New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

How much water are they getting, when you water?
What's the temps?
Is there a fan blowing hard on the one with curled leaves?
I water them just to the point of seeing water run out of the bottom. I use 2 gatorade bottles for all 4, so 64oz or a little less than 1900 ml. My temps stay between 77 and 83 now that its cooled off outside some. I do have a fan blowing on them but the one with curled leaves is in the back with the ones without curled leaves in front of it @Yeatster . I was wondering if maybe I was underwatering but the bigger ones get the same amount so I'm not sure thats it. I didn't want to water more frequently because of that gnat issue I had.
It's like being in love, isn't it? I was just talking with some people the other day about how growing helps so much people suffering from depression. It seems to trigger those "I'm in love" peptides and brings so much joy. :)

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Growing is definitely the best anti depressant I've evey took.
I water them just to the point of seeing water run out of the bottom. I use 2 gatorade bottles for all 4, so 64oz or a little less than 1900 ml. My temps stay between 77 and 83 now that its cooled off outside some. I do have a fan blowing on them but the one with curled leaves is in the back with the ones without curled leaves in front of it @Yeatster . I was wondering if maybe I was underwatering but the bigger ones get the same amount so I'm not sure thats it. I didn't want to water more frequently because of that gnat issue I had.
Its weird that overall they look really healthy. Maybe @derek420colorado can help.
Well all of my girls have showed pistils except the Sour Crack. I'm going to give it 3 more days and then I think I'll pull it and start a new bean. It's now my shortest plant even though its the oldest and its just bushy and congested with 0 bud sites. I'm not sure whats wrong with it, but I'm tired of seeing it when I open the tent. At this point it just feels like its taking up space that a new plant could be using.
Look at this thing at day 28. It's just a complete ugly mess.
grow824 005.jpg
Me old mate , you are in the best place for help , but bear in mind it is your first grow , so spend as much time as you can looking at them , and spend time understanding - PH - N.P.K - Cal Mag - and watering , and bobs ya uncle , trust me , I did some big $%*& ups , by time you are on to your 4 th grow . Hoy what is all the fuss about :thumbsup: , then you move onto yield and that is another set of rules . The joy you get out ways every thing else . Same as having a girl friend or wife , love them and they will love you . :vibe: :slap:
If your plants are young and you have gnats, look into some DE(diatomaceous earth) use that instead of sand, it works much better

Very interesting. Seems to be marketed more as a human detox supplement, here in the UK. I like how this works, for bugs it apparently gets under their shells and dries the buggers out. Seems to have a million-and-one uses. Ordered for next day on Spamazon.

Nice 1 @derek420colorado. Learn something new everyday on AFN :coffee::pass:
I'm only on my second grow 2 of my plants sexed at 21 days 2 at 30 and one at 45 that northern light that I thought i would have to flip to 12-12 took 105 days just pulled her last night she's a good 3 oz and she looks good and smells good. I would have never pulled her unless male or dead or did not flower after I tried I have everything I need to grow except experience and going for the long haul is how I will learn.Oh and a couple of mine were ugly I guess they forgot to tell the bud cause it was fine.