Lighting LED BUYER WORKSHEET! LED HYPE ENDS HERE! Now EVERYONE can compare any LED fixture in 5 minutes flat!

Learning from each other is what it’s all about, but I bet he don’t post that shit on a cobshop thread to share the knowledge! Lol.
Thanks for the support bud! AFN has asked me to avoid calling out specific companies though... They're running an outstanding forum here so I really want to respect their wishes on this. Lol shit got way out of hand before :hothot: Please help me keep the peace my friend:smoking:
I get it, I do
But without using another companies specific name we have to at least be able to have a basis of comparison to what’s available. Wattages and efficiency are great but most of the conversation since I have started growing has been towards spread and penetration. Also I think something that I’ve either missed in the conversation or just didn’t get needs to be discussed with any light.
If theses lights are designed for commercial grows or photoperiod plants just let me know, because I’m confused about intensity and light height. I am very familiar with COB lights( which these are and offered by lots of vendors) and the strip or board type lights offered by many vendors. My thinking may be way of but everything I have seen up until this point has focused on trying to spread out the canopy of the light creating a uniform area.
The smaller wattage cobs offered by many would spread 6-8 over an area to get to 300w. The boards strips or whatever you want to call them spread even more from what I see and pull the same 300w.
How much height above the canopy do I have to run a unit like this to get an even spread over my plants?
Do I need to join Instagram to see more grows/usage of this light or another site. What’s been posted here so far leaves a lot of questions since the growers arent giving a lot of feedback as to height or their thoughts on them.
I might be the only one but please tell me why a super intense COB is better than the direction the rest of the market is headed in? We don’t need to use any other vendor here. Pick anyone
My light is better than Fluence because.....
My lights are better than HLG because......
My light goes against conventional wisdom and market trend and is better because.....

I jumped on COBs
I jumped on QBs
If you are the next best thing then tell me why so I can believe it and jump on board.
Thanks for the support bud! AFN has asked me to avoid calling out specific companies though... They're running an outstanding forum here so I really want to respect their wishes on this. Lol shit got way out of hand before :hothot: Please help me keep the peace my friend:smoking:
Right on brother , the shit is just aggravating! I’ve seen other vendors get pretty mad when someone posted information about another product on their page . Respect should go both ways ! I use quantum boards , far red /deep red/ royal blue strips & cobs so I don’t discriminate , I ain’t got no dog in the fight lol!
@Frenjamin Banklin If you watch and listen to the videos on my main thread from Subcool, Pedro and SOOTDAWG they all document their grows and say a lot about the light. They all say that they love it and it's kicking ass, I highly recommend you give them a listen.

They heap praise every time and talk about their hanging heights several times, please watch and listen to the videos on my main thread and let me know if you still have questions.

Subcool has 4 Cannons over about a 4'x7' area and his canopy is perfectly even, please check out the recent videos in my main thread.

Spread is not really an issue or a selling point, I'm not sure how it became such a big question. People can get even growth over a 4'x4' with a single 1000 Watt HPS, why couldn't they do it with three 240 Watt COBs? It'll be 3 times easier. Spreading the light more than this could not possibly be more important than cost or efficiency.

I recommend an 18" hanging height for a perfectly even canopy over a 2.5' x 2.5'. You definitely do not need to worry about uniform spread of light over a 2.5' x 2.5' area at 18". Here's a picture of the Cannon's spread with and without a reflector, without a reflector the light from these COBs comes out at almost 180 degrees:

NO WORRIES! That shit is wider than all outside:smoking:

This light is designed to cover a 2.5' x 2.5' area, and its easy enough to use multiples so I definitely think its viable for commercial growers and home growers. Just clip on a $6 ratchet hanger and you're off to the races.

I don't think it means anything to say a light is "for photoperiods". If autos need less light intensity you can raise your light and cover more area. It's the same thing growers have done since the dawn of indoor, why is it a question now? Also, you can dim the Cannon 1 Watt at a time down to 120 Watts if your plants need less light. So it's for autoperiods and photoperiods, just like every other light.

Pedro is covering a 3' x 3' with a single Cannon, and he has it about 20" above the lowest part of his canopy in the center. Here's a video he just posted about his hanging height:

His entire grow and all his impressions of the Cannon are documented in the recent videos on my main thread. Spoiler alert, he's filling out an entire 3'x3' with a single COB and he says every time that he fucking loves it:smoking:

The point of the Cannon is to be a powerful, easy to use, high efficiency, low heat, fully assembled, plug & play fixture at DIY prices.

The really important metrics are dollars per watt and efficiency in umol/J. That's why they're on the LED Buyer's Worksheet at the start of this thread, they tell you what you're really getting.

Again, DOLLARS PER WATT and EFFICIENCY!!! Super, super important. How much light are you getting and how much is it costing you? Would it cost you much less somewhere else? Its all on the worksheet, 5 questions at the start of this thread.

I made it really easy for everyone to do the math for themselves, because I think that was the best way. Now nobody needs me to make direct comparisons. Seriously though, my main thread is covered in opinions and results from well known growers. Not sure how that's still in question.

Thank you for your input and your civility! I highly appreciate a good discussion, and I'm hoping people will ask questions and benefit from it. Please check out the worksheet at the top of this thread, everything you need to know about the value of an LED Fixture is on there. Happy growing brotha:smoking:
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