water,bubbling or standing out for 24 hours never entered my head before was like rocket science first time i heard of it.
some parts of uk have a lot limestone rocks,so when the rainwater passes through the system drinking water can have very high calcium can make a furry scale grow on the element of the kettle,and the tea tastes horrid.glad i moved away.i imagine the ppm in some spots can be way higher than othersor if using a well.
i thought water was water,bubbling or standing out for 24 hours never entered my head before was like rocket science first time i heard of it.
some parts of uk have a lot limestone rocks,so when the rainwater passes through the system drinking water can have very high calcium can make a furry scale grow on the element of the kettle,and the tea tastes horrid.glad i moved away.i imagine the ppm in some spots can be way higher than othersor if using a well.
Reminds me.
It's also best to research your local water. If chlorine is used to treat water. It's acceptable for plants. Chloromine or how ever it's spelled I read will ruin your stuff.
Quick mini update on more lst.


Then re tied all the branches that were tied

Then strapped down everything else that I could


I have clipped a few extra large fans.
And as you can see we now have several dominant branches
And starting to not know which is the main branch.
Dramatic changes happening daily. As long as you keep on the LST and exposing everything in this stage the plant will blow up like shown.

Cheers AFN

