New Grower Qb135w V2 DR60 HSO Blue Dream Auto

So it's day 19 of my blue dream grow

Having what appears to be cal/mag def so following advice I have foliar sprayed with pm magne cal at 3ml per litre twice 2 days ago and yesterday watered with 750ml with 0.75ml magne cal in the morning and again about 10 hours later. It's difficult to tell if it's helped or not as it has spread to higher leaves but stopped at the top leaves.

Oh yeah was topped at day 16 at the 4th node before I noticed the problems and when checked a few hours later one of the stems had snapped clean off.

Any way here's some pics.

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Yes that looks like a Cal-Mag issue but could also be PH related. Do you have a soil probe to test the PH in the root zone (the only place it really counts). if not I recommend the Accurate 8. If you need to make changes do it slowly over a few days.

It also looks like you could up the base nutes a little bit and give them a night time at least 4 hours.
I'd like to give her a dark period but I think I need the heat from the light. Do you think I should try lights off for 4 hours tomorrow afternoon and see what the temp drops to? I'm sitting around 20c with it on.

Thanks for the help.

I'd like to give her a dark period but I think I need the heat from the light. Do you think I should try lights off for 4 hours tomorrow afternoon and see what the temp drops to? I'm sitting around 20c with it on.

Thanks for the help.

Yeah that is too cool daytime temps should be 25°C to 30°C. 20° is the bottom of lights out temp. Can you warm it up somehow? Perhaps get a small oil filled space heater.
@Auto melt i like your confidence!! Thanks for stopping by .

@Mañ'O'Green I only have a pH pen and really can't stretch to buying a soil probe this month. If it makes any difference I haven't fed her any bottled nutes at all just been what's in the soil and plain water until a few days ago when magne cal was added. If you recommend using grow just now should I start at 1/4 strength dose? And should I wait till the pot dries out a bit? as I just watered 1.5l yesterday.

Thanks for the help


The room it's in is getting renovated just now and the radiator is off the wall but I should have it finished by this weekend so the room should be warmer then.

I plan to buy a small oil radiator next pay day which isn't for another 4 weeks. I'lI try and ask around to see if I can borrow one until then.


@Auto melt i like your confidence!! Thanks for stopping by .

@Mañ'O'Green I only have a pH pen and really can't stretch to buying a soil probe this month. If it makes any difference I haven't fed her any bottled nutes at all just been what's in the soil and plain water until a few days ago when magne cal was added. If you recommend using grow just now should I start at 1/4 strength dose? And should I wait till the pot dries out a bit? as I just watered 1.5l yesterday.

Thanks for the help

I have never used the brand you are using but it is usually safe to start at 50% then bump up 10% at a time until you get a little bit of tip burn then back off 10%. Fertigate with your PH right in the middle at 6.5 since you don't know what is happening in the root zone. Be sure to keep your nutrients in balance. Learn about Liebig's law of the minimums to understand what I mean by keeping them in balance.
@Mañ'O'Green Thanks for the help and subbing up. Congratulations on becoming a staff member as well.

I handled the seed 3 times during the germination process, I will try your method on the next run. I have a temp/humidity sensor in the tent and I sit around 20/21c, I have lights on 24/7. Humidity hovers between 50/55 Rh. Got a pH pen but haven't used it yet. I will check my water tonight or tomorrow. I am using plant magic soil, plant magic old timers grow, bloom and magne cal. Soil should have enough in it for about 4 weeks i hope. Plan to use grow when it looks needed until the stretch stops then onto the bloom and will now use the magne cal at every feeding at 1ml per litre.

My next post will be my update with pics.

@Froot n Fuel

The pot was very light and the soil was dry down to my first knuckle so felt right to water it. Light raised to the highest it can go -34"


Hi mate thanks for subbing. Can you give me a link to your grow? and I'll follow along.


Here's a link buddy.
@Mañ'O'Green. I'll make sure I do that when I next feed. Just read up on Liebig's law and I now understand what you mean by balance.

For being open minded and willing to investigate:
She hasn't been watered since potting up to a 16l in prewetted soil about a week ago so thought 750ml in the morning and 750ml at night would be fine? I find watering a difficult art to master

The light was about 30" from the canopy but I raised it to about 34" this morning thinking it could be a bit of light burn too?

This is the first time I've grown under led, first time using the instatransplant cup and the first using a smart pot. Ive only managed one decent grow a few years ago under HPS.

Lots of firsts. Lots of learning to do but I will get better with practice, reading and guidance from this amazing forum.

Thanks again for the help.


I don’t know what’s the best way too water too be honest.

But feeding plants water from the bottom is usually a good idea... the plants usually suck it up... if they don’t just empthy the saucer out.....simples.....