New Grower Praying I don't mess up my 1st grow

So they'll just die on their own in that sand? How does that happen?
Larvae is a pain in the ass and yes they can multiply like crazy and be abundant quickly. They can't survive in sand though. Or dry dirt. There are ways to off them so no worries. But larvae look like worms.
Larvae is a pain in the ass and yes they can multiply like crazy and be abundant quickly. They can't survive in sand though. Or dry dirt. There are ways to off them so no worries. But larvae look like worms.
So I looked the larvae up and these things definitely look like what I saw.

They were very small though. Like the end of a sharp pencil.
Yee Ger! That looks like what you've got then. The leftovers of the gnat problem... Gnats aren't too bad mate, if you're gonna have bugs I'd choose gnats any day, they don't really bother the leaves too much so if there's a few buzzing about the place it's not good, but it's not DOOOOM like thrips or spider mite.

It's too late for this tip now but the reason I use vinegar for pH down is that it deters the gnats from laying eggs in the soil. (This is a tip I got a few years ago from an old timer called Duke, he knows stuff!) Lemon juice or pH down won't help this.

Where about sin the world are you mate? I'm UK. There's a product here called Gnat Off that can be used at any time in the grow without affecting the plants. I've used it, it works. What you've got to bear in mind tho is there might be unhatched eggs in the soil, so it's best to do what it says on the bottle, then do it again a couple of weeks later.

Tanlin is good too.. [emoji111]️
Yee Ger! That looks like what you've got then. The leftovers of the gnat problem... Gnats aren't too bad mate, if you're gonna have bugs I'd choose gnats any day, they don't really bother the leaves too much so if there's a few buzzing about the place it's not good, but it's not DOOOOM like thrips or spider mite.

It's too late for this tip now but the reason I use vinegar for pH down is that it deters the gnats from laying eggs in the soil. (This is a tip I got a few years ago from an old timer called Duke, he knows stuff!) Lemon juice or pH down won't help this.

Where about sin the world are you mate? I'm UK. There's a product here called Gnat Off that can be used at any time in the grow without affecting the plants. I've used it, it works. What you've got to bear in mind tho is there might be unhatched eggs in the soil, so it's best to do what it says on the bottle, then do it again a couple of weeks later.

Tanlin is good too.. [emoji111]️
Im in the US. I'll have to google it and see if I can't order some online. I read that I could try 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water also. Not to sure about that though. Thanks Vlad
Im in the US. I'll have to google it and see if I can't order some online. I read that I could try 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water also. Not to sure about that though. Thanks Vlad

you can use hydrogen peroxide but that shit can fry your roots, just use some DE or sand. fuggin little fuggers
So i have just battled this my self. Had some of those fuckers in the soil that i recently got. It happens and they are a pain but you can control them with a few methods. Sticky traps are a must, it catches the adults and stops them from laying the eggs. Sand stops the adults that you dont catch from laying them. Also yes dry soil can prevent them from living but gnat larva can suspend animation during dry spells and and then start again once the soil is moist and damp, so youll need to kill them as well.

Peroxide was the ticket for me, 3% from the drug store will be fine. Mix 1/2 cup to a gallon of water. Its a mild mix but it will do the trick, it wont fry the roots or kill anything else in the soil other than the larva. I did this for two waterings and it took care of the issue along with the traps and the sand. One thing that i would do is water with the mix, then a normal light water from the bottom of the pots. Place them in a saucer and water the saucer and allow the soil to soak up the water. It keeps the top layer from getting damp under the sand and activating the larva again. Then after that watering hit the top again one last time with the peroxide mix. Should take care of the issue. My plants havent taken any kind of hit at all from this.
Hi Itisi. I'm kinda limited as far as where I can grow. I'm in a back room in my basement and that's the only area of my house where my kids won't go. I told them it's full of spiders, mice, and ghosts.:vibe: The ceiling is 7' high though so I may have to invest in a cheap tent.

LOL, I can relate to this very well, I have enjoyed reading and viewing your progress thus far...I think if you are still setup in the basement we might be having similar environments.