New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
That sound you heard was my headache meds thumping into the trash--Thanks for the info! Now at least I have a foundation of reliable knowledge truncated into something my brain can digest without too much agitation. I thought I was taking the path of least resistance by delving into the autos for my 1st foray into cannabis growing. I will also check out the outdoor grow bad ass. I've got the seeds & I want go with the grow! Much appreciate the assist!!

Well my friend.
Let your head hurt no longer. Grab a seat and catch up on class.

Ok. Pot size s where we will start.

Bigger the pot, bigger the roots.
Bigger the roots , bigger the fruits.
Out door. I would use no smaller than a 5 gallon.

And as far as transplants.
I wouldn't. You could always tier plant the seeds. Or just straight into the pot.

(Soil type)
Erm. That's a very broad question.
Not sure if you mean brand type or earth earth type . Like loamy .
Assuming you mean your lands soil type.
To be totally fair. That's a bit out of my realm of knowledge.
But I would get a sample of soil tested if possible. See what it may need as far as nutrients and go from there on what to use.
But as mentioned if I don't know I do know a guy or gal who will
@912GreenSkell is an absolute bad ass on the outdoor growing. I'm sure you could pick his brain a bit. And I believe he has an outdoor guide posted here somewhere on site.

And npk. So many different nutes . Sooo many numbers.
Although these numbers are important. They are often enough not highly accurate on the bottles n such.
So don't stress too much on the npk just use as a basic guide.

And I'm not sure if outdoor plants require the same nutrient schedule or not.
Depends on if using your land or bag soil I guess?
A few different factors here.

I do recommend additives instead of bottled nutes your 1st run.
Especially outdoor. Unless you have constant access to monitor.

There are a few products out there that you mix into your soil mix and pretty much just add water (ph'D) from beginning to end.

And also some really easy to use all in one nutes as well.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
But confident we can get you the help you need.

Cheers bubba
Thanks for the tag bud!! Always willing to help out on the outdoor growing front!!

Okay!! So feminized autos are not really the easiest to grow....the reason is that autos are set on a pre determined path to maturity, where photoperiod plants are set on their path of maturity depending on the amount of daylight hours.

Lots of different issues are laid out in the outdoor guide i wrote. Take a read of this and then tag me(@912GreenSkell)
Ok--thanks! Will check out the guide to "bad ass" outdoor auto grow & tag u back
Hey bud, welcome!

I’m a first time grower and doing an outside grow in pots as well and just created a thread, if you want to check out my setup (trying to keep it as simple as possible) you can find the thread here:
Ok-thanks! I will check it out--I'm sure tracking a setup for what I need to do will give me an even clearer path to my 1st auto grow, cuz I'm seeing auto doesn't translate into easy.
Thank you for this!! As I'm a new grower and need all the training I can get!!

I has a similar problem with my seedling, it pop the other day in rock wool but got caught on the side of the cube, the tap root went down into cube but the top of the seedling still had the shell on it. I had to pull it out of the cube and take the shell off which had the two first leaves stuck together. She looks better this morning.


sorry this camera isn't good i'll have to get another one.


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Thank you for this!! As I'm a new grower and need all the training I can get!!

I has a similar problem with my seedling, it pop the other day in rock wool but got caught on the side of the cube, the tap root went down into cube but the top of the seedling still had the shell on it. I had to pull it out of the cube and take the shell off which had the two first leaves stuck together. She looks better this morning.

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sorry this camera isn't good i'll have to get another one.
That's the whole reason I dislike germing in rockwool cubes.
But she does look good now. !
You did good helping your baby along bro
Awesome class today very well laid out and lots of kiss knowledge there for all to know and remember. Only question I have is @Mrs-A-Ton the principal behind all these lessons after that stellar solo-cup grow she performed. But anyways thanks again for your class, now time to fill out some pages in a couple books for some buddy's, oh ya I like the drip line idea I didn't realize how many people actually do this at the beginning til i joined the site. I've done it for years it's a easy trick to getting them up and moving in their new homes. Thanks again
Hello again class

Well we are taking the bob ross approach today in class.

There are no mistakes. Just knowledge gained by trial.

So to start today. Both of the seedlings have had a bit of a rough time with the fox farms soil.
Both had some stress. One took it much worse.
The other will grow out of it just fine.

Start with the worse of the two.
The heavyweight turbo bud

These pics do have a few days in between them

If it does not grow out of this and show some promise by next class we shall replace this one with another bean. And start over on this one.

As you can see the wilting on the leaves the twisting and curling all crazy. This can mean many things. Watering issues. Burning from nutes. pH issues. It's really really hard to tell when they are this small.
But since I have tested pH of soil and run off. Know how I have been watering. Have not added any extra nutrients or additives yet. We can just about narrow it down to a really hot mix of soil.

Some strains can be more resilient to these things. Which is why the other seedling has pulled through it already and has adjusted.
Which is a great mini lesson here. What's good for one strain . May not be good for another. So when it comes time for nutrients and such. Do light mixes separately and adjust accordingly.

Here is the better looking of the 2 so far.
The mephisto orange diesel.

I know that she has made a proper adjustment because her 1st 1 finger leaves stared to pray to the light yesterday and is still doing so.

The first true fans have a curl on them which did slow her down a tad. And after she is established these leafs will be pruned 1st.

Again. No nutrients to be added. Just our 6.5 water.
I feel pretty safe between (6.3-6.7)
So if close. Don't make a chemical mess with pH up and down.
I would rather dump the water with or without out nutes than try to feed my plants a chemical acid and base mess.

Also. To be noted. Don't take this as a genetics test as this is absolutely a soil issue. And have had this happen before.
Fox farms is not my go to on soil. But it is the best available to me locally.
And full disclosure. I have made the switch to coco and occasional dwc grows.
(Classes to come in future)
So if you have availability to better soil. Or the place to make a nice compost and build your own. Or have living soil. You will not have these issues often.

Cheers class.
The smokes on me today.
That sound you heard was my headache meds thumping into the trash--Thanks for the info! Now at least I have a foundation of reliable knowledge truncated into something my brain can digest without too much agitation. I thought I was taking the path of least resistance by delving into the autos for my 1st foray into cannabis growing. I will also check out the outdoor grow bad ass. I've got the seeds & I want go with the grow! Much appreciate the assist!!
Hello again class

Well we are taking the bob ross approach today in class.

There are no mistakes. Just knowledge gained by trial.

So to start today. Both of the seedlings have had a bit of a rough time with the fox farms soil.
Both had some stress. One took it much worse.
The other will grow out of it just fine.

Start with the worse of the two.
The heavyweight turbo bud
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These pics do have a few days in between them

If it does not grow out of this and show some promise by next class we shall replace this one with another bean. And start over on this one.

As you can see the wilting on the leaves the twisting and curling all crazy. This can mean many things. Watering issues. Burning from nutes. pH issues. It's really really hard to tell when they are this small.
But since I have tested pH of soil and run off. Know how I have been watering. Have not added any extra nutrients or additives yet. We can just about narrow it down to a really hot mix of soil.

Some strains can be more resilient to these things. Which is why the other seedling has pulled through it already and has adjusted.
Which is a great mini lesson here. What's good for one strain . May not be good for another. So when it comes time for nutrients and such. Do light mixes separately and adjust accordingly.

Here is the better looking of the 2 so far.
The mephisto orange diesel.

I know that she has made a proper adjustment because her 1st 1 finger leaves stared to pray to the light yesterday and is still doing so.

The first true fans have a curl on them which did slow her down a tad. And after she is established these leafs will be pruned 1st.
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Again. No nutrients to be added. Just our 6.5 water.
I feel pretty safe between (6.3-6.7)
So if close. Don't make a chemical mess with pH up and down.
I would rather dump the water with or without out nutes than try to feed my plants a chemical acid and base mess.

Also. To be noted. Don't take this as a genetics test as this is absolutely a soil issue. And have had this happen before.
Fox farms is not my go to on soil. But it is the best available to me locally.
And full disclosure. I have made the switch to coco and occasional dwc grows.
(Classes to come in future)
So if you have availability to better soil. Or the place to make a nice compost and build your own. Or have living soil. You will not have these issues often.

Cheers class.
The smokes on me today.
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A hearty thanks from a complete newbie for catching me up on the class. Now I can ask a more direct question as I have my 5 White LSD seeds germinating since I submerged them in distilled water on Sat nite for 20 hrs & then transferred them to continue germinating in a wet paper towel between 2 paper plates & all 5 of them are showing their tails. Now I need to know if when the tails get a little longer can I put them into their final pot & immediately outside or do I have to buy a grow light & keep them inside under a grow light until they get to a certain size. I live near Napa, CA & the weather for the remainder of May is predicted to be in the 70's & 80's, except for 4 or 5 days next week predicted to be in the high 60's & June is predicted to be in the 80's the entire month.
A hearty thanks from a complete newbie for catching me up on the class. Now I can ask a more direct question as I have my 5 White LSD seeds germinating since I submerged them in distilled water on Sat nite for 20 hrs & then transferred them to continue germinating in a wet paper towel between 2 paper plates & all 5 of them are showing their tails. Now I need to know if when the tails get a little longer can I put them into their final pot & immediately outside or do I have to buy a grow light & keep them inside under a grow light until they get to a certain size. I live near Napa, CA & the weather for the remainder of May is predicted to be in the 70's & 80's, except for 4 or 5 days next week predicted to be in the high 60's & June is predicted to be in the 80's the entire month.
I would go ahead and plant them in the pots and stick em in the sun.

I don't grow outdoors. But spring is here and I'm definitely gardening outside just not Canna.

Be sure to tag me in your journal