Extraction QWET to Vape

I distilled it off and it is darker than I was hoping. I think since I am using older weed (the worst of what I have on hand) and my finish is too hot causing oxidation. More work to do. Vape test tomorrow. I mixed it and filled the cartridge today. The terps taste better if you let them sit in the mix 24 hours before vaping. So here are the pictures from today:
Fill the distiller:

This is the temperature that distills the ethanol:

When it rises quickly the ethanol is done and you want to open it and finish boiling off the water.

All of this heat is what I think is causing the dark color and I will be doing something different next run.
Boiling off the water:


ok so 7.75 g for 6 oz of marginal pot. Getting that goop out is always an effort. Put in the freezer for an hour then flex the silicone container to break it into pieces. They are easy to measure out to get a gram. Mix that wit 12 drops of Viscosity and 5 drops of Fogg OG Kush. Warm in hot water, mix and put in a cartridge. Wait till tomorrow.

I am running out of inferior weed to work with so I need to dial this in soon. I think for the next run which will be much smaller, I will just evaporate off the ethanol. I want a light golden color from cured weed!
I am running out of inferior weed to work with so I need to dial this in soon. I think for the next run which will be much smaller, I will just evaporate off the ethanol. I want a light golden color from cured weed!

What is the value in this type of stuff when you have unlimited rosin? For patients that want ejuice?
Color seems to be a concern. That should be easy to fix. Why not just pass the fluid though a bed of activated charcoal/activated carbon (it's even 'organic'), even just add it on top of a filter?

Drinking water and alcoholic beverages (vodka?) are decolorized using activated charcoal. Isn't classic honey oil made this way?
What is the value in this type of stuff when you have unlimited rosin? For patients that want ejuice?
Yes portability and stealth are the driving motivations.

Color seems to be a concern. That should be easy to fix. Why not just pass the fluid though a bed of activated charcoal/activated carbon (it's even 'organic'), even just add it on top of a filter?

Drinking water and alcoholic beverages (vodka?) are decolorized using activated charcoal. Isn't classic honey oil made this way?

Activated carbon from coconuts, bitumen or wood all contain and release heavy metals when processed with organic solvents. I knew this already but your suggestion has lead me to look at new forms of carbon that might work without stripping actives and leaving nasties. Carbon nanotubes might work but are price prohibitive. I have a lead on a carbon product that might also work and I am awaiting a return of information and price. There is always new technologies out there. You have to remember how cheap I am so not only does it have to work but it must be economical as well.
Yes portability and stealth are the driving motivations.

Activated carbon from coconuts, bitumen or wood all contain and release heavy metals when processed with organic solvents. I knew this already but your suggestion has lead me to look at new forms of carbon that might work without stripping actives and leaving nasties. Carbon nanotubes might work but are price prohibitive. I have a lead on a carbon product that might also work and I am awaiting a return of information and price. There is always new technologies out there. You have to remember how cheap I am so not only does it have to work but it must be economical as well.

There are genuinely pure forms of activated carbon used widely throughout the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and other industries, with it likely available in diverse formats - loose, sheets, filter cartridges, etc. Maybe, start with some chemical/pharmaceutical lab. or industry-oriented supplier Web sites.
There are genuinely pure forms of activated carbon used widely throughout the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and other industries, with it likely available in diverse formats - loose, sheets, filter cartridges, etc. Maybe, start with some chemical/pharmaceutical lab. or industry-oriented supplier Web sites.
Yes I know that but any activated carbon will strip terpenes and actives (THC/CBD) as well as color. I will know more after the holiday from a company that has a manufactured carbon product designed for filtering QWET and only stripping the color. So they claim? It has to be affordable or I will be doing something else.