Lighting Question about temperature and how high I can go in wattage

I like the look of those quantum boards. I dislike the DIY factor though since I live in an apartment complex in a 60m2 apartment, with no tools or space available.

Know if you can buy them ready to go somewhere?

You can get them made up or the Kitts ,, your best googling yourself for suppliers :pop:
Yeah I have found quite a few.

Stumbled upon a company selling 450w leds for 109USD with this from the description:

Premium LEDs — High power 5W CREE LEDs and full spectrum 1200K, 3000K and 5000K COBs, much brighter and more efficient than traditional 3W LEDs.

So CREE and COBS, for that price?
It is absolutely pre-made and at a fixed height.

How about those COBS?

And would really a 300w LED cremate everything in that box? Is it because of heat or because of it being too much light?

My last grows were in a big room with 6 x 600w HPS of Cindarella99 papaya pheno by clone...but thing is, that was 2008, before that, and also during, I mainly focused on outdoor nordic climate strains.

So that is more than 10 years since my last grow experience indoor, I had a cfl cardboard box before that as teen reading Icmag, but other than that no experience.

So growing in this small ass cabinet is totally new to me, the equipment is totally new minus the odour control bit, the scale and form certainly different etc.

So thing is, I really don't know about using stuff as LED, what is good growing wise, what is the way to go for medium (coco, soil mix) etc.

Controlling height wont't be an issue though, square 1gal grow bags with plants grown in thight SOG and lollipop format, that is the one thing I've had time to study up on, some amazing micro sog's with high plant numbers and small space going on out there, some of the archive stuff on icmag is great stuff, had one guy who had perfected it there and had like a cult following, forgot his name. It is all about picking the right strain and do it 12\12 from day#1 in small containers.

Why would 300 actual watts of LED do the cremation? Heat and too much light. But since I suspect you're talking about some sort of pre-built light then you are literally talking about from 40w of LED. You could run 2 50w cobs, but in your case I would be more tempted to go along the lines of a QB or even a DIY strip panel like wot I made as you instantly gain a good 75mm in height as it doesn't have the same heatsink, fans, housing if you're looking at some sort of pre-built light, and also a height gain over COB's once you include heatsink and space for airflow if you do it right.

Am under led, I just use a bog standard bio compost and store own label nutes for flowering plants, no need for 12/12 if you're doing autos as you can just go up to 24/0 from the start to the finish
Yeah I have found quite a few.

Stumbled upon a company selling 450w leds for 109USD with this from the description:

Premium LEDs — High power 5W CREE LEDs and full spectrum 1200K, 3000K and 5000K COBs, much brighter and more efficient than traditional 3W LEDs.

So CREE and COBS, for that price?

And that will have an actual rating from 45w, and the actual power draw is the the important thing.

More info is needed.
Yeah I have found quite a few.

Stumbled upon a company selling 450w leds for 109USD with this from the description:

Premium LEDs — High power 5W CREE LEDs and full spectrum 1200K, 3000K and 5000K COBs, much brighter and more efficient than traditional 3W LEDs.

So CREE and COBS, for that price?
It has good reviews on Amazon that seem legit, they are a known reef aquarium light maker, venturing into grow lights. It sounds half way decent to me.

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pre-built light then you are literally talking about from 40w of LED. You could run 2 50w cobs, but in your case I would be more tempted to go along the lines of a QB or even a DIY strip panel like wot I made as you instantly gain a good 75mm in height as it doesn't have the same heatsink, fans, housing if you're looking at some sort of pre-built light, and also a height gain over COB's once you include heatsink and space for airflow if you do it right.

With pre-built I mean the cabinet, so I can't do anything about the height. Think I will be fine with 10cm high pots and a qb panel 10cm from the roof, will directly have a fan blowing between the qb and the roof, that leaves me 75cm of plant height. Then it is to find strains that I can 12\12 from seed that fit the popsticle growth when packed thight, sadly that excludes most sativa which is something I would want for variation.
It has good reviews on Amazon that seem legit, they are a known reef aquarium light maker, venturing into grow lights. It sounds half way decent to me.

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Yeah, they seem quite legit, that is why I am in awe over the price and the claimed cree they are using, plus the wattage.
With pre-built I mean the cabinet, so I can't do anything about the height. Think I will be fine with 10cm high pots and a qb panel 10cm from the roof, will directly have a fan blowing between the qb and the roof, that leaves me 75cm of plant height. Then it is to find strains that I can 12\12 from seed that fit the popsticle growth when packed thight, sadly that excludes most sativa which is something I would want for variation.

I've actually been thinking about building a grow box where a QB or one of my DIY efforts is fixed hard to the top with a grille behind it to allow heat to go straight out, or with only 2cm space to the "back" of the panel, and then, if you wanted, you could then mount your extraction in an "extra" box on some sort of anti-vibration mount so you pull the air around the back of the QB/panel, cooling the light and gaining you that little bit more space..

As I say, you're looking at photos if you're tying yourself to 12/12, but ignoring anything auto as you can get some pretty damn squat ones before you start bending things about. Just saying that some auto sativas, RQS Royal Dwarf springs to mind, could be an option as the Ruderalis in the auto tends towards squatter plants and they'll be quite happy running 18/6 or whatever all the way through. Otherwise, are you not just as well running the first three weeks of a photo on more like 18/6 for the first 3 weeks because she'll take that long to mature and start flashing her naughty bits anyway, so why waste precious veg time as she's basically just doing that?
I've actually been thinking about building a grow box where a QB or one of my DIY efforts is fixed hard to the top with a grille behind it to allow heat to go straight out, or with only 2cm space to the "back" of the panel, and then, if you wanted, you could then mount your extraction in an "extra" box on some sort of anti-vibration mount so you pull the air around the back of the QB/panel, cooling the light and gaining you that little bit more space..

As I say, you're looking at photos if you're tying yourself to 12/12, but ignoring anything auto as you can get some pretty damn squat ones before you start bending things about. Just saying that some auto sativas, RQS Royal Dwarf springs to mind, could be an option as the Ruderalis in the auto tends towards squatter plants and they'll be quite happy running 18/6 or whatever all the way through. Otherwise, are you not just as well running the first three weeks of a photo on more like 18/6 for the first 3 weeks because she'll take that long to mature and start flashing her naughty bits anyway, so why waste precious veg time as she's basically just doing that?

Undecided on whether I will run autos or photos.

Seedsman got some tempting options in his 'fast' line, same with quick critical from dinafem. They are photos, but of the extremely quick kind.
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Undecided on whether I will run autos or photos.

Sensi got some tempting options in his 'fast' line, same with quick critical from dinafem. They are photos, but of the extremely quick kind.

Oh boy, then we open up the other old argument, "is quick better" insofar as yield and potency goes, and I'm staying out of that one!!!