New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

So i have just battled this my self. Had some of those fuckers in the soil that i recently got. It happens and they are a pain but you can control them with a few methods. Sticky traps are a must, it catches the adults and stops them from laying the eggs. Sand stops the adults that you dont catch from laying them. Also yes dry soil can prevent them from living but gnat larva can suspend animation during dry spells and and then start again once the soil is moist and damp, so youll need to kill them as well.

Peroxide was the ticket for me, 3% from the drug store will be fine. Mix 1/2 cup to a gallon of water. Its a mild mix but it will do the trick, it wont fry the roots or kill anything else in the soil other than the larva. I did this for two waterings and it took care of the issue along with the traps and the sand. One thing that i would do is water with the mix, then a normal light water from the bottom of the pots. Place them in a saucer and water the saucer and allow the soil to soak up the water. It keeps the top layer from getting damp under the sand and activating the larva again. Then after that watering hit the top again one last time with the peroxide mix. Should take care of the issue. My plants havent taken any kind of hit at all from this.
Thanks Fullduplex ! I went ahead and did the peroxide last night at lights on (8pm) and then added a little plain water in the drain pot. I just went down to check on them and I don't see any of the small bugs running around when I move the sand and dirt around. I'll wait 3 days and then do it again. Thanks for the tip.
you can use hydrogen peroxide but that shit can fry your roots, just use some DE or sand. fuggin little fuggers
Thanks for the reply Derek. I already applied the peroxide last night. It seemed to work so far because I'm not seeing any of the little bastards crawling around this morning. Hopefully that plus the sand and traps takes care of the issue. If not I'll just have to cover the plant and then hit the creeps with a flamethrower. :grrr2:
LOL, I can relate to this very well, I have enjoyed reading and viewing your progress thus far...I think if you are still setup in the basement we might be having similar environments.
Hey Viper. Thanks for stopping by. I'll have to go check out your grow. I'm just setup in a small basement room now. If my harvest turns out good I may be able to upgrade a little bit. The temps in my room are staying on the high end around 79-85 so I'm kind of afraid to add a tent. I made a poor mans box out of cardboard and mylar emergency blankets and the temps went up to 83-86 with 3 fans in the room and the door open so I'm not sure a real tent is such a good idea.
Hey Viper. Thanks for stopping by. I'll have to go check out your grow. I'm just setup in a small basement room now. If my harvest turns out good I may be able to upgrade a little bit. The temps in my room are staying on the high end around 79-85 so I'm kind of afraid to add a tent. I made a poor mans box out of cardboard and mylar emergency blankets and the temps went up to 83-86 with 3 fans in the room and the door open so I'm not sure a real tent is such a good idea.

if you want to lower the temps you need a way to extract the hot air, ie with an exhaust fan type situation
if you want to lower the temps you need a way to extract the hot air, ie with an exhaust fan type situation
Maybe I'll open the 2nd door and have 2 fan bringing air in and the other one blowing it out then. Buying a small portable ac would be a waste of money now since August is really the last month of having 90+ temps around here. In a month or so the temps should drop down to the 70's .
Maybe I'll open the 2nd door and have 2 fan bringing air in and the other one blowing it out then. Buying a small portable ac would be a waste of money now since August is really the last month of having 90+ temps around here. In a month or so the temps should drop down to the 70's .

yep if you have the ability to open two doors and create a flow of air with some box fans or something that would probably work
So I went down to do the 2nd treatment of peroxide today and I'm seeing something new. What I thought were just dust particles moving through the air turned out to be some type of tiny white flying bugs. I stared at them long enough to realize it finally. I have 6 bright yellow sticky cards up but I don't see any bugs on them at all. Once again when I watered I can see those small white bugs moving in the sand. It's nowhere near the amount that I saw before though. But the few that I did see were in all 4 pots ! I checked the leaves top and bottom and don't see any bugs, poop, or anything at all on them. The small light colored ones in the sand are seriously so small that I can't even take a picture of them moving around. As soon as I get my phone with the macro close enough to the sand they're gone down into the sand again. It's impossible to pick one out and take a pic because the damn things are smaller than the grains of sand. This is driving me crazy.
Try a wedge of potato in top of soil. In 24 hrs. Check potato, if gnat larvae, the wedge will be coated. You will then have something worthy of a pic.
If potato is coated with larvae, take that flame thrower, you mentioned to it. Then eat it. Full of yummy protein goodness.
I have dealt with gnats and a Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, yellow sticky trap combo worked best for me. The DE, I put in a salt shaker and sprinkled topsoil as soon as top dried enough to not soak DE. Repeat after every water (when dried).

Good luck!
And peace
Well I checked the potatoes and they are brown and absent of any bugs at all. I still see a couple moving on the sand though. My yellow sticky traps only have 3 gnats on them. I wish I had a really good camera with nice zoom on it. I'm going to see if I can borrow one.