New Grower Raoul-Duke's Second Grow: DP Auto White Widow

Well I think it's later in the grow where it is more important. The Pro mix is peat which has very low ph and they buffer it with Dolomite lime. I'm just suspicious that you might use up all that buffering by the last part of the grow. At least that's how it was explained to me way back when....
My solution was at 6.1 before I started going up and down so maybe I'll keep it there. My bro is using the same medium and base nutes and he doesn't even check the ph, I haven't heard him complain about deficiencies so maybe he's on to something. Guess I'm just stubborn...

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Hey RD, looking good bro, could just be a smaller girl genetically which is the reason for the slow growth. I think WW are a small strain generally.

Also the topping will definitely slow things for a bit, I know it works with autos as Beast shows, but the slowing dev time puts me off. Should be taking off now mind. :d5:
I agree to jingo and jay, like i read you did everything right...maybe ph seems to my personal flavour a little bit to low, but doens't matter and not to forget, that autos do have sometimes the maturing time or also the" dormant" thing" ...on my last indoor grow they were stunted for 3-4 weeks, like really absolutely nothing happened, i watered and fed them lije hell, but no further grow...i think she's doing her thing and will proceed soon...Happy Growing!
Took a quick peek this morning to do a little leaf tucking and she seemed to have some nice growth from last night. Looks like big things are about to happen. Crossing fingers.

Pic from last night.

This morning's pic.

Hoping she's just a slow starter. Still not 100% percent what I want to do with the ph.

Thanks for looking out man. You're bang on with what's in the Pro-mix, they also use calcitic lime though. I e-mailed Pro-mix one day to get this info, I think I mentioned that in my last journal, but I need dig it up to look it over I think.

@Sensi Jay
Nice to see ya man. Thanks for the :vibes:. You could be right about her being a smaller girl, I guess that's what I wanted for my small space anyway. I've just been stalking some BB AWW threads and some of the growth was crazy. Just being my normal anxious self. The new growth I saw this morning is making me happy though. I've seen some of @autobeast work, some nice stuff.

Thanks for the reassurance brother. You're right to agree with those two, they sure know their stuff. Hopefully you're right and I should start to see some really nice growth soon. Always a pleasure :pass:

Thanks grow bros! :smokeout:
You know I just got to Thinkin I grew out a White Widow by zambeza seeds that was a very slow starter. I thought she was going to be a dud and then she finished at about a pound in a 3-gallon hard-sided plastic pot.
Now that's what I want to hear. Thanks bud! I'm in a 3 gallon hard plastic pot, if I get a pound, I'll be the happiest grower ever. :pass:
I found the emails to Pro-Mix. Figure it might help someone. This was in regards to my rising soil ph from my last grow where the ph was going up to 6.8-7.0.

Pro-Mix email 1:
I have been asked to help you with your pH in your growing mix .
pH in the Pro-Mix is normally stabile at pH6. Many possibilities why pH goes up :
1) Even though the water pH is set at pH 5.6, the pH can go up if the fertilizers you are using release calcium carbonate,
2) If the plants are not transpiring enough, the Ca will remain in the soil and gradually the pH will go up.
I have attached an article that explains the different reasons of the pH that rises over time in the soil.
If you need more information, you could try a different fertilizer that releases less calcium carbonate.
Here is a link that covers why pH rises in some cases.

Contact me if you need anything else.

Pro-Mix email 2:
Hello Raoul
I haven’t used the botanicare Cal mag product, but it could be releasing too much Calcium , which would affect your soil pH if the plant is not using it all. Keep in mind we add to Pro-Mix two lime sources that provide Calcium.
Also, for the Pro-Mix , it can take a couple of days to dry out at first, but normally as the plants get bigger they will use up more water. Also, the lighting will play a role in the plant use of water.

Hope this helps.

Hello again. Thanks again for all your help so far! I just had one last question (I'm sure I'll think of more though). What do you recommend I ph my nutrient solution to? Should I even worry about my solution's ph because of the buffers? Or is there a particular range I should try to swing between?
I thought of more...
If I do have to ph my solution do you recommend a particular acid?
Will the lime eventually run out/get flushed away over time, meaning I may have to watch my run off a little more?
Okay I think that's it! Thank you so much for your time, I'm sure you have lots of work to get done in the garden!

Pro-Mix email 3:
Sorry it took so long to get back, I was travelling last week.
I would talk with your fertilizer supplier, about acidiying fertilizer. That would correct your pH rising. Plant Products make different formulations with acid or other solutions.
Which area are you located, so that I could give you a contact name.
Your other question about lime. The lime normally remains for the duration of the crop. All depending on your plant or water, the lime remains in sufficient quantity, so you normally don’t need to add more.

So they never really answered what I should be phing to. I imagine they can't really talk about MJ, but maybe I should email back and try to find out more. I still got lots of great info and was surprised that they actually responded to me.
That was actually pretty interesting to me. Especially the fact that they set the pH of six for the Pro mix.
Ya from what I've read people like to do 5.8 and 6.2 ph so when the ph adjusts there's a bit of a swing. I have no proof of this working, just what I've read from other forums and threads.

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