New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
Before we start.
I need to shower.

I only say this because it's very important.

Anytime you are about to enter your garden. Be clean. If been outside doing stuff. Make sure to clean up 1st. Don't now work outside and go in the grow. Inviting pests.
We hate pests in our gardens.

I shall return soon.

Today the fun begins.
We shall start with the mutant gal.

Since she only has one decent leaf so far it's time to put her out misery and use the soil for another bean

As you can see horrid root system. Which is never good. So i made the right call.
So we are going to just replant another and see how goes.
Hopefully after a few waterings the soil will be better.

Remember point side down
Now we kick that pot out of our way until time to tend a baby again.

Moving on to the girl transitioning to vegetation phase
Which will also be concluding our seedling phase.

A few things to note here on looking at a very happy plant.

1st thing that catches my attention is how are the leafs.
Size shape?
These are the basic run downs on reading and listening to your girls
First thing i notice is this little girl is praying her little butt off. So she is very happy. GREAT sign

When the leafs Are angling towards the light they refer this to praying (for those who may not know)
Now I'm looking at color and health.
Color is spot on. Nice darker green and healthy to boot.

Now you maynotice the mis coloration on the 1 finger and 3 finger leafs. Totally normal.

These leafs often die off early. And also often have funny mutated variations
I have 1 of these is a duck foot

Next thing i look at is branching/nodes
And stem health

wait no thats our stem shedding?
This is better than normal!
Like praying this is a sure sign of great growth. As the stem had to shed skin to keep up with growth. So very good
Now we look at branching

So far chugging along producing nodes properly as she grows

I also notice how these big fat fans on top are blocking out all the light from them.
Some like HST here.
Not me. I'm not a fan of hst on autos.
Also see the pony tail technique
Not going to go that way in class but an approved method of LST by me.
(Plenty of write ups on ponytailing here on afn!)

But we are going to fix this problem and conclude the seedling phase with the 1st LST bondage session.

Brb ina few with the final seedling phase lesson. :d5::smoking:
For the first training session i like to tie them down as close to the top as i can. Or where my green garden tape will fit

So i start by finding the proper. Node area to work with.
When i find where i can get my tape to fit around the main stem with out messing with any branching too much thats where i start to slowly bend over with my fingers.

Since in veg and very limber this is very easy to do. Just dont be a brute. When you get her bent over :crying: she will stay there in place. But to keep her from standing back up.

Tie her down:naughtystep:

Now that the puns are over .
If any branches get stuck under a leaf or the stalk. Use yer finger and just gently poke it through to the area you would like it to take over.

I did not actually secure this strap just weighted it down. Since it will be moved often and soon.

As the plant grows ill move the strap with the growth to keep it all low and even.
This exposes all the branching to light so they all will grow better. Continuing to do this process and with the new branches too , we will shape our plants and have a nice even canopy of top colas.

I do believe this concludes everything in the seedling phase for this survivor.

I will update the other beans progress and add any tips i may have missed
Also will add the link to the veg phase guide where we will continue the lst get into nutrients and a feeding schedule.

I hope this guide helps at least a few of you and again. Feel 100% welcome to comment or ask questions.
And tag me in yer journal's im always happy to give a looksie and a high five rep slap to my peeps

Cheers class!
Quick update before we dive into class

The other bean I dropped. Soil ate it. So we are moving on from plant two.

And now we are officially starting the veg phase.
So let me roll a rocket and grab my coffee and we will dive into some real fun.
Veg phase
To catch up over the last week. I did take a few pics to catch us up to live again

So about 2 days after last class this girl decided to try to get tough.
Broke out of her strap.

It happens no biggie

She had a few very large fans blocking so much light. So we re trained and pruned a few leafs.
The 2 leafs that were stressed from the start and the top 2 fans that were blocking out the whole plant.

From there we just pushed a few branches to loosen them up and get them some space and kept pulling our main stalk to one side.

Once I got her to start obeying and growing how I wanted her I let her grow for a few days to get me a bit of height . This was just to help keep branches and foliage out of the soil when watering. If your plant is a bit lanky or taller at this phase. Training is easier.

This particular plant has been the short stack type. A little more patience is required in training these gals but not much different at all

Then fast forward to today
Before we get started on the real LST. A few notes

I have watered only 1 time since last update. And gave her a good watering. About 15% run off. Still only water and always at 6.5 give or take .1

The overall health of the plant is still very excellent


She is starting to ask for a bit of food. So the next watering we will start her on a light nute cycle.

A few leafs look a bit off.

Could be a few reasons. The spotting had my concerns of small parasites or pests.
Mites n such.
So Always examine plants when any small thing like this is off. Confirm it's not bugs.
Bugs are easier to treat before they take over.
I have had a bad run in with spider mites one time. Still have mitemares from time to time
But fear not.
Pretty sure the cause of these leafs discoloration is just simply asking for a bit of food. Or they could have been the few leafs that got in the soil last time I trained and watered her.
Always check stalks and under the leafs during plant check ups .

Also have discovered she is showing sex now.

Not to fret if this happens early. It is a sign that flowering will begin soon. But typically see a good 2 week preflower stretch after we see these pistils.

Which tells me it's time to start prepping this girl to grow.


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