New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

I've had the 2 LED's on them since the first week. I have them around 28 inches away from the top of the tallest. I just use the CFL's on the sides basically. I wonder if having the CFL's so close ( about 4 inches up) is whats keeping them so short.
I've had the 2 LED's on them since the first week. I have them around 28 inches away from the top of the tallest. I just use the CFL's on the sides basically. I wonder if having the CFL's so close ( about 4 inches up) is whats keeping them so short.

Okay, I misunderstood. Personally, I like em like that, at this stage. In a week, you'll see. Those look great to me. They will stretch. Very soon, you'll see. 4" is not too close for CFL. When I used CFL, I had them 2".
I think you are doing great!
Ahh ok @Yeatster . I thought mine were way too small. That's good to hear. I was worrying that I might end up with only enough bud from 4 plants to get a midget high for 3 days. Thanks Yeatster.

No sir. Looking really healthy. I happen to have a Sour Crack about the same age. Maybe a day or 2 behind, at most.


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Heres a few pics. I decided to unbind the plants until they get a little taller. I'll give them 1 more week and then try LST.

Deep Blue C Day 22. 5 inches tall
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Sour Bubblin Crack Day 22. 4.5 inches tall
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Chemdogging Day 19. 3.5 inches tall
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Chem Bubbly Day 17. 3 1/4 inches tall.

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The short stature of these plants has me a bit worried. Hopefully they start to grow more within the next week. I wonder if I move the CFL's and just hit them with the 2 300w LED's would that help them stretch a little bit?
they are looking good, not a clue about them height-wise...sorry. Im having troubles just getting mine to sprout. I think I killed my seeds with my nuclear powered mix I concocted. To me right now, any growth is good growth lol, but yeah Im glad to see your's are coming along nicely in my opinion.
they are looking good, not a clue about them height-wise...sorry. Im having troubles just getting mine to sprout. I think I killed my seeds with my nuclear powered mix I concocted. To me right now, any growth is good growth lol, but yeah Im glad to see your's are coming along nicely in my opinion.
Thanks Viper. Sorry to hear about your problems man. That's why I just used plain old organic mix and the super soil from @mephisto. That way I only have to water. It's perfect for a noob like me.
Hello all. Thought I give a pic update since its been a few days. I've only been watering every 3 days, but I waited 4 this time because the meter said the soil was moist this time. I've checked out a few other grow journals, specifically Deep Blue C grows. Sorry I forgot to write down the members name for the DBC grow so I can't tag him. Anyway his DBC at day 31 is huge compared to mine at day 27 and he's using about 60 watts less of LED light than I am. His also has already shown preflowers while I'm just now seeing my 1st 2 pistils, so at this point I'm not overly excited about this super soil I bought from mephisto. I think I would have been better off buying nutes like others do rather than going the water only route. Unless I see some super growth within the next few days I think I'll give up on the supersoil for my next grow. I'm also having some issues with the Chem doggin. Several of the leaves are turning upwards on the edges. I'm not sure what could be causing this as It's only happening on this 1 plant. I lowered it by 5 inches to see if it may have been the light, but no changes. Some of the leaf stems are purpling as well.

DBC Day 27
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DBC 1st pistils
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Sour Bubblin Crack Day 27 .Far shorter than DBC and totally bushy and congested underneath. I've bent it over underneath, but it's impossible to pull the new branches out for light since they're so tiny and frail.
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Chem dogging Day 23 with curled leaves and purple stems
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Chem Bubbly Day 21
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