New Grower Qb135w V2 DR60 HSO Blue Dream Auto

@Auto melt i like your confidence!! Thanks for stopping by .

@Mañ'O'Green I only have a pH pen and really can't stretch to buying a soil probe this month. If it makes any difference I haven't fed her any bottled nutes at all just been what's in the soil and plain water until a few days ago when magne cal was added. If you recommend using grow just now should I start at 1/4 strength dose? And should I wait till the pot dries out a bit? as I just watered 1.5l yesterday.

Thanks for the help


Ypu need a good fertiliser.... something like bio bizz fish mix usually conditions the soil..... That’s the best out the bunch.

Or get some bat guano

What nutes ypu using
Ypu need too add microbes and bring the soil back too life my man.... most sooils are sterilised too kill everything in it... unless soil is pure organic and is internationally approved organics that’s the only way too have to kick ass straight away.

Ypu need time too cook the soil a rich fertiliser will do the trick.
Bat Guana is a good ph stabiliser.....
Or ph but i didn't read ahead sorry
Measure ypu run off ph.
Measure ypu run off ph.
Do Not Use run-off as a PH indicator it is notoriously inaccurate. If you want to measure PH in the root zone where it counts you need a good soil probe. I recommend an Accurate 8 Soil probe. Yes they are expensive - most good tools are. Look at it another way 100g of good bud is worth $$$$ compared to a dead plant and wasted time ($$$$).
Do Not Use run-off as a PH indicator it is notoriously inaccurate. If you want to measure PH in the root zone where it counts you need a good soil probe. I recommend an Accurate 8 Soil probe. Yes they are expensive - most good tools are. Look at it another way 100g of good bud is worth $$$$ compared to a dead plant and wasted time ($$$$).

I once spoke too some guy from a hydro shop he told me amending ph soil is not so easy... you want too slowly amend it and it can take 4 weeks too hit the sweet spot....

It always good too use a good soil in the first time. Where I’m from plagron or canna is top notch. It’s afjusts the ph good,

But I agree the measuring tools are important.
@Auto melt

Hi mate, I'm finding your advice very confusing? And conflicting to what I've been reading and been told by others. What do you mean by the soil is sterilised to kill everything? It doesn't make sense to me?? Im using specially formulated soil for cannabis from plant magic along with their organic nutrients plus magne cal.


Sadly I won't be able to stump up that kind of cash until next year with Christmas on the way. What would you say about getting a cheap one to tide me over? Seen one for $7.99 unsure if I can link to it so I won't but it's a mooncity 3 in 1 soil tester.

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@Auto melt

Hi mate, I'm finding your advice very confusing? And conflicting to what I've been reading and been told by others. What do you mean by the soil is sterilised to kill everything? It doesn't make sense to me?? Im using specially formulated soil for cannabis from plant magic along with their organic nutrients plus magne cal.


Sadly I won't be able to stump up that kind of cash until next year with Christmas on the way. What would you say about getting a cheap one to tide me over? Seen one for $7.99 unsure if I can link to it so I won't but it's a mooncity 3 in 1 soil tester.


Before soils are packed there sterilised by manufactures too kill weeds..... except for registered organic soils. I told ypu too build up microbial life within the soil by using bio bizz fish mix or bat Poo.

My advice is spot in mate, Except for the ph of run off water.

If others advice is spot on and makes sense, then I won’t simply be giving anymore out then, but I’ll still be watching