Extraction QWET to Vape

Thanks for clearing that up for me. :thumbsup:

I had the temp at 78C then kicked it up to 80C on my first use of the distiller. I did watch the temp gauge pretty close. I noticed that when the green light went on it stopped at 78/80C, but after the heat turned off (red light) the temp kicked up to 90C to 100C. So I will need to gauge the temp by the gauge on the wheel. How long did it take you to run until you removed the top to boil off the water?
I did not time it but maybe 30 minutes. I judge by when 70% to 80% of the ethanol I started with distills out then I start watching closely.

I think my next run I will distill off most of the alcohol to save it then air dry the remaining. I am air drying a small batch I did yesterday to see if I like it better than boiled off in the distiller.

Then when the CarbonX gets here I will clean out an old reconstituted run to see how that goes.

I will find a method that gives me the ultimate vape oil!
I did not time it but maybe 30 minutes. I judge by when 70% to 80% of the ethanol I started with distills out then I start watching closely.

I think my next run I will distill off most of the alcohol to save it then air dry the remaining. I am air drying a small batch I did yesterday to see if I like it better than boiled off in the distiller.

Then when the CarbonX gets here I will clean out an old reconstituted run to see how that goes.

I will find a method that gives me the ultimate vape oil!

So 30 minutes for you and 1-1/2 hours for me. Now I see why it turned to tar/sludge :eek1:. It is easy to remove the top of the distiller so I will watch it closer.
I agree that it should be best to distill the majority of Everclear and air dry the rest. Sounds like a good plan.

We all KNOW if anyone can come up with the ultimate vape oil it will be you, and done as cheap as possible.
very hard to make GOPOD vape juice with VG or PG. But there is a solution, I've tested it and you won't find a diy that will match it! Terpene extracts! Now that is some you could do your self, but........ takes experience and expensive equipent. There is a company that sells bulk terpene soltions with lots of flavor options. This is what the best vape cartridges in dispensaries use now.

Here's a link:


Thanks for dropping by @pop22 and adding in your experience. I will take a look :drool:
very hard to make GOPOD vape juice with VG or PG. But there is a solution, I've tested it and you won't find a diy that will match it! Terpene extracts! Now that is some you could do your self, but........ takes experience and expensive equipent. There is a company that sells bulk terpene soltions with lots of flavor options. This is what the best vape cartridges in dispensaries use now.

Here's a link:

Hi @pop22 I am using terpenes exclusively. I have several brands. The Delta9 and Fogg are the best so far for flavors and the Viscosity is the best diluent. The problem I want to overcome now is the color. So far everything made from cured bud is too dark. I made a QWET from fresh frozen that is very good in all categories but I can only make it near a harvest. That is just not convenient. My last run is toasty in flavor and too dark but gets me higher than any dispensary vape product. Follow this thread I will figure it out.
Thanks @pop22

Hexane or any other solvent other than ethanol is out of bounds. I did winterize it. I think the biggest problem is too high of a temperature in the final process of boiling off the water. I am distilling off the ethanol to save it (I may be too cheap in trying to save it) Then the water is boiled off and the distiller burner gets pretty hot in its cycle. I may need to go to evaporation to keep the temperature much lower. It is not as big of a factor now since I can distill off cheap vodka to get my process ethanol.

What I really need is a vacuum oven but that is not going to happen $$$$$$$$$$$$.
Hi @pop22 I am using terpenes exclusively. I have several brands. The Delta9 and Fogg are the best so far for flavors and the Viscosity is the best diluent. The problem I want to overcome now is the color. So far everything made from cured bud is too dark. I made a QWET from fresh frozen that is very good in all categories but I can only make it near a harvest. That is just not convenient. My last run is toasty in flavor and too dark but gets me higher than any dispensary vape product. Follow this thread I will figure it out.

I ran across this from a thread from 2015 http://vapeurextract.com/ Looks cheap even for me :yoinks:
I ran across this from a thread from 2015 http://vapeurextract.com/ Looks cheap even for me :yoinks:
Those have PG, VG etc. there are a lot of people vape them. Just not my choice.

Well the air dried QWET is done and it is as dark as the others but the flavor is much much better. The buzz is excellent. Now to wait for the CarbonX sample.
Those have PG, VG etc. there are a lot of people vape them. Just not my choice.

Well the air dried QWET is done and it is as dark as the others but the flavor is much much better. The buzz is excellent. Now to wait for the CarbonX sample.

As you do keep on posting.