Some comments about reservoirs and nutrient behavior therein. The Greenleaf (MegaCrop) mix continues to show a tendency for particles to come out of solution, and for a slight "scum" to form on top. The Prescription Blend stays perfectly clear. If all other factors are equal, then this alone is a hands-down win for Prescription Blend. As it is, I only mix up enough Greenleaf mix to last about 3 days; that's about all I dare run before rinsing out the reservoir and re-loading. This is actually a bit self-defeating of one the the may advantages of an AutoPot system. Here's how the last 1/2 inch of the Greenleaf reservoir looks:
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And .... yep, the problem flows on through the lines and valves. Take a look at the AutoPot valves of the two Greenleaf plants:
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You'd be correct to assume that its just a matter of time before the lines clog -- mostly right at the various junctions, branches, and shut offs.
But now look at the AutoPot valve of the Prescription Blend plant. Nice and clean.
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Tagging you
@St. Tom 'cause I know you were interested in this subject.